Hey everybody. I'm Lucas. Currently I'm searching for experienced Voice actors to play the roles of male/human versions of the main six. I'm also looking for female voice actors to do girlfriends and such. The girls' voice will probably range over more than just one character. Unless under certain circumstances..sorry it's difficult to explain in text, just, if you're a female voice actor interested be sure to contact me The show will be revolving around all the adventures ran into by the guy's mishaps and mistakes. Though a different species and gender, The guys have very similar traits to their counter parts. Pinks always partying and getting into trouble,dragging the rest of the gang into it only making the group grow closer together, Dash always trying to out do AJ, etc.Comedy, of course, will be mixed into the whole concoction I like to call Equestria High. If you'd like to try out here are the characters. Age 16 Dash: Voiced by me. Age 17 Twi: Toddy Age 17 Rare: ? Age 16 Flutts: ? Age 16 AJ: Voiced by me. Age 17 Pinks: Toddy After making your choice of who to try out for and contacting me, I'll go through what the character's personality is like. (shouldn't be too hard to guess) Also, I DO NOT WANT VOICE IMITATORS OF THE SHOW, These characters are in their teenage years and male, small voice changes will help portray the characters feelings and personality, but besides that, none is needed. Just reply to this post or email me at: luketaylorrd@gmail.com Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you guys very soon.