Ponyville. It was a somewhat quiet town where exciting things only happened once in a while, usually by some comical mistake or a random happenstance. Glimmer didn't mind though; it was a calm place. A place that took things at its own pace, unlike the buzz and rush of the big cities. A strange little pony like her, with her fortune reading shop, was unusual enough to get her a decent flow of customers, but not unusual enough that people looked at her funny. She was sitting outside one of the shops, sipping on a glass of water as other ponies milled around and went about their days. Sometimes, when she had a day off, she liked to just watch everypony live their lives. There was a sense of contentment in this town that she enjoyed; a sense of peace.
She took a bite of the daisy and cucumber sandwich she had ordered, her eyes turning to a slight commotion in one of the streets. One of the little fillies, Scootaloo, seemed to have had an accidental run in with an older looking pegasus. He had a white coat with an orange and red mane and tail. A red fez, knocked from his head, lay in the road as he righted himself and eventually retrieved it, sending the excitable little fillies on their way. She eased back into her seat; he seemed to be okay so it was no cause for alarm. The young ones disappeared as rapidly as they came and he disappeared from her sight as she went back to enjoying her sandwich.
She contemplated what she wanted to get done that day. She had some spare bits; she might visit the dressmaker and see about ordering some new garments. When your made your living off telling fortunes and looking into the future, appearance played a big part. She had some grocery shopping to do, but after, perhaps. Finishing her sandwich, she slid from the seat, left her tip, and proceeded towards the boutique where she hoped the dressmaker, Rarity, would be in. When it came to clothes, nobody could top her. Glimmer would never forget the first garment she had ever ordered from her; a silky sheer wrap with silver stars and matching sleeves. The material was so light it practically floated; a trick she could manage with a little use of her magic. There was no comparison for quality; the stitchwork was superb, the color rich and inviting, and the feel of the fabric against her body was heavenly. It had guaranteed her patronage for the remainder of her residence in Ponyville.