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Posts posted by KarentheUnicorn

  1. On 5/4/2019 at 6:57 PM, Brandywine said:

    *dies* oh my God! I didn't even know some of these existed. I wonder if they are all authentic.



    I can pretty much tell by looking at it that the G1 stuff is authentic.


    I honestly feel kinda sad about it, wondering if whoever owned it, were they a collector, what happened to make them give up their collection to have someone end up buying it for $300. So I sorta put myself in the situation and imagine someone buying my collection and bragging about what they bought and how much money they're gonna make off of it.

    It would be nice if a collection like this could end up in the hands of someone who actually knows MLP.

  2. Well, firstly the 'sexy lady' is Scheherazade, she is a major female character and the storyteller in the Middle Eastern literature One Thousand and One Nights.


    You have to take into context the actual plot of the episode and watch it. Through the door was a magical door and when it was open by the ponies, great legends and myths came through the door, like Robin Hood and even Paul Bunyan. Scheherazade was one of the myths and legends that came through the door.

    Soooo, yea, it's a fictional character from book inserted into a fictional story with talking ponies. I don't quite think this is any weirder than ponies traveling to 'earth' becoming human but not really because I never went to school with kids named Fluttershy. Twilight sparkle or Rainbow Dash in the real world with yellow, purple or blue skin. 

    • Brohoof 1
  3. 2 hours ago, shinystarry said:

     I don't really see why some people tend to see G4 as "boring".


    I think when you see people say boring, they'd probably be referring to the toyline. A lot of fans have to take into consideration the separate mentality when thinking about My Little Pony.

    If you're a fan who came by way of the original MLP from the 1980s - then your mindset is probably TOY FIRST

    If you're a fan who came by way of Friendship is Magic - then your mindset is probably CARTOON FIRST

    So the opinions people give are generally flavored by which path you took into My Little Pony.

    If I say G4 is boring then I'm talking about the toyline because I'm an original and come by way of the toys, to me the cartoon is an accessory :)

    So we all gotta realize with MLP there is a different focus for certain sections of the fanbase for MLP.


    I'd point out the pictures you use are all cartoon based but your G2 picture didn't show up. G2 did not have a cartoon. So there isn't an animation to go by for that anyway. So for TOYLINE fans you'd need to add toy pics ;)

    Not a great pic but found this online a comparison of the toys


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  4. Moondancer and Firefly were my first ponies so they have a special place. I always loved baby Ember since that was the very first baby pony and you had to mail off horseshoe ponies to get in the mail from hasbro. But It's really hard to have a favorite since I collect them and they all are sort of special to me :) 

  5. On 11/11/2018 at 6:41 PM, Midnight Solace said:

    Not as popular as it is now though, that's why the G4 stuff are on iTunes.

    Are you talking about G1/80's ponies not being popular in the 80's?

    Just out of curiosity how old were you in the 1980's?

    Plus I don't think you're right if you're talking G1, hell I remember watching an MTV special once about the 80's and MLP was one of the toys they talked about being popular in one of the episodes. Out of all the toys from the 80's I don't see them choosing an unpopular toy to promote the 80's on a show about what was popular in the 80's.

  6. Those are NOT real My Little Pony products. They are generally called Fakies, which are usually deemed knockoff, cheaper plastic ponies.

    You can usually tell by the eye paint/design and even by the symbol/cutiemark that they are very low quality compared to real MLP's.

    Also Hasbro ponies in general will have some sort of hoof marking, they will be stamped on the hooves so you know they're offical hasbro product. Now that's not in every single case of something deemed MLP, there are a lot of rare variety or what is generally termed in the collecting community Nirvana, what we are talking is rare or unique ponies but the hasbro hoof stamping it's overall a good way to tell if it's offical MLP or just some junk. Also the hair quality on fakies is in a lot of instances pretty crappy. But again not in all cases.

    But in this case what you have are knock-off fakie ponies that are not genuin MLP.

    There are some collectors who like fakies or collect them and others who will be interested in certain fakies.

    There was one that I'd love to have because the box was labeled Demon Donkey and it's honestly just funny as heck. I've found some pics online

    that I'll put at the bottom. The pictures I found are knock offs of G3 ponies. Which if you look at them in box, they're fairly good knockoffs

    even using some original offical MLP artwork on the packaging in some cases.

    Most people who are not collectors can't tell, hell by dad has seen my MLP's since I started collecting in 1983/4 and he still

    doesn't know the difference in a real MLP and a fakie. To most people who are either not collectors or not into MLP all

    plastic toy ponies are MLP. But that is really not the case, especially when you consider the quality of most fakies, which

    in general is pretty bad.





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  7. 12 hours ago, CameoShadowness said:

    Sold with different colored dragons?! Could that have been why Celestia gave Twilight a dragon signafying she'll be a princess long before she was even sent to Poniville?

    Hum, I don't know. They were not sold inside the USA with dragons and I doubt very many USA kids who were in the ponies in the 80's would have known about it. I had no idea till I got online back in the mid-90's that there were differences in MLP with what was sold inside the USA and outside the USA. So I doubt that Faust who is credited with the story ideas for the Friendship is Magic story line would have known, unless Hasbro happened to throw that idea out to her. However I don't know that USA staff would automatically be aware of such a minor point in the toy collecting that princess ponies from the 80's were named differently and came with different accessories.

    No, I think this would purely be the awesomeness of being a MLP 80's toy collector.

  8. The backcard stories generally came with each MLP back during G1, until maybe the last couple of years where they had a generic backcard for each set. Moondust and Sunbeam were part of the second set of 6 princess ponies. The ponies in that set are Princess Taffeta, Princess Misty, Princess Dawn, Princess Pristina, Princess Sunbeam and Princess Moondust.



    The first set of 6 princess ponies had different names in the USA, example: one of the princess was named Princess Tiffany in the USA, but she was named Princess Pearl overseas.

    These were pretty cool ponies when they showed up in stores, the original 6 princess ponies were sold with a Bushwooly friend, overseas they were sold with different color dragons. Plus they had some really neat accessories: magic wand and princess hat. The symbol also was so different from other mlp (sorry, cutie mark) as it was a sort of medallion instead of a screen printed image.

    Tiffany was my first in that set back in the day. I remember thinking how beautiful she was as she was a white pegasus with white hair. Which was unusual since no MLP before her ever had that combo of same body and hair color. 

    Princess Tiffany Information



  9. 13 hours ago, Twilight Luna said:

    There was not internet back then. Yeah, I know. Some of us grew up in the dark ages before computers had color graphics and there were cell phones. Back then, there was a greater stigmatization about gender roles and what you could and couldn't like. Boys played with GI Joe and Transformers while girls played with My Little Pony and Barbie. That's how it was.

    I don't know, I seem to remember plenty of times my cousins or friends were playing with each others toys, both male and female. I think sometimes how it seemed was not always the reality.

  10. 1 minute ago, TheTaZe said:

    You sure? I swore it did. You're probably right because I've actually never watched any of it.

    Most new fans/FIM centered fans confuse G2 with the Tales series. It doesn't help that one of the Brony documentaries labeled the series incorrectly. It's very disheartening to have that kind of thing out there, showing the lack of knowledge where MLP History is concerned.

    My Little Pony Generation tags are based on the toyline. And you have to actually go back to the time between the switch in the brand to understand why MLP ended up using the Generation Tagline.

    If you look at the tales series and the toys, the toys are in the exact same molds as G1 ponies; so at the time when the toys and series came out there was no confusion on who the toys where and characters were. If you both watched and collected the toy you would have no problem identifying ponies/toys.


    When the toyline changed and the whole line was revamped, that is when the Generation Tag started to be used online. One reason I remember back then we started  using Generation terms is because Hasbro re-used G1 names in the G2 toyline. So to be able to explain which pony was being discussed, we started saying (for example) Generation 1, Sundance or Generation 2, Sundance. If you were a collector back then and were asking for G1 Sundance and you had someone send you G2 Sundance it was annoying. And because back then new people were getting into MLP, they didn't automatically know there were names being reused. You also need to remember that digital cameras were expensive back in the early days of the internet and hardly anyone I remember had a cell phone. So you had to depend on the description instead of photos when searching for ponies, etc.

    Now everyone  has a camera and can add photos on the internet so there isn't that big of an issue but the Generation Tag makes it easier to explain what you're talking about, especially considering Hasbro has consistently reused pony names over the Generations. For example I could start talking about a Unicorn named Moondancer and most FIM centered fans are going to assume I mean the character on the G4 cartoon. However, back in 1983/84, Moondancer and Firefly were my first My Little Pony toys that my mom bought me. It's what got me into MLP. So me saying G1 Moondancer removes any confusion on which pony I'd be talking about, etc.

    • Brohoof 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Lord Valtasar said:

    i don't collect them.but i found an orange one inside an old chest-couch when i moved to my house, i think it was G1

    Hum, Orange. If you look at the bottom of the hoof, you will see Hasbro or some identifier if it is G1. If you post a picture I can probably tell you who you have if it's G1.

  12. 26 minutes ago, Lord Valtasar said:

    Allright then. G1 it is

    The 80's weirdness is not a flaw. Its a plus in my book

    The first special Rescue at Midnight Castle is probably the best thing to start with, well duh it's the very first cartoon. Unless you count some of the original commercials that had animation (haha). The TV series is not exactly the same as the special, the animation is a little better in the special, and the TV episodes are a bit different in terms of not being quite as intense.

    One of my favorite episodes from the TV series in G1 is Sweet Stuff and the Treasure Hunt. It's very sweet and innocent, so don't expect anything amazing in the episode. I think the reason I like it is because it's sweet and innocent and I just really love the theme of the episode. The song Be Glad you are who you are is probably one of my favorite songs from G1.

    The return of Tambelon is probably another of the G1 episodes I liked, I also liked Fugitive Flowers, here you will get to meet Posey the inspiration for Fluttershy, also a little side not, Optimus Prime is in this episode, no not the robot but the voice actor that plays OP is a character in this episode.

    The Golden Horseshoes - the inspiration that made the G1 pony Mimic extremely popular among collectors and for whatever reason makes people believe this pony is hard to find, but it's generally just made people pay a LOT more for this pony than the others in the TE set.

    Somnambula...yes, the introduction of boy ponies. While this episode isn't super memorable for me, it was more about the introduction of male ponies that was so awesome back then. In the toy line, all the ponies were female till the Big Brother Ponies were introduced...yea, it was a big deal if you were into the toyline back then.


    Anyway, those are some of my favorite episodes of the TV program. I know some people poopoo on the movie but I loved the movie as well.





    • Brohoof 2
  13. My list is hardly a dent in the number of G3's.

    If you're looking for an organized list of toy ponies preG4, your best bet is to look at collector sites. Websites like Strawberry reef are really good. http://www.strawberryreef.com/index.html


    A really good site for G1 is Taffeta's website, but she mostly focused on the G1's with her site. She is a long time collector like myself who has a lot of good info, especially based on UK pony collecting because MLP toyline is different depending on country and region. Her website is http://www.etherella.com/scrapbook/

    The biggest site that we collectors used back in the early 90's was Dream Valley but sadly the collector who owned the site took her whole site down a couple years ago, so one of the biggest and most extensive sites on MLP from a USA collector is no longer around. But thankfully Taffeta's site is pretty good and a lot of times her info of international ponies was much more accurate than Kim's(Dream Valley).

    For G1 we have collector guides now so it's not really so much of a big deal, plus for long time collectors we sort of know our ponies. But it's kind of helpful for those who have only come by way of G4, for those with an interest in previous generations. It's good to know history and how to tell what are original MLP and understand the history, etc.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Steve Piranha said:

    Regardless, it was still G1. I'd like to be clear on that because MLP Tales cartoon is still mistaken for G2's cartoon, while in fact said generation didn't have one, just a videogame. Hell, most people don't even know how G2 toys even look like :dash:

    Er, you're kind of preaching to the choir...but yea, Tales is part of G1.

  15. 7 hours ago, Steve Piranha said:

    Birthdate is 1991, so I was born late G1, possibly during MLP Tales :huh:

    You would be like year 9 and 10 of MLP. The Tales ponies as far as the toy goes I believe were released in 1993, think the cartoon was 92.

    So you're still firmly in USA G1 toy land in 91.

  16. 8 hours ago, Thorgir the Mighty said:

    Show me a deadpool one.

    All you have to do is type in google My Little Pony custom Deadpool and they'll pop up.


    Actually if you just type in My Little Pony custom into google search you'll see all kinds of hand made creative ponies.

  17. 13 minutes ago, StrangeGirl said:

    I like the appearance of the Generation 1 ponies. They have those shiny manes, the light pastel coats, the semi-realistic proportions...


    That's such a beautiful Posey!!


    I'm bias as G1's were my original ponies. But as far as the toy goes nothing for me really beats the G1. In terms of the toys, If a person likes horses/ponies they look more like ponies opposed to whatever is going on with the G4 toys. And I like the G4cartoon but I've yet to see a toy I really completely love in G4. I just don't think I'm a huge fan of the art style they used. They have the sort of wonky head or really I don't know how to describe it exactly, it's like the head isn't quite right for the body, almost like the head is stretched weirdly....I don't know when I first saw them to me I thought deer more than pony. I think in G4 the Movie they actually did a better job of sizing the body to head better...there is just something softer and more appealing to how the ponies looked in the movie to me.

  18. I used to customize when I had time. There are bunches of amazing MLP fans who create their own custom ponies. If you look on the MLParena, they even have a forum for those of us who customize. There are also some facebook groups as well that focus in MLP customization.

    Here is one of my customs from a while back, sorry I don't have many photos up that are shareable (Thanks photobucket). This is the first one I could find on FB of one of my G1 customs.



    Here are some G4's. This is the last customs I actually finished. I won first prize at the MLP fair a few years ago:600219_10151561691382685_599258033_n.jpg


    Here is a closeup of Fluttershy and Rarity:




    • Thanks 2
  19. 3 hours ago, CherryAcorn said:

    Thank you

    Actually the Original 6 ponies have been released multiple times, not only just a few months ago.


    Here is the pamphlet I was sent with my pony when I ordered them as mail order ponies back in the mid 80's.




    These ponies were being called 'Collector Ponies' even going back as far as 1986. Here is a mailed letter from Hasbro I received back then about the original 6

    being released as mail order ponies:



    Even going back to 1986, Hasbro itself was considering MLP a collectable toyline. So there wasn't really a main 6 back in the 80's. Hasbro always had new releases of ponies back in the 80's so we were always excited to see new ponies. The TV show was more like an accessory back  in the 80's, the toy line was what most of us who loved MLP were into and looked forward to with each new release of ponies. So our focus was on collecting all the ponies, etc. Not just focusing on 6 ponies, it was more like focusing on 100's of ponies. If you go back and look at the commercials, it was more like an exciting idea to get new ponies for your herd. I know a lot of new fans complain about how Hasbro is just focusing on selling stuff, but that is what they do, they are a toy company.

    I honestly wouldn't trade my ponies for anything, especially the ponies I grew up with - and a lot of them I've had for over 30 years. So I think new fans should actually talk to old fans about they're ponies and try to understand the differences. In my mind back when I was a pre-teen/teenager, the ponies were like a beautiful little collection but more like a little family/herd of ponies. So it was always fun and exciting to see what kind of new ponies Hasbro would come out with each time new ponies would show up in store, etc. 

    • Brohoof 2
  20. On 6/4/2018 at 8:28 PM, FirePuppy said:

    In case you didn't know, 8 years ago, when Discovery Kids was announced to be replaced by The Hub, My Little Pony's G4 "Friendship is Magic" title wasn't unveiled yet back then.

    For those who were aware of this, did any of you think it was going to be reruns of G1 rather than the premiere of MLP: FiM?


    On 6/4/2018 at 8:36 PM, Whomps said:

    G1 MLP did well enough for Hasbro to continue it as a franchise, but I doubt it was remembered fondly enough for them to show the original series on the Hub like it's big brother G1 counterparts like Transformers and GI Joe, which are still fondly remembered. Hell, until I saw FiM, I didn't even know it had a TV show, all I remembered was hearing about the G3 direct to DVD movies

    As far as I know, FiM(G4) is gonna be to what MLP is in the future what G1 is usually for Transformers, that foundation future iterations of MLP will take inspiration from 


    16 hours ago, Starlightglim said:

    Idk maybe it could of air g1 but I’m just gonna say no cause g1 really Old



    Um, am I wrong in remembering them showing the G1 movie? I thought I remember it being shown on there.


    1 hour ago, Flutterstep said:

    We all know what Rarity looks like. :D


    I don't get it ?(LOL) Is that smores or some kind of sandwich?

    Now if you had something like a shirt or a necklace that looked like Rarity I might get it...

    Like this I found online



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