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Posts posted by SacredHooves

  1. I am doing one now to cover a couple portions of The Legend of Zelda: Parallel Worlds 1.0

    Then tomorrow I plan on doing a evening stream (5PM EST) of cleaning up Twilight Princess HD. I usually announce my streams and times on my Twitter Page http://Twitter.com/SacredHooves

    I am about to do a special session with my friends from MetroidConstruction.com as we do a Super Metroid Randomizer race! Come and join me!

  2. http://www.hitbox.tv/SacredHooves



    I just wanted to start by placing those two links.  *Ahem*  Welcome!  You know me as SacredHooves; and I host a gaming show on both Hitbox.tv & Twitch.tv known as The Gaming Brony.


    On this show I play games of all kinds, both within my expertise and out of it.  I do not claim to be an expert: but I do aim to please as best as I can with what I do.  I stream just about every day, and I am working on getting better stuff to stream more current and recent games.  Come stop by and join us!

  3. So officially speaking I am now working on a story that has resided in my head for almost a decade.  I need some open minded friends who will;


    Critique the story

    Spell check and find my sentence errors

    Eagerly push me to keep going

    Will not steal what is sent as their own.



    This is the fourth time I'll have sat down to try this; and I really need the support of my fellow bronies to assist me in being strong.  This is a non-pony related story that will have;





    Heart Gripping



    May not be for anyone 13 and under

    Sci-fi/Fantasy themed


    If this is seems like your kinda apple tree to buck; please respond here or PM me.  I eagerly await those with the joy/passions for these kind of things

    • Brohoof 1
  4. So I know I've been in and out of these boards for like awhile now. I have been meaning to edit this sucker for quiet some time. So as of now let's be official about this!



    Hitbox.tv/SacredHooves <--- this lovely link right here will bring you to my Live Streaming Page.


    As of right now because my work life demands it, I can't post a consistent timing of when I shall be live.

    More or less I play week by week depending on what I have to do outside of my stable. Here is a current list of games we are playing, or are planning to play within the next month;


    Super Metroid (Hacks and Randomizer runs)

    Legend of Zelda (Different ones including Zelda Classic)




    There are other games on my agenda, but as a basic rule of thumb plan on seeing mainly Nintendo games atm. Thank you for stopping by, and hope to see y'all soon.


    (DoctorMcCrimmon is the artist who did my channel and avatar art)

  5. I've been dabbling around a Super Metroid fansite lately playing all sorts of custom made hacks for it: some are fun some stink like rotten apples. I just picked up a game a co-worker wouldn't stop bucking me about because he said it was awesome. I now must agree that Shovel Knight is indeed awesome. So awesome I am doing a blind playthrough on YouTube for the fun of it. On top of that Terraria just recently updated so I am trying to get into that again: might do a video or two there

  6. I recently just did a playthrough of Castlevania Circle of the Moon for my YouTube channel. I've been on a classics (GBA/SNES/NES) rampage for some reason. The next game I plan on hitting up is a new Super Metroid hack (not really new came out in April this year) called Hyper Metroid.

  7. To be honest, my brohoofing is like a Like on Pandora or Facebook: its because I like what was said/what's being played. If its a good song that I can rock out to at work or online to kill time thats a plus theres a Thumbs up.  So yeah Brohoofs are like Hi fives, thumbs up, pat on the backs, the silent agreement nod, etc. 


    On a side note when I actually have time to log on and enjoy myself, Applejack and Fluttershy get brohoofs :D

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Just...wow.... knowing Carlin and after he died I was like "I will never hear a new punch line or joke again that was so well delivered" then we have this....


    He was funny he was awesome, and he really delivered like none other. *Places his hoofprint on a cross and places it in the ground* God Bless this man for his life, actions, and what he gave us.

  9. This is like the green light I was waiting for. INCOMING~\



    She was my BEST End Game


    I liked both versions but this just gets me pumped

    Its the Boss Music, nuff said.

    To end this set, ZERO~ 


    8-Bit time~



    Next two are 8-bit fan friendly onlys lol, just a heads up



    You can find the newer DS/PSP versions on Youtube if youd like.


    Three more then I will shut it, because I'd go all night if I could.





    Last one for now is more of a personal favorite because it was my first SNES game, and I loved it and never let this song out of my mind. Also I lied, I got two more because they are like hand in hand





    *dust off hooves from nerd storm he made* 


    So is it normal that you like to rock it with OSTs VS todays hits? Yeeehaw you bet its okay!

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Can I just say how much I love how you stay in character xD

    Old habits die harder than weeds in a crop field.


    That joke out and over with, my mind does this little click trick on me when I am on certain sites or at certain places. I am generally a nice guy, and I can deal with whatever comes up. It's just when I am on here words like gentlecolts, fillies, facehoof, buckin for distance, the whole nine acres just fly out.


    The fact no less is I am proud to be a brony, and I ain't lettin some King Sombra like hater just toss his love to be correct and in control around like he's the big thing in town. I'd rather act like an actual horse then

    • Brohoof 1
  11. http://thebottomoftheinternet.com/archives/399

    Hey Guys look I Found another one

    From a guy who hates anime....

    *facehoof* btw wanted to say lol we both did that.


    More importantly.... another dumb mislead fool.


    I'd rather listen to 11 year olds drop F bombs all afternoon then read this crap.  Sorry you don't like it, but don't be the doink tryin to raise chaos on others lives. Also one last thing.... roping us in with another group to say we are all one said thing? *double facehoof* To those who are I mean ZERO offense here, but NEVER misuse the English Language to describe something or someone.  If this was 1990, yes we would all be "gay fans (AKA HAPPY) where it is 2014 and that's an offense word when used wrong, we ain't gay.  We are just a group of people who went "Click" hey I like this.


    Seriously though why does EVERY anti-brony article start with in about the same manner "Eradicate these freaks"? If they'd like I'd be happy to buck a mirror at them to raise a point....

  12. I haven't the brain power to add links so I will post for now and search for vids later.



    I often hum many of the original Pokemon game songs in my head or actually hum the thing while working.


    Actual song titles I can name right now


    Simple and Clean Hikaru Utada


    Legend of Zelda OoT: Spirit Temple


    We're Thieves, FFIX


    Most FF Boss themes/Battle songs


    One Winged Angel ( I actually got two others to sing it with me at work one day for kicks) [FFVII Sephiroth's theme]


    and then MANY great NES Classic 8-bit themes/moments.


    Trust me if I had the brain power I lay out a greatest hits list

  13. FYI; I jumped everyponies post after seeing that to type thus; [spoiler, I DONT believe in Political Correctness; I will be blunt but clean]


    Okay first off this is either, A someone who got picked on for being a brony by society. B someone who need an ejection from his bubble and hiding behind "Religion and Truth" veil. Then there is C, needs to get a buckin clue before openin his trap.


    Personally yeah nopony should threaten anypony because she/he is against something.  It's free speech to express likes and dislikes, however there are very fine lines.  That little girl may never watch the show or speak to a fellow fan of it ever again thanks to those stupid morons. I mean how dumb can you get seriously?


    Another thing, I have safe search off CONSTANTLY, yet it would take adding additional words to gain a result like that. Moreover the desire to go out of the way to search that up? It makes me question the writer more than the artist itself.


    Finally, #Notallbronies?  *facehoof* That has got to be the dumbest # yet. EVER! Yet at the same time not all bronies do like clopping, searching these things up, take the time to be like that.  I ain't gonna lie I barely have time until the dead of night EST time zone to actually keep up within the fandom, watch the new episode, and get on the forums. Yet I love the show for it's face value and love the music people make. I am still a brony yes, but I aint the weekend reporter tryin to make a buck on a website for spewing hate out on "a collective" as so many do choose to herd us as.


    Bottom line, I'm proud to be a brony, and this person needs to dig their head from their hind quarters pronto

  14. Okay so in short I can't draw to save my life nor am I talented in using photo shop or any of those tools. I need someone to help me design my first, and most likely only OC I will ever have (Doubt I will need more than this one, but may need a second one not sure)


    I can give you all the need to knows, I just need to know;


    A: you can help, B: are willing, and C: how long it would roughly take. I wanna incorporate him into my signature and avatar for the site, and a project I am going to be doing


    Thanks in advance

  15. The reality of it all stands like this; I know it was said before, but it is true.  Thanks in part to some of "the heard" we bronies are generally disliked via forcin the issue.  I know a lot about that myself being a Southern Baptist Christian, I get riffed at because people see us like JW's via some stupidic, moronic, idiots making us like that.  I've always kept it as thus; You Ask, I Tell.  It's easier that way, and frankly I dont' give a rip if someone hates me for being a Brony.  My reply? OK doesn't bother me.  I don't hate back because they are part of like the Furry Underground United Union Club (Not real as far as I know) or some stuff.


    There is always that one person making it harder on us and other people with the acceptance of Bronies.  We like a show targeted and marketed for little girls mainly, but us bronies have come to love and support the show that we love.  The fact we have our own conventions is proof enough there is some but not everyone on the outter rings of it all is a detractor.  I for one; even after the fact people think it's weird, still am an old school gamer through and through.  I love the effects and sounds of 8-bit to 64-bit just as much as todays next gen consoles.


    The fine line is thus here; Someone doesn't ask you don't force feed them via the shovel.  Mention the show and why you watch it then let it go.  I always love bringing new people into things like gaming anime manga and MLP, but at their pace not mine.


    SIDE NOTE: I forget which post but I honestly could care less if I ended up labeled the "Furry Fag of the Store" at my job wearing a hoddie with pony ears, mane, and tail.  I'm a freak like that, and if you can't take my style then I'm sorry but I ain't changing.  I don't have one like that, but tbh I find MLP boxers more offensive before MLP character hoddies!

  16. I've read enough posts to put this out there and have it make sense.

    Let's be fair and honest Disney has NOT always been a clean cut company

    But they have not been without their share of great times.

    I haven't made it to the season 4 finale yet for FiM but from the

    Sounds of things it's best to assume Hasbro knows what's good

    If they listen to us Bronies on our ideas about fan products they'd

    Be living not only a good life but a good idea into our mindsets

    For what we like.


    For me, keep Hasbro OUT of Disneys hands. Just because it's

    What's best for business

  17. I agree that the label of nerd is being mis-treated just like the "original meaning" of the word gay meant happy [don we now, our gay apparel] [make the yule-tide gay], and also the "original meaning" of the Rainbow [God's promise to Noah after the flood that once he sees it, God will not flood the Earth as a form of wiping the slate clean again because we suck].  THOSE points not withstanding nor effecting what I'm about to say, nerd is a title that isn't being used in the right way in my humble opinion.


    Bookworms, Science majors, doctors, and things of those kinds: to me they are more geeks then nerds.

    Avid gamers, comicbook lovers, manga/anime lovers, the twenty-five year old virgin living at his mom's doing all three mentioned things: Nerd/Otaku!


    There is nothing wrong with being a Nerd/Geek/Otaku AS LONG AS YOU KNOW WHEN TO STOP IN FRONT OF PEOPLE!  If someone is new to a fandom you don't rush them after their opening sentence.  "Hi my name is Steve and I just watched My Little Pony for the first time, and I found this site."  "Hi Steve im Psycho Horse(random name don't blame me if you exist lol) in what episode of season 1 did blah blah blaahdy blah happen to blah?"  <--- [spoiler ALERT]  turn off! 


    In the end my thing is, when I see "noobs" I don't think insta-prey I think opportunities to help them grow.  I will admit one of my major faults with "Gaming Nerds" or as I call them "Epeen patrol" like to feel superior, and they will flat out attack a noob for not knowing anything from the get go.  Like I dunno say they were playing World of Warcraft it's your first raid, and oops you trigger the harder version of the fight by mistake.  Without hesitation, the "leader" of the group kicks you, everyone wipes and leaves because "Well the @!#%^# noob @#$%^& did this and @#!%^& and [insert cuss after cuss after cuss in a run on sentence]  THAT boils me because my response would be like "Head's up were doing the higher fight, and just be ready." then go to the new person and be like "Hey I am not mad we didn't fail, it was tougher and some of us weren't ready, so just check with me before you touch anything else alright?"  I wouldn't start throwing "Ban hammers" until it became a common thing that the person did it just to spite us.


    Bottom line: people learn your limits. Nerds/Otakus/Geeks need to learn theirs too somedays just as well.

  18. The only real "Brony items" I own at the moment is six trading cards from the 2nd season trading set.  I personally don't give a flying apple if people know I am one.  I just don't take kindly to people picking on a "minority" for any reason whatsoever.  I wish I had an Applejack plushie or t-shirt to wear.  Beyond that anyone who comes into my room and sees me watching the show doesn't say anything

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