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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. The comics of MLP are treated as secondary canon. Unless the show states or expresses otherwise, than the comics materials are canon. Sombra was beaten by the two sisters so I wouldn't say Sombra at that point = two alicorns. Right now in the comics with his hax, that's a far closer if not favorable matchup for him. Celestia only lost to Chrysalis because she received a major buff in power from Shining Armor's love for Cadance. The comics in the fiendship issue for Chrysalis showed that without such powerups, Celestia stomps her as it was shown it was Celestia who gave her those holes in her legs and banished the changelings from Equestria if my memory is correct.
  2. Finally they decided to get that shipping date out of the blue for us to see. I hope to acquire them eventually when I get the chance.
  3. The fact Kurtzman is involved seems to imply the new series may take place in Abrams trek verse rather than the original one so that worries me a bit. Still, seeing a new ST series on T.V does fill me with hope that it will achieve some grandeur that past serial television series of Star Trek were able to.
  4. Enjoy a happy birthday, vivishy.

    1. vivishy


      thanks so much *huggles*

    2. Nuke87654
  5. I appreciate your rather fast and concise blog as normally you'd expect a long length verbose page for something like this. As for your points I'll agree that many famed leaders in history have some mental problems and even mental illnesses that affected their ability to lead, many times for positive results. While having some good leaders who have some mental issues, as for Luna, I'll disagree on several points: 1. Considering it was Celestia who saved the mane 6 in the S2 pilot when Discord beat them by sending those lettters to Spike, is the one the ponies look to for guidance and leadership in times of crises, and she had lead Equestria to stability for 1000 years or so, I'd say she has some experience and some success as a leader. 2. While Luna did help save Equestria from those nightmares which does show she's capable of handling a crises, she was kinda at fault for that as it was through her self made creature in Tantabus that caused it. 3. Another issue is that Luna herself really hasn't shown much of what she can do as a leader, especially compared to Celestia. To make matters worse, she did tried her stint as a leader for a day in Equestria once, only for her to do well, but not like the tedious chores and tasks she's not in favor for. It seems Luna is more at home watching ponies in their sleep and protecting them from nightmares and hanging out for an occasional night duty with the guards. I'm not saying Luna is a bad leader or anything close to it. You're right that her many issues would motivate her to try to be a good leader for ponies considering her whole redemption arc. Just that I feel I don't think she's necessarily a better leader than Celestia or at least she's not willing to go through the daily chores demanding of someone leading a country as Celestia on the other hand seems willing to do. Hopefully what I said was alright.
  6. Echoing Officer Killjoy's sentiment, to add as well, he also seems to be the one that is able to push Fluttershy into the direction she needs to go. In today's episode, would Fluttershy have gone to the lengths she did to scare her friends if Angel didn't direct or push her to those lengths? Today's episode was actually one of Angel's best performances in the series.
  7. I've heard but never ever watched this, how does this compare to Power rangers.
  8. Want me to share some critiques on your points in the blog?
  9. I don't know why, maybe because I expected more or so and just letting hype kill my enjoyment, but I wasn't impressed by how the episode turned out.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Nothing, just happy to see you back is all.

    3. theonenamedDJ


      Oh, no that was just humor, because Jerry is talks a lot about how Fluttershy is less shy and awkward and more an actual mental illness. It's good to talk to you too BTW :)

    4. Nuke87654


      Yea, honestly I think it's more of the problem that they really don't know what kind of Fluttershy episode they can do for her that doesn't pertain to her anxiety. While her realtionship with Discord offers a change of pace, John De Lancie probably can't appear to frequently in a season due to costs so that leaves Fluttershy having to do some stuff on her own. She really needs something new for her character to do in her episodes.

  10. In terms of fandom endearment, she's one of the most overrated ponies imo as her character arc post S1 has mostly been her relearning how not to be anxious and afraid of social communications in different ways while we have: Twilight Sparkle: Learning to be a better friend that allowed her to become a new Alicorn Princess. She's right now undergoing an arc where she's pretty much trying to learn to be a leader for ponies, and being a mentor to the CMC's while trying to figure out for why the Cutie map wants them and is sending away missions for them to do. Rainbow Dash: Learning to be less self absorbed of her abilities, becoming a wonderbolt, and being a loving surrogate sister and owner to Scootaloo and Tank respectively. Rarity: Achieving her dream bit by bit to becoming a famed fashionista, learning to be more generous and to spread it for others to enjoy, and learned to be a more affectionate sister. Pinkie Pie: Trying to bridge the gap between her family and Apples so she and Applejack can bond even more while learning to be more mature of her party planning and behavior. Applejack: Learning to becoming the successor to Grannie Smith as matriach of the apple family and helping Pinkie Pie out to having their families bond with each other as cousins or so. Sunset Shimmer: In 3 movies, she may have started off bad, but Sunset Shimmer has emerged as a more interesting character than Fluttershy imo as she became a successfully redeemed character whose arc in EQG series has emerged as one of the best attributes for it. Fluttershy: The sad thing is that despite my criticism, Fluttershy is actually showing signs of development in S5 as they seem to be relying less on Flutttershy's anxiety to carry her (though I haven't seen the upcoming episode yet) in episodes where she's actually more assertive and she's not being so sheepish about it. However, if it weren't for her bond for Discord in S3 or so, she would literally have little to no development in between S2 and S5 as she had very little in character department in S3 and S4 that doesn't repeat a lesson she already learned in a different format. Fluttershy isn't a terrible character imo, but when you compare her to some of the other characters on the show, she's definitely one of the weakest developed characters on the show despite having one of the largest sub groups in the fandom. The reason for this is the following points: A. Due to how many introverts are in the fandom, Fluttershy was the most visible pony for many to bond with. B. Her shy, moe personality is easily one of the most attractive personalities for many fans to grow attached to to a character. C. Her cute design and love for animals is another factor for many to be attracted. I can see why so many would bond with Fluttershy and be fans of her as it's not to say I don't like her. It's just the critic in me views her as a character that has plenty to be fixed or added to be put up to speed with other characters on the show for development.
  11. Another TD to Edleman! Looks like that finger injury healed up a bit.

    1. Frostgage


      What a great performance <3

  12. Congrats Ghost on achieving that team field goal record from your predecessor Vinateri

  13. And Lewis slow walks his way to the endzone for td

    1. -Nobody-


      I was hoping Miami would at least make it a game tonight.

    2. Nuke87654


      Miami's defense at least is playing well other than that hiccup at the opening drive. Miami's offense on the other hand just looks intimidated by New England's Defense.

  14. Nice to see that safety, Patriots!

  15. Gronk Smash!

    1. Frostgage
    2. King Sejong

      King Sejong

      How about Krunk.

    3. Nuke87654


      Gronk is the real life version of Disney's Kronk.

  16. So what's your favorite food to eat, and of course your favorite drink to go along with said food?
  17. Ah understood, thanks for the reply, Mezcass
  18. I'm sorry, but the point of 'character assassinating' Lauren Faust I feel is not only out of place in this otherwise excellent call out on the offending SU fans responsible for nearly causing Zami to commit suicide, but I feel it is simply you venting of how you didn't like how many such as I feel that Lauren's behavior towards Hasbro after she left is rather unprofessional to say the least as I know you admire Lauren greatly. What we're doing isn't 'character assassinating' her but rather discussing her actions and how we felt about those actions she had committed and how we perceive it as such. Some more positive towards her such as you, others more negative such as I. As for what the SU fans on Tumblr have done, honestly anyone who thinks that bronies are worse either is ignorant of what is going on, or refuses to believe that they were fed lies by the morons on Tumblr especially. This isn't the first offense SU fans from Tumblr have committed as they have: 1. Tried to bully Calpain from EQD to stop his plan on hosting a SU fan website Beach City Bugle that led to the 'baby war' between Bronies and Steven Universe fans until it ended with Calpain hosting the website anyway after much prodding, and the Crewinverse making their first callout to the fandom where they told SU fans to stop harassing bronies. 2. Bullied another fan who created a fanimation of his male gem OC that got kudos from the Crewinverse but got attacked by SU Tumblr fans as they didn't like seeing a male gem. 3. Policing and controlling what fan content is acceptable and unacceptable where they have bullied many known artists simply because they drew or cosplayed the characters differently or not to their tastes on Tumblr. This is part of the reason for why Zami was in such a situation on Tumblr. 4. Gave a real version of that motel in the show negative reviews as a joke that damaged not only that business but greatly soiled SU fans reputation considering they tried to hurt a business for lulz. Fortunately many in the SU fandom did called many out and did tried to fix and report any false reviews. 5. Bullied a writer from the Crewinverse off of Tumblr simply because they didn't like this one episode that had them be 'ooc' that he wasn't even the writer of. 6. Are right now engaging another feud with the crewinverse where many on tumblr do not like how crewinverse is trying to encourage artists to draw the SU characters however they wish in a retort to Zami's near suicide, they're even trying to pin Ian as someone encouraging child pornography art for his broad statement. 7. And of course, nearly caused Zami to commit suicide simply for drawing art they disagree with. Honestly, I feel the SU fandom if they wish to right their fandom back on course and in good graces with the crewinverse they need to stop feeling so entitled of the show's content, behave much better in all regards, and to especially stop bullying people for any perceived slight they feel that doesn't conform to their beliefs of the characters. Really, they're setting themselves up as a perfect example of how a fandom should not behave and that is a really bad spot to be in the circle of the Internet and the world in general. I wish for these to happen, but I feel that unless something drastic happens like CN threatening to cancel SU if the fandom doesn't behave better or Tumblr goes into a full purge mode of SU content because of SU fandom behavior, I feel all of this will fall on deaf ears.
  19. While I'm not a big fan of this animation in particular, but I did liked their Snowdrop one better in comparison. However, have you heard of that Lullaby for a Princess animation that was aired not too long ago?
  20. When the time comes and it proves successful, I would agree to it.
  21. I'm of the same mindset as well in regards to how GOG does without DRM. I hope also that TFH would be successful as well.
  22. Agreed. Aye, but that would still depend upon the publisher of the games to agree with CDprojektred's decision to request their games be on there. You're right that if it gets popular enough, CD may ask Mane 6 for a sale of their game on their site.
  23. Maybe in some fill in job individually, but the business group Mane 6 itself won't last long if Them's Fighting Herds doesn't do well. Skullgirls isn't on GOG, though that maybe an individual choice by Lab Zero, so I don't think the game will be on there unless it's extremely successful and the demand for it is high enough.
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