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Its Rainbow Dash

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Posts posted by Its Rainbow Dash

  1. Grimdark stories thrive in a place that is filled with innocence and light because they know the dark can thrive where love grows.


    That said Grimdark is needed in most fandoms as a sudden jolt to the reader we all fear the dark because we can't see what it holds basic nature.


    As for Cupcakes not scary or anything really Imo I was like this whilst reading it.... 


  2. Derpy!....DERPY?!!!


    I love Derpy though some ponies get angry when I call her by the Hasbro name Ditzy.


    As long as there are Muffins in the world there will be a Place for Derpy....


    Except in Atlantis they had the best Muffins evar but they had to get all stingy and become a Lost Civilization...  :okiedokielokie:

    • Brohoof 2
  3. I've been apart of about 4 fandoms each was nice but that was only with a select few people once you got swooped into a group that was it., but here I can easily bounce from group to group and have fun and mature convos which is awesome!!


    Plus nopony seems to care when I suddenly just flip out sometimes and do something random like create a musical within a welcome thread.-good times.


    But honestly this community is very open which allows for what is a Mixing pot of various ideas to meld and join forces.


    What I find is weird is maybe USA founders wanted the USA to be together and a mixing pot as well perhaps that thought of trying to create an equal land came from a future vision of Equestria.


    That or they saw ponies one day ruling the world and freaked out. :blink: 

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I can say negative things too...


    The community makes a big deal over Cupcakes.


    Some Bronies fight over Gen's.


    Some Bronies gripe about the terms Brony and Pegasister.


    See negative with the positive...I just Personally like to Dwell on the Positive because it makes me Smile. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Here is a fic of mine I've been meaning to post here well I've been meaning to post a lot here lol., well this is a tale about Fluttershy on her birthday just short and sweet enjoy.



    ~ Hello darkness my old friend., I hope to have to never see you again. ~

    Fluttershy sat alone in the darkness of her cottage sitting at the kitchen table her blue hues staring towards a single empty plate before her.

    Sighing aloud she brushed pink bangs away from her eyes., Never showing much emotion she just bit her lower lip and stood up walking swiftly to her window peeking out it.

    In the distance she could make out Rainbow Dashes' wild party everypony there enjoying festive music., Sweets and food of every kind., Everyone talking or laughing it looked like bliss.

    It wasn't like she was not invited to the party it was just she had a better place to be at the moment here in her house alone.

    ~ Why must you creep up on me., Pulling me into the void my soul unable to fly free.~

    It was her Birthday today and due to the party to celebrate Rainbow Dashes' One-Hundredth Race victory everyone simply forgot about this.

    Across the way they laughed not a care in the world mind's free of any thought of her., Why should they care it was her Birthday it was simply a dumb day Anyways.

    Sighing aloud she closed the curtains to the outside to lock away the pain she felt inside yet would never show the world.

    ~ I care not that you drag me down., The tears I cry never making a sound. ~

    With the soft sound of her own footsteps echoing around her she walked back to the table once more sitting down staring back to the plate as it taunted her.

    Looking down she took a deep breath biting her lower lip in silence tears slowly rolling down her cheeks., They would never see her cry.

    Yet gently a hoof rubbed her shoulder causing her to leap up softly turning around seeing Pinkie Pie holding a Pink Present in hoof smiling sweetly.

    ~ Though darkness tries to hold me down., You'll always be there to make sure I don't drown.~

    Tears stained her eyes staring to her friend in shock her heart racing inside her chest., Lower lip quivering she couldn't think of anything to say.

    Pinkie Pie simply hugged her tightly her spare hoof wiping away the tears before placing the present down on the table beside the lone plate.

    Opening the small box before her., Fluttershy could make out a single Cupcake decorated in sparkling Pink frosting and colorful sprinkles of all kinds.

    Both ponies sat down the darkness in the room making it hard to see around them as the sun set from outside music from across the way filling the room.

    ~ You are my friend so innocent so true., And for your love this I thank you.~

    The room suddenly lit up more as a flame appeared atop an orange colored wick., In her hoof Pinkie Pie held a small candle lit by a bright blue flame.

    Leaning over she placed the candle atop the cupcake with a giggle., Fluttershy could do nothing more but just smile.

    She knew her friend wanted her to make a wish., but in her heart she knew Pinkie Pie had already granted it.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. What's "emotion wheel"? Can we see it too? Is it something similar to a color wheel used by painters?

    Or The Writers Wheel used by Skijarama? :lol:


    Joking aside The Brony Community is full of ponies from all different walks of life each giving to the fandom in their own special way.


    A higher power controlling us I think not., we create because we are inspired not ordered too.

  7. I think all I've ever seen are The Royal Guards which is like having 10 Police-Ponies.


    That and Equestria doesn't have a shortage of Princesses to protect ponies that's for sure One Princess is like 2,000 Royal Guards but they're way harder to motivate.


    Just easier to stay with the guards that or flip out and become a Super-hero pony/Vigilante.

  8. I enjoy epic storylines in my cartoons everyonce in a while., which it can be done for a kids show the Original Power Rangers had drama and kid friendly tone over all and I loved it.


    Slapstick can only take you so far if you just play on the jokes and add no true meat to the show then you are just asking for ponies to do this...


  9. Well that was fun we should do this again sometime hopefully with more ponies next time lol.


    That said I'm going to prob be using our own group for help in a little while.


    I have this old story of mine I wrote called " Come Back to Me. "


    Really long and dark.


    Well I'm looking for it in my archives aka closet and when I find it I'm going to Ponify it for the community and post it.


    This story is long when I wrote it at least 25 to 28 pages I think maybe even a bit more lol.


    But when I write it again I want to know if somepony in the group would be willing to proof-read it and help with the details of it hell even take or help add things to it to make it into something that will pop!!


    I can Offer an Authors Credit for the help., Well I won't be posting it until maybe a week or a week and a half but decided to put the heads up here now so when it does come up any who want to help in the group can gladly join. 

  10. Perhaps Seaponies will be sighted in the comics before the show.


    But Imo if the show wants to span out more and widen it's story out Seaponies could be the answer.

  11. Seaponies, Mereponies in the end they're all just a bunch of Phonies.


    Lol j/k that said sea or mere ponies remind me of the Mythic creatures Hippocamp.


    • Brohoof 1
  12. Down at The Sugarcube.- These Boots Are Made For Griping...

    The sun shined brightly above in the sky as down below in the town of Ponyville a fresh new blanket of snow covered everything from trees to rooftops for mile's on end.


    Everything felt calm and gentle in this small little pony town., Everypony who felt chilled galloped over to The Sugarcube Bakery for the newest sale going on for winter.


    Half off Hot Chocolate and with every cup a pony got a free treat to eat as well.


    With a flash in the sky a multi-colored pony swooped in towards the bakery her Rainbow Mane windblown from the cold as her coat was softly blanketed with snow that she easily shook off.


    A smile across her lips she trotted over towards the front door a flashy new pair of boots on her hind legs.
    The warm cozy embrace of the store greeted Rainbow Dash like a warm hug from a friend as she looked around slowly with violet colored eyes., the line ahead of her was small only two ponies stood before her and some nice hot chocolate.


    At the front of the line stood Ditzy-Do better known as Derpy to the town-ponies and behind her was Cheerilee the local teacher down at the school house for the fillies and colts.


    The front counter was empty as Dash bit her lower lip gently looking ahead toward each pony in silence before finally deciding to break the silence.


    " So...what's the hold up? " Dash asked the two ponies ahead of her as they both turned towards her smiling., Missing Pinkie tugging at a rope pulling a tied up pony down into the basement area.


    " Pinkie said she had to go make a new batch of Cupcakes real quick so we're just waiting. " Derpy giggled as her eyes trailed down to dash's' feet seeing a pair of dark blue boots with red lightning bolts down the side.


    " I'm here to pick up a large order of Hot Chocolate for the children myself. " Cheerilee smiled in a sophisticated manner before she too spotted the boots eyes narrowing a bit.


    Rainbow just smiled seeing each pony had noticed her boots as she did a small stretch back with her hind legs to show them off.


    " They're nice huh?, cost me a hind leg and a hoof but I think it was worth it." She giggled aloud feeling as if all eyes were on her a feeling she thought Rarity must get all the time.


    " But why? " Cheerilee asked tilting her head to the side., not the compliment Dash was expecting.


    " What do you mean why? " Dash asked raising a brow slowly confused.


    " Well you're a Pegasus darling you don't really walk anywhere you just fly., it's like giving a farm plow to a unicorn they don't need it. " Cheerilee spoke in a soft tone as Dash shot her a glare.


    " What!...so because I can fly I can't wear boots? " Dash snapped back in anger.


    " Well I just think it's wasteful that's all a nice pair of boots like that would be better suited for a earth pony like myself. " Cheerilee spoke with a huff turning her back away from Dash who gritted her teeth in anger.


    " Why are you wearing just one pair? " Derpy suddenly asked as Dash looked to her confused.


    " Huh?...what? " Was all she could reply.


    " Well you just look weird Rainbow Dash wearing boots only on your hind legs what about your front legs? " She asked as Dash looked down to her bare hooves then back up to Derpy.


    " That makes no sense Derpy I need my front legs to grab things., I can't wear boots on them it would be weird." Dash replied in a confused tone.


    " But they're your front legs you grab things with your legs? " Derpy asked shocked.


    " No!...I mean yes....What?! " Dash yelled aloud mane frazzling out.


    " We all grab things with our hooves!! " Dash snapped back suddenly finding the words she needed.


    " I grab things mostly with my mouth. " Cheerilee added her two cents turning back to the conversation.


    " Me too. " Derpy added.


    " That makes no sense I've seen all of you use your front legs to grab many things!! " Dash yelled aloud as both mares shrugged.


    " I honestly can't remember ever using my front legs to grab anything seems' unsanitary. " Cheerilee spoke popping her lips aloud in a smug tone.


    " Lopsided." Derpy added.


    Dash just gave Cheerilee a glare and a confused look to the gray mare.


    " Just wearing two boots makes you look like your standing at a tilt..." Derpy spoke as she looked away in a innocent manner Dash taking deep breaths holding herself back.


    Yet even before she could speak Cheerilee chimed in again.


    " Plus another reason pegasi don't need boots are because how can you cloud walk now? " She mused as Derpy looked to her nodding in agreement.


    " What?!...I just walk on them it's a skill. " Dash spoke in a calmer tone.


    " But that's with your hooves if they are covered up with boots then how can you walk on them. " Cheerilee asked narrowing her eyes in deep thought.


    " We just do as long as I'm a Pegasus and my hooves are touching the cloud we can walk on them!!! " Dash snapped as she got into the face of Cheerilee glaring deeply into her eyes.


    " But your hooves are not touching them the boots are! " Derpy pointed out as Dash slowly tilted her head to the side in shock and awe.


    " Okie Dokie I'm ready to take some order's!! " Pinkie popped up from behind the counter with a smile across her face.


    " No!!...Shut Up Pinkie!!!...I need to talk to these two!! " Dash snapped looking to the two ponies in anger.


    " What do you two have against my BOOTS!! " Dash screamed aloud heaving franticly as both ponies gave her a odd look.


    " I was just pointing out you don't need them...because You're a Pegasus...." Cheerilee glared as she dragged out her reason.


    " THAT IS NOT A REASON CHEERILEE!! " Dash yelled eyes widening out in anger.


    " PUT ON ANOTHER PAIR OF BOOTS RAINBOW DASH!!! " Derpy screamed out even louder causing Dash to stumble back slightly in shock and fright.


    " What you yelling at me for Derpy!!?? " Dash asked the blonde mare in confusion.


    " WELL...well I don't know?...you look weird!!! " Derpy mustered out a reply out of confusion.


    " I'M NOT GOING TO WEAR BOOTS ON MY FRONT HOOVES!!! " Dash screamed out at the top of her lungs.


    " Can I take a order? " Pinkie spoke in almost a whisper.


    " I still think you can't walk on clouds with boots. " Cheerilee rolled her eyes softly speaking under her breath.


    " Shut up Cheerilee no-pony cares what you think!!! " Dash snapped back both ponies suddenly yelling at each other.


    Derpy joined in the madness screaming about buying more boots., Pinkie held up a tray of freshly baked Cupcakes and Hot Coco hopping to ease the bad vibes.


    " SHUT UP...EVERPONY JUST SHUT UP!!! " Rainbow Dash screamed over the arguing as she slowly took steps backwards towards the bakery window.


    " You don't want me to wear boots then fine!!! " Dash sat down on her behind as she clicked off the boots straps and tossed the pair towards Derpy who dodged them.


    " I'll just fly everywhere I go so my PRECIOUS hooves can touch the clouds and walk upon them!! " Rainbow Dash laughed aloud eyes twitching with madness as she suddenly shot outward crashing through the bakery window and off into the sky like lightning.


    " Awww she busted my window." Pinkie huffed aloud in a pout., Silence slowly filling the air around the shop before Cheerilee decided to speak up.


    " You girls think she would mind if I took the boots? " She spoke in a serious tone as Derpy and Pinkie gave her a odd look in silence.


    Cheerilee spoke not a word as her hooves gently reached out in the silent room grabbing the boots with her hooves and pulling them closer to her.


    " Huh., I guess you can use your front hooves to grab things. " Derpy spoke in a bubbly tone.




    Well I hope you enjoy Skijarama lol., Couldn't fit revenge into this but 4/5 of the list is still good just came up with this and couldn't turn it down.

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