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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. Happy Birthday, Geralt of Poland.

  2. Understandable and it fits in the universe just fine.
  3. I’m sure he’s at peace now and thankful you we’re there,” ^ were Other than that, a blue lightsaber for the scottish immortal fox girl, a rather funny mixture of fictional verses meshing together. Anyways, nice in explaining a bit more on her and showing her motherly side a bit, I can't wait to see what's next for your story.
  4. Showing this to Daring.
  5. 420 smoke weed erryday! A fantastic list of these well deserving QB's!
  6. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1799/entry-17702-sins-of-a-solar-empire-rebellion-mod-enhanced-4x/ Here's my first review on a video game mod. Please come and see what I have for this mod. Hopefully you can be interested in getting this mod. As always, any opinions is welcomed.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuke87654
    3. Jeremiah


      your welcome Nuke, any review you make is worth checking out

    4. Nuke87654


      That's great hearing from you about your thoughts for my reviews :D I aim to do as best as I can and more.

  7. Just a question, what are people's impressions on Slice of Life. It seems I'm seeing a vocal group of how bad it is. I'm wondering how it is?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. HereComesTom


      Hmm...you know, you're right.


      You might be sick of me harping on my fangame project, but for its epilogue, I plan to have Luna be very depressed after transforming from Nightmare Moon (a potential final boss) back to herself. Luna is so depressed, she won't even eat or bathe or speak. Twilight does something to cheer her up enough to bathe and eat and speak again, but Twilight explicitly says that won't heal her instantly---though it did give her the courage to face a...

    3. HereComesTom


      to face another day, which is a good thing and just what Luna needed.


      Dream...you guys are right; it implied more healing than Luna should've gotten from one epiphany.

    4. Nuke87654


      Sorry for not replying earlier, but yea, the real issue that the episode side stepped rather poorly is of how she is self harming herself and suffers obvious depression issues. Those kinds of issues don't heal instantly, and a simple talk isn't going to solve all of it instantly, it can at best start the healing process or aid it along. Your game seemed to treat her problem better in comparison.

  8. Thinking about doing my first game mod review on Sins of a Solar Empire's, Enhanced 4X mod. Than later I may try and do a review on another Sins mod

  9. While I agree Alucard is rediculous, his problem is is that he's facing against a guy who can destroy the planet he's on and leave him helpless to the lack of gravity, or if Superman wanted to, he can do what Thor did to Raiden and throw him to the Sun and leave him stranded there for a BFR.
  10. While Alucard probably wouldn't be killed by conventional means, I don't think he can handle being thrown to a star or having the planet he's on being blown up by Superman's shear strength.
  11. Aye, it's why I can understand people's frustrations with them cause I do agree, they do seem to have a bias towards anime and certain types of games. The way they went and nerfed Cloud and Gaara while buffing Toph to the stratosphere was ridiculous.
  12. Latest EQG short is probably the best one of the bunch that's been airing the past three weeks.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nuke87654


      It was a hilarious romp and it further shows just how well of a decision it was to give those two a voice.

    3. HereComesTom


      I love the fanon reference in her turning the clay into a horse-statue: pony!Lyra is fascinated with humans, human!Lyra is fascinated with ponies...

    4. Nuke87654


      Good eye, tom

  13. How oped is that Gigaslave of hers? Couldn't she actually solo the Avatar verse with that?
  14. Happy birthday fillypino pride.

  15. That's a problem with inconsistent writing and in universe he's willing to hold back to not put others in harms way. The Kryptonian Martial arts is something he learned that isn't taught by batman (I'm not sure who taught him, but I know it wasn't batman). Paired with boxing and his kryptonian martial arts, Batman taught him not only martial arts but he even told him how to exploit pressure points to beat an opponent without inflicting too much pain. No I wouldn't say that, especially when said supposed solar system buster was beaten by someone who couldn't solar system bust and the most powerful character in DBZ universe was reputated to 'piss him off enough, and he'll destroy a solar system'. DBZ's problem is that it uses alot of exaggeration and boastings from villains to show off of how serious or dangerous they are, even if they couldn't do it themselves or it is too inconsistent to be really taken at face value. Goku has never faced a galaxy buster, Superman has faced a universal buster on the other hand I believe. I didn't like that battle either. It seemed they were deliberately trying to nerf Cloud just to give Link a better chance as Cloud couldn't use his summons and other powerful abilities. Especially with that recent stat boost putting Cloud at relativistic speeds.
  16. Aye, I'm sorry to have heard of what happened to your mother. If this fiction proves to be an effective coping mechanism, than cherish it and develop it as best as you can. I'll help however you can.
  17. Here'sssss my lamia pony for today'sssss lamia pony day.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Lamiasssssparkle wasssss taken already :D

    3. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      Becausssssse i wassssss Lamiasssssparkle, before it wassssss even cool. :P

    4. Nuke87654
  18. Happy Birthday, TwillySniper

  19. Superman knows two kryptonian martial arts and is taught by Batman, Earth's best martial artist, to fight so Superman is much more skilled than you think. There's also a fight where Superman straight up beats Wonder Woman while holding back and she acknowledges she can never beat him. Superman holds back alot in his fights due to how immensely strong he is. Here's a problem with the whole 'can't fight at FTL combat speeds' as it is a combat speed fallacy. If he's able to move and fly at such speeds, he can react and move in a fight just as well. Even if he couldn't, Superman can just travel from point a to point b, grab Goku's leg and use his superior movement speed to go into that direction and use the force of that speed to toss him into an object or so for effect, or better yet he can just straight up turn himself into a missile and hit him at such speeds and than quickly run from the fight and repeat the process again. We have plenty of feats to show Superman can move and fight at FTL speeds like him punching at femtoseconds. Goku has a much bigger record of dying than Superman does only for a dragon to come and rez him despite technically breaking the old rule of not allowed to make the same wish twice. Doesn't matter if he self sacrifices himself when he still got killed by things. It is unequal, but it is against Goku rather than Superman.
  20. A nice find, though the low res on that thing is rather poor to see.
  21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doom_RPG I think this link is what you meant.
  22. Nerfing the shotgun was an annoying feature in Doom 3, and relying on a macguffin to victory despite all the weaponry at your arsenal. Your suggestion that the soul cube should've been used as more of 'defense killer' for the Cyber Demon would've been a better choice as it pays respect to the arsenal of weapons you had available. Ultimately, I thought it paid respect to the classics in the form of reinventing itself to be a horror based shooter, modding, and being an exemplar of high end graphics for it's time, I mean the thing was honest about demanding a then high 512 mb of video memory. Is it as good as the classics, no they're certainly not, but I still consider it a good shooter for what it wanted to be. As for Doom 64, I'll have to find a means to get that.
  23. I think the reason why it's not as well liked in the Doom community has to do with the switch from it's original roots of being action oriented fast paced shooter to a much slower and horror themed shooter Doom 3 became. I still think it's a good game and I believe only the most adamant haters of Doom 3 would say Doom 3 is a bad game, just not as great as the Doom classics. Hmm, I played it once, though this was in my youth so I couldn't gauge how I liked it and I only beaten one level as I was only available for one turn at a house.
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