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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. I'd say JohnJoseco due to how it appears to be his usual style of pony art and of course the url link on the bottom of the art helps too.
  2. Happy birthday, Allen

    1. Allen


      Thank you for that, brony. :)

  3. That's editing for ya. No matter how hard you comb the text for errors, there's bound for a few to escape the cracks. I'm rather impressed she's willing to go through the agony of outliving her children that's almost guaranteed she will see. Being able to have children and raising them however she can and seeing them live a fruitful life at least brought her closure in that chapter in her life. The fact she'll still stick around with their kids at least show's her good heart. I like this portrayal for his mother. Nice job in characterizing.
  4. I've found two errors in my first read through. you hand to find out. I gently put my around you, ^ arm Other than that, I felt it was a nice emotional telling and excerpt about Tail's life through his mother's perspective. I definitely enjoyed reading it personally. I'll look into your other stuff a bit later.
  5. Normally yes, but thanks to Galactus's Ultimate Nullifier, that may break the stalemate.
  6. Ah nvm my mistake and error than.
  7. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1573/entry-17514-rayman-2-the-great-escape/ Here's my latest review on Rayman 2: the Great Escape. Please come and offer your opinions for this game and review. Positive or negative opinions are welcomed in my reviews.
  8. I've been reading that bit of sad info from your Tumblr as an anon. No words can ever match the bitter sadness enveloping you. I wish to offer my deepest condolences and sympathies to you, Slagar. Stay strong and live a fruitful and happy life. It's one thing I know your mother would want you to do.
  9. I think he means Windows 10 or so as on July 29th is when people get their free copy of Windows 10.
  10. All the time as I believe it to be a good motivation to improve oneself. When you see someone else performing something amazing than you, some people try to get the urge to try to create their own work to match and even beat it.
  11. Cheapshark is a great site for pc sales. Now I have my entries.

  12. Happy Birthday, Deadlyblack

  13. To add, DK has thunderclap (strong enough to destroy small asteroids and uproot people from the ground) as well to go along with his Strong Kong (grants him invulnerability for a limited time as his mechanic is the same as Knuckle's super form), Coconut Shooter that provides him with a gun that shoots coconuts and can be upgraded with homing ammo and increased sight range, and orange grenades.
  14. Ah if only music companies weren't such nazis when it comes to copyright. That's probably one other thing I'll miss in Doom 4 is the lack of a metal track. That's the beauty of Doom's simple but deep gameplay. It's easy to get the hang off, but Speedrunners and others show it can be difficult to truly master as when done competitively, the speed and lengths these speedrunners use to their advantage is rather amazing. Individually yes there's little difficulty to handle a doom monster, but under certain circumstances or facing multiple foes which the game rarely ever lets you face without having their buddies around, it becomes more difficult, especially if you're ambushed by them without preparations. The enemy's easy to dodge projectiles is designed as such as you're always outnumber by enemies and the ones who have hitscans and can hit you near instantly if fired and aiming at you happen to have the lowest durability in the game or is the final boss. As Light Rain said, what if somebody jumps off a part of the map and enter somewhere they weren't supposed to, they can be stuck without the no clip cheat active. That mechanic actually places more emphasis on a player's skill with the keyboard and mouse controls and likewise. Sure it can be more challenging, but there are other players who can say it made it easier because they're better aiming on their own rather than point and click with autoaim. Correct on the shotgun, it does make things easier, especially if you know the game well enough. However, not everyone is going to have an easy time with the game as not everyone is going to have similar skills and may still have difficulty even with the shotgun's arrival.
  15. Even with invulnerability, Donkey Kong has Strong Kong that also grants him invulnerability. It's a matter if they're willing to take stuff from Archie comics (where Sonic characters are one of the strongest in fiction, I'm not joking) or the video games (most likely where they're strong but no where near the lengths that the Archie comics took them). The only things I can say Knuckles has a definite advantage in is speed and skill due to his training to be the guardian of Angel Island. DK definitely has the strength advantage though.
  16. It's more of the skill of a gamer and his desire to speed run rather than the game itself having a flaw. You still need to know the game's layout and level to know how to get through a level without taking a shot or even killing demons. Making your character move slower in a game designed for you to dodge and avoid enemy fire while making the enemy move faster does hurt Doom's gameplay as instead of trying to avoid enemy fire, you're forced to try and siege against your enemy piece by piece, let alone this can ruin some speed run strats that require such careful speed and precision running speeds to move across obstacles. The jumps and crouching further damages it as jumping not only allows you to sequence break stuff in levels that had higher elevations designed specifically to stop the player from moving through this without initiating proper sequence in the level and crouching just further encourages the player to siege behind cover or so. Being able to look up and down actually helped improve the gameplay as the original Doom used an auto aim to make up for how your character couldn't look up. This is one change that I appreciate from the mod makers as it removes the need for an autoaim. I've already said and agreed with you that violence is a form that can help a game out in it's theme and how it's one of the most successful ways to advertise a product as America loves violence.
  17. Because it shrouds over the other things that make Doom such a great classic in the gaming community. Also imagine seeing the legions of Brutal Doom fanboys come and attack other Doom mods simply because they're not like Brutal Doom or for 'ripping' off Brutal Doom despite it being given alot of resources, coding, and help from other modders the mod creator tried to hide and claim he did it on his own. It also doesn't help the Brutal Doom creator has a huge ego of himself along with other things. You're right that the violence is a big selling point for it and many other games and it will continue to be so. I don't mind it being used as such as I like violence too. What I do mind is when fans believe that making things more violent and over top = better game when it's not always the case (Look at Hatred as an example). There are other problems to the mod such as providing a jumping and crouching mechanic which breaks the game as the original levels were never designed with that in mind. Enemies that move faster and you move slower when the point of Doom's gameplay was to avoid enemy fire and timing. The zombiemen having siderolls is annoying as they were designed to be fragile as they have hit scan attacks, making them more difficult to kill just adds unnecessary difficulty and breaks balance as that would make them more threatening than imps, a higher level enemy originally. Generally it detracts plenty from the original games for whatever reason that annoys older gamers such as I. How good is that DV2 mod. Is it worth a look?
  18. I just dislike how it has ingrained many gamers with the idea that Doom is about being over the top violent when that's not what the original Doom experience was entirely about. It helped of course and it did helped bring more popularity to Doom despite being 20+ year old game and it is a good mod, it's just an overrated one for many reasons for me and Lightrain. However, what I, Light Rain, and others are concerned about is that people are going to believe Doom is good because of the violence rather than because that's part of the recipe to whole cake that made it great in the first place. Doom 4's vid had me concerned they were inspired by Brutal Doom with the melee synch kills along with other things. Hopefully the game can prove interesting to this long time fan of Doom such as myself.
  19. Excellent points. I didn't brought up Brutal Doom on account that was the one request Jeric had for my review when going the reviewing process, don't talk or mention Brutal Doom and it's over the top gore. This actually led me to do a bit of research on Brutal Doom where I grew to dislike the creator of Brutal Doom. To put it sufficiently, he has a huge ego to the point he's been banned by two of the largest doom community forums and cannot use their forums to promote his new updates to Brutal Doom. Thus I actually went and tried out Brutal Doom Sperg edition to where I was able to enjoy Brutal Doom without supporting the mod creator himself. However, hearing those changes did caused me to be annoyed as at that point, instead of playing Doom itself, you might as well be playing a Quake version of Doom only if both went overboard with the gore and violence and unnecessary changes. Not to say Quake is bad or anything, in fact it's great from what I've heard. You're right that Doom is popular to me for it's fantastic gunplay, map and level designs, enemy balancing, interesting setting and theme (Technology vs. Demons as John Carmack aptly put it). The violence helps but if I wanted to like a game for violence purely, I'd enjoy games like Manhunt or Crusader no remorse. I like the many aesthetic changes Brutal Doom and such inspired mods did, but the melee synch kills if it lasts too long starts detracting away from the quick fast paced action that made Doom famed. Hearing those changes that I didn't saw in Brutal Doom would've turned me off from the game. I'll need to keep your words archived if I ever to get a review on a Doom mod if things permit for me to do it. Also nice find of that post and especially of finding Beautiful Doom for me to use on my next run of Doom.
  20. A full recommendation as someone who had recently posted a review on the first Doom game itself: https://mlpforums.com/blog/1573/entry-17291-doom-video-game-review/ Especially as they're right now on sale at Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/sub/18397/. I'd get it now as Bethesda is rather notorious for how cheap (in a bad way) they are with the sales of their games.
  21. Trying to install Quake and 2 for latest stuff to my computer

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      I never played those games =)

    3. Nuke87654


      They require some work to operate on modern systems due to their age. If you were to get it on Steam, I'd suggest getting the ultimate Quake patches for them as not only does it make them look better and optimize their settings to work on a modern system but they also provide you music osts that otherwise aren't available on the games themselves on Steam.

    4. 碇 シンジン
  22. If so, than I hope Knuckles can tank a moon level punch as that's how strong he is.
  23. I'd say bullets probably won't them much. After all, if dash dive bombed to the ground to cause an island level explosion while Twilight was run through a mountain, not to mention they're traveling at hypersonic speeds easily, a supersonic bullet is probably a stiff breeze to a high powered pony like an Alicorn. They're not immune, but I don't think a bullet won't hurt them much.
  24. From what I've read, even Garnet herself admitted she couldn't do that mountain busting. Also, the fact that nobody saw how they beat a living Island can at best lead to them being hypothetical island busters at best. The series is still young so they probably have better chances at improving. But their wall level durability is going to really kill them in debate battles.
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