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Blank Flank
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  • Personal Motto
    When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
  • Interests
    Hunger Games, Gravity Falls, Science, Smosh, Tobuscus, Harry Potter

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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Blank Flank

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  1. hops in front of flutters101

  2. I. Am. Twilight__Sparkle....

  3. Hey I noticed you where kind of new! Welcome I can show you arounf!

    1. Flutters101


      Hi thank you! I'm kinda confused XD

  4. Same here! I was on YouTube, and a ton of mlp videos cam up in the recommended bit, and I was like 'RIGHT! I'M ANNOYED OF SEEING MY LITTLE PONY STUFF EVERYWHERE, I WANT TO KNOW WHY EVERRYONE LIKES IT!' Since then I have been a huge fan. And yeah, Fluttershy is best pony. Also, before I watched the show, I used to think Twilight Sparkle was a bully XD oh how wrong I was!
  5. Because people are pathetic and want something to attack, and because they believe My Little Pony is a little kid's show, it makes bronies an easy target.
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