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Everything posted by Raiko

  1. By 'neutral' what exactly do you mean? What do you fine as a 'neutral'? Are we talking cowards who never stand for anything or are you talking about someone who simply stands their ground that isn't the ground others stand upon themselves? It's import to stick to your principles and guns, but that doesn't make you 'neutral' as that decision puts you on your own side. Neutral would be something like a Nihilist who believes in nothing and accomplishes nothing in return. That is the worst kind of person in my opinion. I'd rather take the most insane extremist than a Nihilist. Better to have someone who at least believes in something than one who believes in nothing, including themselves.
  2. Yes, they will. Hell they're dying off already as we speak, and have been dying off anyways. It's just a natural thing that happens.
  3. Yeah I know there's a Skype exchange masterthread, but oddly enough it seems that despite the fact people have put up their skype info, most of them actually don't want to talk on skype? Yeah I don't get it either, so I'm posting this here for anyone who wants to chat cause I am bored as all get out. (Mics not required, but....it is Skype. You can get my point)
  4. You could always start a Hydra-esque thing where you create a secret conspiracy to wait for that day. Guess everyone will be whispering "Hail Twilight" into each others' ears and what not.
  5. No. There is no spiritual essence that an animal possesses in any regard so sorry but you won't be seeing your pets in heaven. My only advice? Learn to live with it. Also not sure why you guys think that Heaven's gonna be a place where whatever you want/think of comes to life and you get anything you like (such as your pet). Come on guys, time to grow up. Hell being on fire and full of torture, and Heaven being a fluffy place were you get anything you want to make you happy were artistic and metaphorical representations to give context to the human mind of what those places would be like. So no, just because you go to Heaven and your dog or whatever isn't there doesn't mean you can't call it Heaven. I don't know about you people but it makes a lot more sense that the 'Afterlife' would be just as brutal and harsh and the current one.
  6. Wow, by a lot of these comments it seems like it's been ages since people even thought about yugioh. You know guys, I would actually recommend getting back in to it. Game has evolved a lot and the shows have gotten a lot better (by the end of Zexal, everyone died. Yep.)
  7. Gem-Knights were my favorite, especially my ace Gem-Knight Master Diamond. Btw, i wonder what kind of deck our favorite ponies would run if they were in the show....
  8. Well then I would definently recommend giving it a try! Arcade beat-em-up meets MMO is just too good to not play. And yes, to hell with Nexon. lol.
  9. So for those of you who don't know what that is, let me explain why this presents more than just a game's revival. Dungeon Fighter Online (DFO) was hosted by the 4Kids of gaming, Nexon. Now, for anyone around during the whole debacle, you would already know that the main reason the game failed (or even was shut down) is because the new CEO of the Western division was very much biased against non-Korean people (especially Americans). Despite the overwhelming amount of support, the game suffered from no investment whatsoever. Lack of advertising, no updates over an 8 month period, and hardly any bug fixing pretty much drove a great game to an early grave. One employee of the company once said "Yeah, it's a great starting opportunity, but if you're not Korean you're never going to get anywhere in the company." So that's Nexon. Fastforward to two days ago and Dungeon Figther Online is officially back up and running by Neople, the Korean developers of the game (Nexon is just a publisher, much like 4Kids), and have started open alpha-testing to bring the game back, and this time to the entire global english speaking world (not just America). Why bring this up? Well Korean game developers have had a bit of a history of keeping their games to themselves for, lets say, a number of 'unfortunate' reasons. The fact that a Korean developer has gone so far to include the rest of the world, from Japan, China, Taiwan, and now revived the English version and made it open to the whole world, I think it's a good sign for future endeavors and development. Xenophobia is dead baby. Xenophobia - An irrational fear of the foreign http://dnf.neople.com/ (Remember, it is just alpha so the interface for getting into the game and dedicated site isn't quite set up yet. It's only been two days after all folks. Still fully playable and running better than ever before. Also this means my avatar pic is relevant again. Bonus!)
  10. For all we know, their moon really is made of cheese.
  11. You do realize that would probably fuck up the planet in more ways than just a firestorm lol?
  12. Question: How is anyone alive if the sun exploded?
  13. They a female who plays video games. They are a gamer who is a female. What the fuck more did you want from this answer? Seriously, what profound analysis could we give? It's THAT. FUCKING.SIMPLE.
  14. Made a thread just like this lol. Anyways, WildStar, ESO, Star Citizen, and that's about it so far.
  15. What's so bad about japanese voices? Their language is ok so I don't see what your problem is. Also, I think you're doing MMO's wrong bro.
  16. I don't know man, Pokemon as an entire franchise went downhilll pretty fast. I mean the anime alone is just cliche'd and boring at this point. The original had some interesting stuff to it at least (remember when they all huddled together for warmth in the cold?) So yeah. Pokemon's an example of a series that doesn't change or evolve over time because it knows it doesn't need to in order to make money.
  17. Oh I see. Are you one of those people who try to find too many positive things to say about it because so many of the fans hated it? Well let me educate you. You don't take a badass like Dante and turn him into an emo bitch, you don't try to make him 'cool' by trying to throw women at his feet in order to appeal to the typical ego of adolescent idiots, and you don't change the entire story by making it so the Lord of Hell is a fat pudgy banker, that Dante's father is now a bitch in some S&M dungeon, and you don't change the fact that Dante was Half-Human to saying he isn't even part human at all anymore. Just saying. If you're going to utterly alter every single last detail of a series, that's NOT a good thing, that's very very bad to piss off and alienate your entire fanbase, not to mention the controls and gameplay were sluggish and the ideas unoriginal.
  18. Raiko

    movies/tv Who misses Toonami?

    What they need to do is reboot Samurai Jack or bring it back or something. That and Megas XLR (stream's playing it btw)
  19. My Allies deck basically focuses on using any strategy to fit the situation but the most common thing is to great huge beaters with excellent support. Thanks to my Ondu Cleric my life quickly soars to 60s and beyond, my Bala Ged Thief makes my opponent lose their hand, I can draw an incredible number of cards, generate as much mana as I want, pretty much anything I could want or any strategy that could be used is possible with Allies. I also like Slivers for similar reason but they're a little nerfed in Modern formats. I mean yeah there's the new ones but those don't even look like slivers at all. Oh well. I also run some enchantment Aura decks for fun, and I've made a deck for just about all the guilds in the Return to Ravnica set for casual play.
  20. Raiko

    movies/tv Who misses Toonami?

    I don't know about the whole Sailor Moon thing. I mean the show was pretty damn terrible. It's funny to watch and laugh at but that's about it.
  21. Raiko

    movies/tv Who misses Toonami?

    Anyways, fun fact, apparently they're rebooting Sailor Moon.
  22. Raiko

    movies/tv Who misses Toonami?

    Yeah it's pretty damn amazing. They even have a PST function which allows you to basically back up 3 hours with the stream and see what was going on then. It's handy if you came in late for the party.
  23. Raiko

    movies/tv Who misses Toonami?

    http://www.toonamiaftermath.com/schedule Well here's a schedule to that one site..It's back up and working again. Anyways, yeah, Toonami is pretty much why anime is even popular in America. It got a lot of us into it and pretty much affected us for the rest of our lives. I for one know I never forgot the amazing badasses we grew up with. Gene Starwind, Vash the Stampede, Roger Smith, Goku, Spike. If it weren't for them, I might never have grown up into the awesome ass-kicking bastard that I am today lol.
  24. Hence why you try to make friends on the forums. You can add me on skype and we can play some time over Cockatrice. Also, anyone else have any thoughts on Hex since it's basically mtg?
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