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Fantasma Phantasm

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Everything posted by Fantasma Phantasm

  1. Somepony should make a gif of Maud throwing that giant rock into the distance causing a nuclear explosion. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!
  2. Don't know why... But i'm TOTALLY obsessing over Maud Pie right now!

    1. Zyla Fae

      Zyla Fae

      She was definitely an interesting character XD

  3. I'm considering getting a pet rock now...

  4. Freakin Maud pie man!

  5. I'M BORED!!!! I WANT TO JOIN SOMETHIN'!!! Or at least strike a conversation.

  6. Power Rangers Mega forces = Pirates....What?


    1. Serbon div

      Serbon div

      Good afternoon.

    2. Comrade Courage

      Comrade Courage

      afternoon good sir

    3. Zyla Fae

      Zyla Fae

      AFTERNOON! ^^

  8. Those voice cracks......*HRRRRRRRGH!!!* *Dead!* Don't know why ponies don't like her voice like that. I think it sounds cute!
  9. I love people to much I think. I mean, I can't stand people being sad even if their jerks of nature. Know what? I'll count that as a good quality! :D

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Comrade Courage

      Comrade Courage

      well im not much for searching vids but i know who to ask

    3. Fantasma Phantasm
    4. Comrade Courage

      Comrade Courage

      well talk later bro /)

  10. Can't let you do that! Starfox!

  11. Its awesome to know that Pi is the infinity number in physical form. HAPPY PI DAY! Pi apparently is an interesting concept.,.
  12. I keep re-drawing my OC until I finally have him MASTERED!!!

  13. Love...Tis hard to find nowadays.... Gotta try though!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Serbon div

      Serbon div

      There's gonna be a lot of ups and downs there, I got dumped twice -_-

    3. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      Hey, if its any consolation, I, at one point,only had a girlfriend for ONE day. Abd she was my ever girlfriend to. Never had one since or before.

    4. Serbon div

      Serbon div

      Aaaahh you will find one for sure :)

  14. Any special occasions going on? Love to hear whats the what how for you guys!

  15. Got the world to live for! But lets live it together! The world will overwhelmed by the entity that is us!!

    1. jackleapp81


      Everything is awesome! Everything is cool, when you're part of a team! Everything is awesoooome, when we're living our dream!

  16. I'm getting a job soon!

    1. SCS


      That's awesome :D

  17. No i'm namuh. What is the hypothesis of infinity?
  18. Just goes to show how hard Devil May Cry 1 is on hard mode... So frustrating!!!(And don't get me started with Dante must die!!!)

  19. I wanna be a Voice actor when I get out of high school!! 8D

  20. My day is good as ever! Try to let all the bad stuff pass me by! Feeling good!
  21. Gots me da Halo 4! Love it! I need to play it more often though!
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