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Posts posted by ilcane87

  1. I've recently re-watched several episodes that I don't often feel like seeing again, because I didn't find them especially memorable or entertaining (though I really like them all).

    And you know what? I had a blast doing so. :lol:

    There were a ton of little gags and details that I didn't remember/notice, and overall they left me with a much better impression than I had before.


    So that made me wonder: is the first time you watch an episode actually the least enjoyable? :blink:

    Do early impressions really not do justice to episodes?


    And yet I remember the first time I've seen my favorite episode, Magical Mystery Cure, and how i felt completely shaken by that amount of awesomeness; I've watched it countless times now, and while I still always get feels, it certainly does not compare to the day it aired.

    But there are also episodes I absolutely love, like Pinkie Pride, that I didn't really appreciate as much the first time around, but only during the second watch I was able to take it all in, so to speak; I also get this a lot the first time I listen to songs, perhaps because on first listen/watch I'm more focused on absorbing the experience rather than just enjoying it.


    So what is your stance? Do you like episodes more when they are new or when you've seen them before? :)

    • Brohoof 6
  2. It seems odd to me that DHX would promote someone to Director, simply for the movie. You'd think Jayson or Jim would knock it out. It occurs to me that if Equestria Academy exists, Ishi Ruddell is directing it, and they gave him EQG 2 as his first EQG project. 

    Thats what I was thinking, but then we got this tweet:




    As far as I've seen, Ishi Rudell isn't the kind of guy to blatantly lie, especially since he could've just not answered (like the rest of the staff in the 4 months since EQA was 'revealed').

    I suppose it's possible that he isn't aware of it because the director hasn't been chosen yet, his role comes up during the animation phase after all, and they probably aren't very far into the writing phase yet, if they have started at all; but that's sounding a lot like wishful thinking on my part. -_-


    Anyhow, Kidexpo Paris takes place 5 weeks from now, and that's when the series is supposed to be officially announced, so we won't have to wait for long.

    The timing sure if convenient though, since it's just after the release of the Rainbow Rocks DVD/BR.


    Another interesting tidbit is that the former article that started the whole buzz has been updated since then, or more specifically they added a subtitle to the series, which is now "Equestria Academy, l’école de tous les succès [the school of every success]", so that gives it some more credibility.

  3. It's amazing how one little tweet from Meghan can lead to some revelations. S4 scripts were locked in June 20th 2013, and recorded June. 27th. The finale was the following May 10th of this year, a full 45 weeks from script lock in date. If that stays the same with S5, with scripts locked in Sept 16th, recorded the 23rd, then the closest Saturday 45 weeks out from that is August 8th 2015, or the 15th if you want to round up to the following Sat.


    If the finale is August 8th, the premiere is February 28th 2015.

    That takes me back. ^_^


  4. It definitely doesn't sound like anyone from the Mane Six singing that line. I mean, I guess it could have been Twilight singing, but I think (and hope) that was Sunset Shimmer's voice.
    I mean, come on, who wouldn't FLIP OUT if Sunset Shimmer sang? Well, maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, but what do you guys think? Is it possible? I know Twilight's singing voice and Sunset Shimmer's speaking voice is the same (Rebecca Shoichett is the voice actress, I think), but I'm still hoping. Can't blame a girl for dreaming, right? *crosses fingers*

    Well, for starters, we already had confirmation that Sunset would sing in the movie, so she's got to have a few lines somewhere.


    Also, you may have not noticed this, but you can hear a voice that's most likely hers in Welcome to the Show, from 2.50 of this video:



    If you compare it to the line you picked in Shine Like Rainbows, it's quite clearly the same voice, and it was sort of hinted by Ishi Rudell too:


    I'd argue that the lyrics of those particular lines also fit Sunset more than anyone else.



    So there you have it, it's not 100% certain, but it's very likely. ;)

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Say, any other ways to watch the movie other than DVD and going to theatre? I heard that the movie will be played on HUB, but I'm not sure.

    The movie will air on The Hub on October 17th, though the TV version of the previous movie had a handful of scenes cut to fit the time slots, so I'd recommend getting the DVD or waiting for the iTunes release.

  6. Do you think that in this movie, Sunset Shimmer will return to Equestria?

    I find that very unlikely, she's now best friends with the Mane 5 from Canterlot High, there's no reason for her to leave them.

    If anything, this movie seems to be establishing her as a primary character in the EQG universe, possibly a surrogate Twilight Sparkle as EquestriaGuy suggested earlier.


    And although it would be cool to have her play a role in at least 1 FiM episode, I'm afraid the staff would be reluctant to do so, because 'Fandom Drama'. :please:

  7. Hey there!


    I made these little Sorter programs a while ago, basically they let you pit episodes/songs against each other, two by two, until they are able to determine the entire ranking of the whole series, by your preference; then you can post the results in this topic!


    Here they are:





    Note that if you pick either "I Like Both" or "No Opinion", those episodes/songs will be tied at the end, so you shouldn't pick those options if you don't want ties.


    Since there are tons of episodes/songs, it'll take some time to complete the sorting, so make sure you don't misclick or you'll have to start over! ^_^


    p.s. the Song Sorter includes the latest songs from the Rainbow Rocks soundtrack.

    • Brohoof 2
  8. Let's see where everyone stands!

    Meh, I don't know, it's EQG after all...




    Just kidding, I can hardly wait! 


    (hi EquestriaGuy, I wonder how many people will think you are named after the 'Equestria Girls' title  :P)

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Larson was promoted to temporary story editor during the beginning of season 5 to help Meghan while she was busy also working on Rainbow Rocks.


    In a recent segment of the Dustykatt show, from the end of august, Meghan was asked what she was doing while Larson was the story editor, and she wouldn't reveal it.

    Had she been working on Rainbow Rocks, there wouldn't have been an NDA on it anymore, so she might've been setting up something else; maybe Equestria Academy?


    You can hear it from 55.47 in this video:




    Oh, hi Marimo by the way.  ;)

    • Brohoof 1
  10. The HUGE push though? The new Equestria Girls movie, Rainbow Rocks. The girls are back and performing in a battle of the bands

    Got to ask: was it stated somewhere that Rainbow Rocks is an actual upcoming Movie, or is it just your own assumption?


    EDIT: Nevermind, just read your post on the EQG2 thread; can't wait!  B)

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