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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. If you thought Inferno was hard, Episode 4: Thy flesh consumed is much worse on ultra violence personally. Seriously, several barons of hell and loads of enemies at the first level and you have a limited amount of ammo between pistol, shotgun, chaingun, and rocket launcher, and most damnable is only 9 health potions, several armor shards, and one green armor were available to replenish your health. I actually ran out of ammo and didn't want to try fighting a baron of hell in melee so I jettisoned to the exit as quickly as I could Not quite sure how the PX1 sound track is so you're fine by me
  2. Here's something I've found from the new Doom game. Apparently the Doomguy's weakest weapon, his energy pistol is rated up to 4 megawatts (likely achieves that when he charges it for more damage). To put this into perspective, a fully charged Halo plasma pistol is enough to deplete Mjolnir's shields at full unmodified charge at 1.5 megawatts. This means the new Doomguy's weakest weapon is powerful enough to easily take down Chief's shields if Chief doesn't modify it. It has infinite ammo to boot. I can't wait to see what else this new Doom game has in store.
  3. Come on Doom and unpackage from steam already!

  4. Think I'll postpone my reviews for later next week.

  5. Happy Birthday to you Clever Clover. May it be a great one for ya.

    1. Cleverclover


      Thanks, Nuke. =)

    2. Nuke87654


      Your welcome :)

  6. 1. Gauntlet of Fire: Best spike episode of the series and best episode so far in season 6. 2. The Gift of the Maud Pie: Loved the character interactions and Maud Pie's characterizations in it. 3. On your Marks: A good follow up for the cutie mark crusaders after the events of the Crusaders of the Lost Mark. 4. The Crystallying: A solid premiere for the show that gave us hope for Starlight Glimmer in the series and a nice new character in Sunburst. 5. No Second Prances: While the character interactions and conflicts between each other worked well, the rushed climax caused alot of problems and unintended themes from it. 6. Newbie Dash: Despite what I consider to be one of the Wonderbolt's best characterization in the series, a weak and regressed Rainbow Dash character on the other hand makes it my personal weakest for the season thus far.
  7. Got something on skype if you're interested on reading. I've changed my mind on some things on the episode.

  8. Planning on doing my review and have a crap loads of things about the episode on skype

    1. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Can't wait. >)

  9. Copying Kimi Vulpine's style because I like it. Best Villain Overall: Discord. He was a fun and awesome villain that few in the series can match to overall performance as he is stellar all around. Best villain plot/concept: Starlight Glimmer: A villain that's not motivated by power or to be a dick but by ideology. This clearly separates her from the rest of the pack in a good way. Worst Villain: Sunset Shimmer. Not only was she your stereotypical high school bully that attracted her few fans, but with how her resolution to good was essentially brain wash her till she reformed for good not only essentially replaced Sunset Shimmer the villain with someone else completely but it added an air of moral issues with the Elements of Harmony essentially mind wiping foes. To make it even more obvious, very few folks like Sunset Shimmer the villain but far more like Sunset Shimmer the reformed heroine. Most Overrated Villain: Dazzlings. This is a case where I feel they owe everything to one character (Sonata Dusk) due to how many folks love her. I honestly believe you remove her from the group, you will kill 80% of the fandom for them as not only are the other two not that popular but looking at their background, their motivations as being villains is stereotypical or a case of author favoritism depending upon which source you believe in either the show or comics.
  10. You are correct as I was able to find it thanks to ya. Link for others that are interested to know: http://store.steampowered.com/app/285190/
  11. Where have you heard that part? I wish to know please?
  12. DOW 3 has been announced!

    1. Jeremiah


      Drake's newest album, "Views from the 6" was recently released.

      And a few weeks ago, Beyonce's new album, "Lemonade" was released.

      There's that.

    2. Nuke87654
  13. Personally, I don't think so as while the show is doing a bit more mature stuff, it's still not to the level of freedom the comics can get away with. As for the other stuff, other than developing on the background ponies and other characters more to keep up with the developing mane 6, those are stuff the show has been doing already in my opinion.
  14. I would say most likely they would be errors as if such piece of the elements of the harmony existed, I feel we would've seen it already as that would mean such an idea has been floating around since S1 or it may have been dropped or altered to something else instead.
  15. No I do not think adding a 7th element is a good idea as this opens up alot of questions like why was their no seventh element previously seen before when it could've helped the other elements out, what does that make Sunset Shimmer than as she's essentially an alicorn judging by the appearances, why does Starlight Glimmer need to be an element, and why did the tree held it back to begin with and away from Celestia and Luna from snatching it? Season 4's premiere was the last time they could've feasibly pulled it off upon discovering the tree in my opinion. I feel it is too late for this idea to be done well.
  16. http://www.wsj.com/articles/comcasts-nbc-universal-to-buy-dreamworks-for-3-8-billion-1461849691 Well some bad news to bear folks, Comcast bought dreamworks animations for the price between 3-8 billion dollars and is now owners of beloved Ip's like Shrek, How to train your dragon, Kung fu Panda, and others. How bad you guys think this will get as personally I'm assuming Dreamworks demise here in being that bad. Edit here's a link avoiding the paywall, sorry bout that. http://money.cnn.com/2016/04/28/media/comcast-dreamworks-nbcuniversal/
  17. Yet we had little to no development or knowledge on what her actual character is or anything to bond with her really. Compared to other characters on the show, Celestia is woefully underdeveloped as she's pretty much this supposed powerful demigoddess that gets her flank kicked by any new villain of the week as the designated jobber. There comes a point where frankly they need to just at least give some character to Celestia and not rely on this tarnished image of her being this wonderful ruler to carry her through the show because it's gotten to the point where she's literally nothing more than a prop to be used as there's no character or anything to her for anyone to really bond with her or like her outside of headcanons or liberties to her.
  18. Beyond pissed hearing Brady's suspension has been re enacted.

    1. Frostgage


      i'm so so tired of all this

  19. what do you think of this song?
    1. Mand'alor Dash

      Mand'alor Dash

      I dunno. Sounds pretty standard for a 90s action game soundtrack. It doesn't really make me feel anything special.

    2. Nuke87654


      hmm, that's tough to hear. Rather liked it but to each their own.

    3. Mand'alor Dash
  20. Today's your birthday :D Happy birthday to you!

  21. Other spots for me to communicate ya with?

    1. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Other than email, nothing.


      Sorry I've been absent; I've been so busy lately.

    2. Nuke87654
  22. I would say is because they feel timber wolves being defeated by a rock is funnier for what they had in mind for em.
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