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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. I think I got my review fixed after much editing.

  2. The heck happened to my review for Slice of Life?

    1. baba_booey


      I looked at it again.. welp, my OCD is going crazy right now.

    2. Nuke87654


      My iPad messed it up, let me try and fix it.

  3. As a metroid fan myself, this is beyond stupid and just really makes the fanbase look immature as all hell. They're not even giving the game a chance as for all we know, it can turn out how Metroid Prime did and become a brilliant game in the series.
  4. Lyra: Anything's possible when you know somepony as well as we know each other!

    1. Nuke87654
    2. Nuke87654


      Another thing I've found, a subtle lesbian reference via biblical style.

    3. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Knowing how they often looked romantic, the subtlety ain't so surprising.


      "Best friends," indeed. :P

  5. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-17052-fims-slice-of-life-episode-review/ I updated my review with a question I want to gauge to see which story you think was stronger in your honest opinion.
  6. A nice review and summarization of the episode you've made, Sunset Master. Thank you so much for your thoughts. As for the middle ground, I feel a 'good but not great option' suffice as well.
  7. Here's what I found out about Federation Force is that it takes place in the Metroid Prime Universe. Meaning that thanks to Other M, the excellent Prime trilogy and the original Metroid timeline are seperate from each other. I'm really ticked at Sakamoto now.
  8. You know what I noticed about Metroid Federation Force: Taking place in the Metroid Prime universe...

    1. Nuke87654


      Damn you Sakamoto!

  9. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-17052-fims-slice-of-life-episode-review/ Here's my review and take on Slice of Life. Please come and discuss your thoughts for the episode both negative and positive as I wish for folks to lend me their thoughts on this episode.
    1. Jeremiah


      i have also made a review....

    2. Jeremiah


      on Slice of Life

  10. I feel those who are complaining about Metroid Federation force are more upset that we didn't get a Retro Studios Metroid game for the Wii U more than anything. Besides this is a spinoff of the Metroid series so it doesn't conflict with any of the canon of Metroid. Who knows, it may turn out well and add more flavor to the Metroid verse.
  11. What if Nintendo announces and confirms the rumor that they're developing two Metroid games, the FPS one being done by Retro?
  12. Other than having that kid for Splatoon, it was great especially seeing first hand on two new games in Blast Ball and especially Super Mario maker (every Kaizo Mario fans wet dream come true) gameplay.
  13. Does it help redeem their relationship after what had happened in Putting your Hoof Down?
  14. As a longtime Doom fan, I'm not too impressed with what the trailer showed. 1. Gameplay looks deliberately slower than the original doom where instead of pushing to the goal as quickly as you can, we now have melee synch kills that seem to be a promoted way to finish off enemies instead of blasting them. 2. I hope that item switch isn't available for pc cause that would also slow things down. 3. A halo forge like map creation Sure it looked good, but until I hear of good mod support, it allows me to remove that aspect of gameplay, I'll hold off on it till a sale comes.
  15. Because the episode's narrative wanted to blame Iron Will for causing Fluttershy's to be an insensitive brute through his training despite how faulty that logic is for whose fault is it: the gunman who used a gun to kill people or the training instructor who had trained him how to shoot a fire arm in self defense. It's one aspect I hated about putting your hoof down as Fluttershy was the real villain in that episode.
  16. While there's still some good journalists who actually love video games and their craft like TB, there's definitely a disconnect between many of these game sites where they seem more concerned promoting their personal agendas or to make a quick buck from Triple A companies to really care about reviewing many games with heart. It's why I don't wish to give my support to any of these parasites save for a select few.
  17. All Hail Miyamoto!

    1. Megas
    2. HereComesTom


      Have they announced a release date for Mario Maker yet? And have they announced what all power-ups it'll have? There've been a lot of those---the Ice Flower, the Hammer Suit, the Cat Suit to name just a few...

    3. Nuke87654
  18. They all failed to save the animals in Super Metroid. They failed to achieve the true ending!
  19. Watching a Nintendo Direct Feed. Want to chat on PM?

  20. I'm listening to a Nintendo Direct feed. Nothing against the kid but it's easily reminding me why I don't want kids to be in some major speaking role.
  21. That's actually a very good point on especially the morale. I may have liked it but you do have an excellent point in that it was forced at the wedding. I will have to pay special attention to this if it truly deserves to be viewed in a more negative fashion on my end. I thank you for pointing this out, Pryme Striker.
  22. A great review, Batpony. Excellent job building and writing this review of your thoughts on the episode. Thank you very much for taking the times especially.
  23. Another very detailed and excellent review from DQ himself I especially loved you putting in the list of fanon references the episode used.
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