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Everything posted by Windseeker

  1. Because I seriously doubt Soundwave isn't going to use them. Megatron is terribly incompetent and that probably has to do with it being a 80s show where the good guys always win. I should have said Bruticus. The Mane Six got nothing on the Combaticons.
  2. You know is a badass? Hypno-disc. Actually, she could beat Soundwave, and anyone can beat Megatron. But Rumble or Ravage could probably beat her. Jet Jaguar FTW!!
  3. It was something I heard from another forum, the same chump who thought that AH-64 Apache copters can be brought down with apples. >.>
  4. Yes, it's hilariously sad. "Princess Luna can beat Galactus." No, that's stupid.
  5. I did not mean to, but thanks for reminding me of my pet peeve of people making an ass of themselves over others' minuscule mistakes.
  6. Anthro ponies/dragons.... If I had a dollar for every time I see or hear 'anthro is creepy', I'd be shoulder deep in paper hell by now.
  7. I want Jenson Ackles or Aaron Paul to play a pony so badly, like life would be complete if either of those two guest starred.
  8. I believe the villains in Regular Show have the capabilities to destroy Finn and Jake; Destroyer of Worlds, Susan, Jebadiah Townhouse, Hammer, Jan the Wallpaper Man, Klordbane, The Geese, Ybgir, etc. It's been a long time since I watched Adventure Time though... a very long time. Didn't like it as much.
  9. All these pictures... well there goes my bandwidth. I had a crush on Remilia Scarlet for a long time.
  10. I would worship the ground from which they walk, I'm a big time scaly. Though it would be difficult deciding between them and ponies.
  11. Exactly! I been through the same thing. And forget humans! Ponies don't alter your perspectives of real life females, or animals for that matter.
  12. 1. A brand new PC that can't play a game even if it surpasses it's system recommendations. 2. Uncomfortable underwear. 3. Communists online who praise Stalin, using a computer bought from a major retailer. 4. People hovering over my computer monitor. 5. Doing dishes all the time, seriously I wasn't put on this earth to clean your damn dishes. 6. People who uphold the ways of the perfect spelling race through National Socialist policies. 7. Anti-brony furries, they do exist. Surprising.
  13. It is of no surprise to me why everyone would say Luna, most people I know who say Luna are folks who talk through their uncontrolled hormones.
  14. You aren't going to find anything productive from a group of asshats who will go to ridiculous lengths to call bronies 'ponyfags'. It's a divided group, so focused on hate with no logical reason as to why they exist. They are people who grouped together to make others dwell in their misery and hate, bash ponies, act idiotic, and spread lies. And for what? Because someone likes a freaking cartoon that they don't. It's insecurity, a false sense of grandeur they get when they call us names and join hate groups to feel accepted. I don't think we should give them any honorable mentions and let them continue their pathetic campaign in futile efforts to 'wipe out' an entire community. The reason why they don't make sense to us, is because we are trying to apply logic to something so illogical, and I say let's not give them the satisfaction of feeling intelligent. Also, brohoof for OP on such a cute pony.
  15. Just because one is a brony doesn't mean they are immune to egotism. Insecure egotists whose waifus are 'taken' from them feel emasculated and will pretty much bear a grudge and throw a childish fit, this goes for any fandom. It can happen between best friends too, because god forbids in a community of millions, they aren't gonna come across someone else with a similar passion for their favorite pastel-colored pony.
  16. Command and Conquer Red Alert 3! The units suck, the storyline sucks, and I was generally pissed EA used the aspect of time traveling to remove the Psychic Dominator Disaster and Yuri from Red Alert canon. Especially since Red Alert 2 ended with the impossibility to use such time traveling devices, I guess EA went along from the Allies point of view but still.
  17. Not this again.... guys, the Trekkies and furries, people who been around for decades are still alive and kicking today. Bronydom will dwindle in numbers well after the show has run its course, but never will the herd simply fade away.
  18. The Caterpillar D11R has a operating weight of 115 tons with a gross power of 935 HP. It can probably pull a train off the tracks, especially a dozer with a elevated drive sprocket.
  19. Yep, there's plenty of us and we are all over the place. Of course there is no real way of knowing exactly how many, no matter how often people throw up bull crap surveys.
  20. I dunno, I always thought it was pronounced gift without the 't'. Then again I'm not sure if we are being serious here or not.
  21. Why is it in brony nature to quickly judge a episode down to the script and lust for the writer's blood for a minor slip-up?
  22. The One-Above-All. The judge of all realities and the Omniverse, the creator of the Marvel universe! (Which is probably Stan Lee in disguise.)
  23. I don't think it is, it just creates controversy regarding who can get off to what.
  24. *shudders* A sad and sick reminder of Brony treatment on 4Chan. "Mods are asleep, post ponies."
  25. Not all furries are zoophiliacs, but it happens among their community. I do not know how often as it probably happens under our noses but I left the community because of their hypocrisy and drama involving these touchy topics.
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