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  1. Hey Vanilla. :) I'm not interrupting anything, am I?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Scootalove


      Sleepless in Ponyville. Favorite thing to wear at night? :P

    3. VanillaMist


      Mmmmmm = w = Probably lose clothing Hehe.

      What place would you like to vist?

    4. Scootalove


      Japan. :P What lose clothing do you wear to bed?

  2. I would really like to see... *Twilight and the Mane 6 Go to the Future to help their Future self's battle a strong Villain. *Christmas Special (( That would be super cute )) * A episode that has to do with Braeburn and Fluttershy (( Hey I can dream can't I? >u< I know this will never happen but I'm still dreaming! )) *Toward the end of Season 4 that the mane 5 become Alicorns
  3. I agree I already knew that Hasbro would never do shipping or fanshipping at all ^ ^;; And I meant to put it this way that They don't care who we pair them with but they won't do it of course we have the freedom to like any pony with another pony. I hope I am not making this sound confusing if I am I'm really sorry and don't want to start anything. > ~ <;
  4. Well to be honest they would make a cute couple O u O But I don't know if they really will get together though. O n O I don't want to get my hope's up. It was super adorable to see her faint over his/flutterguy singing. >u< But I was wondering why Big Mac didn't do anything back after she did that cute little faint Q . Q; I was thinking maybe he wanted to focus on trying to follow flutterguy's words but he seemed less nervous after that. Like if he did a cute wink or something but maybe its just Cheerilee who might have feelings for him or like someone posted on here. I was thinking this too > u <; Cause I don't think Hasbro would start doing shipping to characters cause they want Us the Fans to like whoever we like with them, Like if Anyone likes Cheerilee with another pony then they freely can same with Big Macintosh. But also I could be totally wrong who knows what Hasbro will do ^ u ^ But for now I don't mind there cute Friendship unless it does develop into a relationship I would be soooooooo happy for them!
  5. All I can remember it was Last year but I sadly don't remember the month @ H @; I know it was around the summer time. Fluttershy is the reason I honestly got into this show to be very honest ^ ^; Please don't get mad at me > ~ < All I can remember it was Last year but I sadly don't remember the month @ H @; I know it was around the summer time. Fluttershy is the reason I honestly got into this show to be very honest ^ ^; Please don't get mad at me > ~ <
  6. This episode was amazing! ^ u ^ I'm a huge fan of Fluttershy, I seriously got up early and waited for Youtube to upload the episode which they did >w< I am a bit confused on her saying she "Stage fright" When in that new MLP movie she performing with all her friends O H O;; Unless that Fluttershy got over it and felt comfortable performing with her closest friends...I dunno @ . @; Her singing is so pretty and funny when she becomes Flutterguy I can't wait for the next episode of her that will be after the one this Saturday ^ o ^ Honestly I wish Braeburn was in this episode singing with Fluttershy X3 I know that will NEVER EVER Happen but I could dream can't I? >u<;
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