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Alluress Glow

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Status Replies posted by Alluress Glow

  1. Design engineering, huh? Having looked into it, I wonder if that's where I should've gone. I'm in college for electrical systems and am majoring in power engineering. Have you heard of this? http://youtu.be/FnQSURnzPHQ I'd like to put together such a system to take the air conditioners off the grid and it's a much more viable way to store energy for air conditioning than batteries, I find.

    1. Alluress Glow

      Alluress Glow

      I haven't heard of this, but it is so cool (lol, kind of an unintentional bun). When making a progressive product, I love things that can be added to existing systems. It makes a lot of sense, instead of having to replace anything or making waste of the old systems.

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