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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-15760-fim-testing-testing-123-episode-review-redux/ Here's a redux review for Testing Testing 1 2 3. Please come and answer a question I have below and especially if you agree with my conclusion for the episode in detail.
  2. I highly doubt the CMC's get their cutie marks in this episode considering all the building up they're doing with Cutie Marks this season. A season finale would be more appropriate. What concerns me is more of that it's another 'CMC's try to find their Cutie Marks' episode. The previous CMC episodes worked best moving away from that theme. This time they're facing a dangerous outlaw and hoping to cross off bounty hunting as their cutie mark. I'm hoping Braeburn and Little Strong Heart show up in this episode, and the episode tone is a very funny one as the idea of children trying to catch a deadly criminal is not going ring well with many folks.
  3. Hearing the 6th episode synopsis for Season 5 probably worries me the most as it's another 'CMC's trying to find their cutie marks' only this time they're dealing with a dangerous outlaw. Hope it tries to be funny ala home alone.

    1. theonenamedDJ


      wait, what. This is the first I'm hearing of this!

    2. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      One brony on EQD believed it'll be something similar to MDW (*groan*): that the bandit will likely be one of their peers in disguise to teach them a lesson.


      I don't know if that'll be true. We'll see.

    3. Nuke87654


      Hopefully it turns out good as I'm concerned.

  4. You know what this site needs, an abilty to disable any refresh commands while writing a topic or blog >:(

    1. 碇 シンジン
    2. Nuke87654
    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      Sometimes the text comes back for me if i go back to the previous page or go to that page and look if ckeditor has saved the text =/

  5. Testing, testing 1,2,3 can be argued as one of Rd's, if not, her best episode in the series. Easily one of the finest episodes on the show.

    1. King Sejong

      King Sejong

      Most excellent.

  6. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l-NidcMz_xk A clip of one of the most awesome vampires in recent fiction for a small sample. If you guys need to watch a new anime, Jojo can provide you that fix and a memorable one for you.
  7. It's sad to see that as a Celestia fan. Just a Celestia episode designed to flesh her character and write her better going forward out is all I ask ;-; as a disappointed fan of hers.
  8. Our issue mainly stems with how post S2 Celestia's actions has been pretty idiotic when on screen. It's a troubling trend we're seeing with Celestia where we see her sitting around and let's Twilight solve something on her own despite telling her the importance of friendships that nearly doomed Twilight and the Crystal Empire to Sombra (Crystal Empire), trusts a dubious character over her far more trust worthy subjects she could've chosen and gives up all their remaining magic to their least experienced alicorn in Twilight and tells her to hide them (Twilight's Kingdom). It's what's so fun at being a fan for me and many others are though. Discussing materials and stuff with like minded peers for something we all care about because we want to see it being better.
  9. But your post mainly relies on a past personal experience with how you're so bitter with people doing discussions about a character as you believe it is pointless and that creators aren't going to fix and solve the issues you present because they can't or don't want to. Here's mine, when I requested on a forum to do a balance change on a character because I didn't like how poor it was. Despite opposition from one of the game's top players, the balance team actually went ahead and fixed it to where I requested it. It ended up being an excellent balance fix that even the top player admitted it was a good change. Just because you had one bad experience suggesting a change to something you considered wrong doesn't mean everyone else will either. Finally, using it as a crux for why we can't discuss the problems one of the characters on the show doesn't make yourself look good in a topic designed specifically to discuss what problems she has. If you don't think it's bad enough, then argue why it isn't instead of essentially telling us a topic is pointless because you don't want us to discuss about a show as concerned fans.
  10. Don't worry about it. You had an unfortunate issue with your laptop and needed it to be fixed. I'm just happy you're back
  11. Instead of discussing how it can be fixed? Not many are just going to tolerate what they're seeing Celestia doing in the recent episodes on the show and would like that to be changed in a more positive direction for her.
  12. I would say to save her, the following need to occur. 1. They need to have her go and save the mane 6 and/or the kingdom in some capacity that doesn't put her on the sideline observing. Remind the audience that she can be a terrifying presence in battle when she is pissed off, and to especially stop whacking her with the worf bat just to jobber up a villain as it's not only a cheap way to treat a strong powered character, but it actually makes future villains look worse as nobody is going to take you beating up a weak character seriously. A lesser but good examples are Celestia's actions in Return of Harmony where as soon as the mane 6 were beaten by Discord, she immediately sent letters to Spike in a hail mary move to save them, or how Celestia tried but failed to defend her kingdom from Queen Chrysalis. 2. Dedicate an or episodes designed to build Celestia's character up. Princess Luna has an arc going on with the CMC's that is building her in a positive direction in character. Celestia needs something similar in that regard so we can start bonding with her and feel her as a more benevolent leader that watches and cares for her people that she was originally built up to be instead of a malicious fool. 3. Remember the Nightmare Moon backstory? How about we see through Celestia's perspective and actually see the pains she had to go through after banishing her sister. We'd like to imagine Luna suffering in her imprisonment but yet not alot are imagining of just what Celestia had to go through for banishing her sister. Dedicate an episode showing us of how much Celestia has suffered trying to save her sister and all the years and plans that failed but never gave up saving her sister as Lauren Faust had envisioned her doing. The love for Celestia in the fandom will go up expediently from it.
  13. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-15733-fim-leap-of-faith-episode-review-redux/ My review for Leap of Faith is up. Please come and discuss what you guys thought about whatever details I've put in the review and if you agree with them.
  14. Leap of faith while no where near as bad as Rainbow Falls, isn't in league with Rarity takes Manehattan and Pinkie Pride either. It's more in range with the breezies episode where both had annoying flaws hampering the good it was doing.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nuke87654


      A light in the darkness.


      I remove my clothes


      Close enough tofeel it pass


      The King's champion

    3. Monsoon


      I will launch the tactical CUKE on you

    4. Nuke87654


      Ion Cannon satellite firing

  15. That would actually allow Jimmy to win unless Dexter's inventions has some hax to work with.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Steelstallion


      Dawwwwww!!! <3

    3. Megas
    4. Cosmik Vek

      Cosmik Vek

      Love the title of the art, reference to a song I like,

      Cute art though :3

  16. That is a good point, though doesn't Jimmy have a shrink way as well though it depends of how large of an object it can handle before it's too much for it.
  17. Dexter has giant mecha robots and an exoskeleton suit that would make mince meat out of goddard however. As for the FTL feats however, I'll have to wait on Shimmer5000 to bring up those posts to counter you. Good job.
  18. I'm having issue finding that thing. I'll try and ask Shimmer5000 for where that feat of the device is at as he was the one who suggested it's existence and how I've heard it on multiple forums of it's existence.
  19. It's probably permissible, but I don't think the tv staff would want to write the IDW comics as from what I believe and heard writers typically look down on comic writing unless they're passionate about the field. As for Pen Stroke, I highly doubt they would let him write a story as he doesn't have enough credentials for them to want to hire him based on his writing ability, and I think the fear of him placing his Nyx character in the comic that could rile up some more irrational fans and especially after they forbid adding fan oc's after that Ted Anderson fiasco would be too great of obstacles for him to overcome. Perhaps if he enters in the comic world and some time after, they may allow him to write for MLP Gen 4 comics, but as of right now I don't think it can happen. I whole heartily agree with your sentiments on MA Larson and McCarthy. Hopefully Cutie Markless can validate it if MA Larson is indeed the writer for it based on how the episode's premise seems to be based on one of MA Larson's favorite stories in Harrison Bergeron.
  20. Sorry it took so long, but I suffered a power outage in my area for a good half hour. As for Katie Cook, I feel she would get back alot of love if she would go back to writing a slice of life comedy story as I feel that's where her skill as a writer truly shine. IDW meanwhile will have to look for another writer to carry the adventure story mantle. Personally, they may need to hire a new guy as I feel none of the writers they currently have on the MLP team are capable of doing it well. Though I've heard one Transformers writer (Robert something) has been doing a great job world building the transformers in a positive direction. I wonder if he's interested in giving FIM a crack at it? For the show itself, while Meghan is not in serious need of replacement in the same manner with IDW and Katie Cook, I do feel she needs to be given a break and go back to writing slice of life stories to remind people why she's the best writer on the staff when writing slice of life stories. I'd like to see MA Larson try his turn with Adventure stories again as his style to world build in his episodes is good for it and he still holds the best premiere and two parter episode in the series with Return of Harmony. I hope he's the one writing the S5 premire as if he's the one to write it and it turns out well, I think the fandom may encourage DHX to let him write adventure episodes and let Meghan manage and direct what direction they want to take in FIM and return to writing slice of life episodes.
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