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Stick Shift

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Everything posted by Stick Shift

  1. Don't know if I want to attend EFNW this year of not...

    1. Bolt the Super-Pony

      Bolt the Super-Pony

      I'm going next year as far as I know! What about BABSCon?

    2. Stick Shift

      Stick Shift

      Was going to attend babs but plans changed. I decided to attend EFNW after all, might hit Bronycon again also.

  2. Did the prices go up on the hotel rooms? I was looking at the rooms and came back 2 hours later and the prices seem to have gone up for some of the rooms (Double beds are now $136 instead of $115, and the Regency Club doubles is at $261 when it was at $160). In that case will have to grab one before they are all gone
  3. Packing for my family vacation this week, heading up today then leaving on Wednesday to drive 15 hours to Bronycon. Should be a fun adventure!

  4. With only 18 days until I start the trip to Bronycon, I just wanted do a final check to see if anyone is interested in join the convoy to Baltimore. My car is full but If you want to bring your own car and follow along, that would be perfect. One side advantage of traveling in a pack besides the fun of traveling with a bunch of fellow bronies is if any issues arise there will be a group to help (EX: Car trouble) . To all those who are flying, riding the train, driving, or other means of travel (Teleporting?) I wish you safe travels! See ya in Baltimore!
  5. I made a change in plans with the vehicle I'm taking. My initial plan was to rent a van for the trips, but I held off on renting it due to a lack of people looking for a ride. Lo and behold, the price more than doubled and at that point I only had 2 other people that had confirmed so I decided to to just take the family sedan. I will be driving through Milwaukee though and if you would like to carpool still, we could travel in 2 cars to the con. I have walkies for cross car communication. Also, if either of us have any car trouble, we would have another car if something happened to one of them. My apologies If I got your hopes up, I just couldn't justify the cost for the rental after the price hike (It was because EAA landed on the same week). If you are still interested, let me know what time you would plan on leaving for the con.
  6. Well that was a fun con, anyone else have any photos they would like to share? Also, how did the cosplay contest go? (I heard from @Pinkamena Dianne Pie that Flash Sentry took 2nd)
  7. Well I thought this con was an overall success. Had a great time with everyone and enjoyed my time there. The staff did a great job keeping everything running smoothly and the guests (Show and community) were really friendly and made the con that much more enjoyable. Here are some photos I took at the con(Edit:Bad Link): Derpy was great(So were Flash, Cadence, and Shining!) Looking forward to next years con!
  8. The time has come, MLP-MSP is here! I'll try to post some pics on my twitter over the course of the convention. I'll have a sign made-up for those interested in going out for breakfast at Denny's (Right down the road) so they know who to look for. I'll be in the lobby at 7:45am. Looking forward to seeing everyone there and meeting new friends (YAY!) You bet your flank I am ready!
  9. Never to late(If you're talking about the breakfast meet-up that is)! They do seem to be very well organized for a 1st year con, can't wait to meet-up with everyone
  10. Alright, Saturday at 8am it is! On a side note, I wonder what the turnout is going to be?
  11. I guess we can see what everyone else would like, as for a time, 8am seems like a decent time (Not to early and plenty of time before the morning events)
  12. Looks like there are already a few others interested in the breakfast idea, just need to decide what day (Saturday or Sunday)?
  13. I love driving! Thats why I'm driving from Wisconsin to Baltimore this August for Bronycon! It doesn't have to be some sporty car either. I've driving lots of different vehicles (Box vans, trucks, sedans, minivans, sports cars, etc) and each one has a personality of its own. One of my favorite things to do is to head north and start driving around, there's lots of great roads and you might only see 2-3 cars a hour. Just driving and listening to some tunes to pass the time can be really relaxing.
  14. Theres to many to list from Band Geeks and Just one bite (You like Krabby patties, don't you Squidward)
  15. Since the earliest panels are around 10am, how would everyone like to get together for breakfast (Kind of like a forum meet-up for breakfast)? Maybe Saturday or Sunday morning? Either at the hotel or at the Denny's down the road
  16. No, but I have some MLP themed T-shirts I'm planning on wearing. I didn't even think of cosplaying, is anyone else going to?
  17. Gonna be a crazy time in the coming weeks. Got a convention, a trip to new York, and I start a new job all within the next 2 weeks!

  18. Cool, just about 2 weeks till the con, hope the weather is nice as I want to hit that pool for a 2 am swim!
  19. Well check-in time is 3pm and the opening ceremony (LINK to schedule) is at 11am. The room has 2 queen beds and is an oversized room with patio doors that lead right out to the courtyard. As for price, with 4 people the room price is $82 per person for Friday and Saturday night (Check out at noon on Sunday). We can decide on a meet-up spot as a group. As for room rules, just be mindful of the others in the room. I plan on being out late, I'll be as quiet as I can coming into the room but if this is an issue we can work something out. If there are any other questions just let me know
  20. There are 2 open spots so I don't see an issue with that
  21. Alright, I'll hold a tentative spot for ya
  22. Well I'm still looking for 2 more roommates, so if anyone is interested I have a room for Friday and Saturday (Check out is noon Sunday). Courtside main level room with patio doors that open up to the pool. Would be about $85 if we get 4 people in the room. Less than 3 weeks till the con!
  23. @grapz224 - Well at least you're coming to the convention! I just found that video about a week ago, didn't know Mark Meer was one of us Is anyone going to go for the VIP band session with Michelle Creber? Also I'm curious how many people this con is going to draw? Just a reminder that con rates for the hotel end this Thursday and early registration ends on the 25th. Just 4 more weeks!
  24. Glad to see that some others will be going from the forums! I just reserved my ticket, got the VIP after hours ticket, so stoked to share some drinks with Andrea Libman and MA Larson! I did get a room, a poolside room on the main level, reserved it from June 6th through the 8th. With that all done now just to get ready and handle the room-sharing!(Which I'm still looking for roomies!) 30 days and counting till the con @The Blades Shadow - So you're interested in sharing the room? Message me and we can discuss details.
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