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Posts posted by CharmingStallion

  1. This one I'm pretty sure 'buntu pony or something basic is the only way to fit an Ubuntu Linux logo on a rump :D




    This one I'm thinking something herb, nature, greens, etc...related:



    Seriously, maybe this time it'll stick to my thread?.

  2. The last good Windows OS I used before MS started unnecessarily copying Apple. Win7 will be the last good Windows OS before MS went full ham on the touch screen thing.


    Not to beat a dead horse [that just sounds terrible on an MLP forum] but most of the newer elements Windows has incorporated into their interface (Windows Vista and beyond) were in the KDE desktop manager for Linux long before. Mac and Windows have a history of taking from the opensource world where they want but not giving much if anything back. 

  3. I posted on here before, but I forgot something:


    I think Apple products are absolute trash. Google products have a wide range of devices and great web apps, Microsoft has great functionality, and I've never tried Linux, but I'd like to someday.


    If you've used Android then technically you've used Linux. Heck even found out my Kindle I love so much [ the e-reader version not the fire tablet versions ] runs Linux.


    My house is 100% Linux [my computer and my wife's]. I recently upgraded a lot of the hardware on the computers and it was cheaper to install Linux 100% [instead of dual-boot like i had been doing] than buy 2 new Windows licenses.


    Worse comes to worse burn yourself a copy of a popular Linux Distribution and run it as a liveCD, no need to install and can still play around with it.

  4. Computer runs a recent MSI Motherboard with all the expandability I could ever need [ don't remember the model]. It has a Intel Dual-Core 3GHZ processor [cause im too cheap for anything better right now] and 8GB zippy-fast ram. Oh and a 500 some-odd gig HDD. Graphics card is an Nvidia 9600 GT which still works fabulously for any of the modern games I've played including all the Crysis series. 


    Oh and I do this all on Linux ;-). Currently on the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Beta 2 release but otherwise I've run Fedora, OpenSUSE, PCLinuxOS, Linux Mint, Sabayon, ElementaryOS, and many more.


    I use the native Linux Steam client for some of my gaming [most recently Metro: Last Light] and other games native clients. Otherwise for games like World of Warcraft I run them using PlayOnLinux which is a nice little GUI for Wine.

  5. Am I surprised? No, not really. I've always suspected Twilight would be a Linux user. As for myself, I'm comfortable with any Debian-based distro. Right now I'm using Kubuntu, as KDE is my favorite desktop environment at the moment.

    I'm a KDE fanboy myself for sure! Love all the easy to use options everywhere on the thing. I'm making myself use Unity in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Beta 2 for awhile to see if I can get used to it or if it continues to annoy me like has in the past. An experiment you could say :D

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I ran Ubuntu 13.10 for a while until I officially retired my old laptop. For a free operating system, Linux is hard to beat! I just had to stick with Windows on everything else since Linux doesn't support MS Office and many of the games I have in Steam. And I've tried Wine before. I'd just rather these things run in Ubuntu natively lol I kinda miss using Ubuntu. It really was a learning experience and a hell of a lot easier to use than Mac.

    In time things will change more towards Linux gaming. Steam is actively pushing that frontier with their Steam Linux client and I also now hear gog.com is starting their official support of Linux gaming [nothing released yet but actively working on it]. Also World of Warcraft is an example of a company who doesn't want to embrace Linux all the way but tries to make it a tad easier to get running on it. Between Blizzard cleaning up some of their messed up OpelGL issues and Wine advancing leaps and bounds it works purdy darn the same as it does in Windows for me now.


    I'm not a real heavy user of office outside of work and so I have LibreOffice on my computer here that runs linux. It does what I need it to do but I'm betting you use office for more advanced tasks?


    Worse comes to worse you would always set up a dual-boot on your computer. I had that for the longest time until this last year I upgraded hardware and Windows decided it didn't recognize me as a legit user anymore. So now it's Linux alone all the way.

  7. Woah... she uses the same distros I do... except... :o




    that's what I use. btw... what distro are YOU running? :P


    I'm a certifiable distro hopper lol. But currently am on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Beta 2. Have played with all the major ones before though [slackware, Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE] and all their branch offs.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. @@CharmingStallion,

    So slavery, mind rape, and exile aren't evil? 

    I never once said that. Please read my comments before replying ;-).


    In the end this world is made for kids and while violence exists it is still at a far lighter level than what humans are capable of



    And what I of course meant by that is that there are elements of evil in Equestria but they aren't carried out to the same degree. So while there is evil, the evil is a much lower level than what we've had in the real world. This is again...because it is a world made for children.

  9. @@CharmingStallion,

    QC isn't a pony though and Luna was already leading a coup before transforming 

    She looks pony to me. If you want to go that route then one could make an argument that Celestia isn't a Pony and them extension her sister Luna wouldn't be one either.


    And yes Luna's attempt at a coup is what essentialy transformed her into Nightmare Moon but I'm talking after the fact. In the end this world is made for kids and while violence exists it is still at a far lighter level than what humans are capable of.

  10. Hi there! I'm not a Buddhist in the religious sense but I do appreciate the philosophy surrounding Zen Buddhism. I'm actually religious wise a Christian :D. Odd combo I know but I love Philosophy in general and Zen has always captivated me.

  11. @@CharmingStallion,

    War would likely be the last option. It'd be more lucrative to simply pay them worthless things for oil. Equestrians are still in the Renassaince technnology wise, we could sell them old TVs and phones, relatively cheap stuff, for their oil. Therefore, Equestrians become dependant on us for technology while we take their oil.


    As for moral fiber, Sombra and Luna disagree


    I think you mean to say Sombra and Night Mare Moon disagree. I love Luna and she has reverted back to a much more morally inclined citizen of Equestria (just look at the episode with Sweetie Bell where she helps her in her dream). You could say Queen Chrysalis would go along with Sombra and I would agree with you though ;-).

  12. @@CharmingStallion,

    They have air raid sirens and hazmat suits, that's evidence for problems 


    You make a good point. I guess for me I view our Pony friends as a step above humanity in terms of moral fiber [yes I'm thinking Harry Potter when I say that haha]. We'll never know for sure considering it is a kids show and they aren't real [if they were the US would go to war with Celestia because they wouldn't like that she's a ruler of a Monarchy, that and Equestria probably has oil we'd want].

  13. @@CharmingStallion,

    ....You are a troll right? No one can be this blind. Ponies act the same as humans, if not worse under pressure



    Based on the show's content a lone they are definitely better as far as morals, ethics, and general behaviors go. No I'm not basing my opinion on all the made up attributes and fan fic.

  14. We are all special, but in different ways and to different people.


    For example I'm special to my wife but the cashier at the gas station couldn't give a rat's turd about me.


    Another example is I'm above average at troubleshooting technology. Put me in a room of techno-incompetents and I look darn special.


    I am special to my boss at work cause I'm one of the few non-slacker employees.


    Does that make me special in the scheme of the universe? Maybe not, but like Kyoshi said...I'm ok with that.

    This guy reminds me a lot of myself, sure I graduated from high school but ultimately, so what?


    It doesn't make me more important than anyone else, I still don't feel as if my life has any actual value, and getting a diploma doesn't automatically guarantee you a job.


    We're born, and we die-usually without our lives ever having had real meaning.

    I often feel the same way. So what I do is I live to make my 4 year old daughter's life better and less horrible. So I continue to go to work so I can pay bills and buy her pony stuff. And I wake up everyday so I can make her giggle. Doesn't always work but that's most of the time how I get passed this problem.

  15. Looks are part of that "special spark" that ignites between compatible couples. So I would say it is definitely part of it. Also in any romantic relationship there is an element of lust involved which would include what your partner looks like.

  16. Totally understandable, although I'm hoping this can pick up enough steam to bring up forum morale to a level at least halfway resembling what it was before. This never should've ended on such a sour note. We're all bronies here. This should be the most joyous of events, no matter who wins. :)

    Very well said my friend! I have my favorites out of the 4 [Pinkie/Flutterz] but I love MLP FiM for everypony, not just my favorites. I do think morale took such a hit that a lot of the previous voters, especially the Pinkie and Rarity ones will probably ignore this topic or not be as into it as before. 

    • Brohoof 1
  17. Ponies win cause Humans are stupid :-). Not to mention humans would be infighting like crazy to be top dog whilst Ponies band together and cooperate better among themselves. Strategy and Teamwork are always your best weapons!

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