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Sir Fluffernutter

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Posts posted by Sir Fluffernutter

  1. For some reason, I fall asleep significantly faster when on my left side? It takes me about 4-6 to get to sleep when I'm on my right, but it's a lot quicker when I'm on my left for some reason. I always found this to be really weird and I have no clue why it's like that, but whatever, I can deal with it. I feel bad for those of you with chronic insomnia, especially considering that my biggest problem is not sleeping on my right.

  2. I knew Ghostie made this thread before I even clicked on it.


    Anyway, Crystal Rarity is just majestic, man. Maybe not Thorin Oakenshield majestic, but nonetheless majestic. I mean, look at that hairdo.  :D Princess Platinum Rarity is cool as well.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. By the eight, what is this bull? A kid gets bullied and the school blames the kid? By that logic, people who get bullied for having braces should get their braces removed, people who wear glasses should be banned from wearing glasses, and in an extreme case, those being physically attacked just shouldn't go outside ever again. It's a very faulty idea to go by, let the kid rock that Dashie backpack as much as he damn well pleases.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, VA is pretty sweet in my opinion. I love the whole European theme to it. The roller coasters are great and the food is pretty good as well. Besides it being about 9 hours away from me, the only complaint I have is that the "This Is Oktoberfest" show over in the Germany section gets pretty annoying when it coincidentally plays every time you go in there.  :okiedokielokie:

  5. The whole point of being a teacher is helping kids, is it not? Video taping the poor kid and asking him if he wan't to be tazered isn't helping him at all. That teacher should have helped him out of the chair, and if she couldn't, find someone who could. It's not a difficult concept. As for those parents, her actions weren't "making light of the situation" at all. Hell, it probably made it worse for the kid.

    • Brohoof 5
  6. I have a few:

    -Shots/needles: The doctors sometimes have to pin me down just to give me my shots because I flip out when I have to get one

    -Oceans/Deep water: I was always afraid of deep water. I remember that I freaked out so much at swimming lessons when I was younger that they kicked me out. So now not only am I afraid of deep water, I can't swim either. Of course, I live in an area not too far from the ocean.

    -Tornadoes: This is only irrational because we don't get tornadoes in my area. Yet for some reason, I'm more relaxed about hurricanes, which we do get.

  7. I'm not of age to get one, but I might get one in the future. Something on the upper arm so I can hide it for job interviews. Probably some sort of dragon design or something of the sorts(maybe Discord related.) However, I decided that on my 17/18th birthday, I'm going to draw a fake tattoo on my arm with washable marker to see how my grandparents react. My parents are in on it, too.  ;)

  8. While I do not clop myself, I think hating on cloppers is just overreacting about something that doesn't affect you. Seriously, it's not like they're doing it in your face. It's just something that they like to do on their own time. And for those who hate them for the r34 art, you obviously don't completely understand rule 34, or you would know that it applies to everything. I could look up 'r34 dora the explorer' and things are sure to come up. People just like to complain about things that aren't even problems, I suppose.

  9. When talk shows and the like have guests that are seen as weird in society, I always expect them to not get to speak much. Why? Because it happens so often. I remember seeing something a while back where some talk show hosted an asexual on the show to "learn about them." Only one of them was open to the fact that not all people want sex, the rest of them were just cutting him off stating that it was impossibly weird and he's just a celibate/hasn't found the right one yet. The same goes for this and other minorities. Anything that society views as weird is just shut down without say. Until people become more accepting, that's just a fact in life that we'll just have to deal with. A sad fact, but nonetheless a fact.

    • Brohoof 5
  10. Alright, what if any of her friends was being hurt?

    Or the situation calls for her to take action because one her animals' lives are on the line.

    If she absolutely had to fight, I'd say she'd take more of a kickboxing approach. In the opening of Dragon Quest(s2 e21), she seemed to hurt Rainbow quite a bit, so I'm going to assume she's strong in the legs.
  11. I'll have to say Frozen as well. I liked the music, characters, and overall plot of it more than I did Tangled. Not to mention, that ending was a nice twist. :) Both were great movies, though, I just happen to like Frozen a bit more.

    • Brohoof 2
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