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man dude man

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Everything posted by man dude man

  1. All Bottled up is my new second favorite episode, im not over rating these Starlight and Trixie episodes, they are the two characters with a genuine contrast with a friendship that makes sense, and they still give them their same identities? it isnt like they changed, Trixie is just obnoxious and show offy and air minded, and Starlight is seething with anger and anxiety...and they make the friendship work. a combination of sorts...
  2. maybe i was right just yet about one the daughters of Aku joining Jack, just character progression... lol

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. man dude man
    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      the first one was meant at Nghtshroud ust seems like it was blatantly intended to mean something nd yeah im not oming back after this wekend

    4. Messy Mane

      Messy Mane

      ok well i'm gonna give u a good goodbye

  3. could you like ban me and pretend I did something wrong??
  4. I have no personal quarrel with anyone here, their beliefs, or this website, and I have enjoyed befriending and speaking with many, but I have to get off these public internet forums and what not, its like a media vortex for me, and when I am not chemically altered, I can feel myself ripping off chains with less than even 30 minutes away... lol I would just like for someone to direct me in removing my account if not doing it for me, so I dont have to say offensive things with the purpose of having an account terminated.
  5. On a real note, is it cool to request deletion of this account, I really dont want to have to get banned to get off of here, so im preventing myself from saying a bunch of nasty BS or whatever make me look more like a bad guy, or if not can someone direct me to someone I can ask personally?

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      my real hormones are coming back... lol i cant be on the internet anymore lol

  6. I wish people wouldnt always rush to assume shit or try to apply some freudian psychology to everything, maybe someone is just weird? Maybe someone doesnt need a personal reason? Instead people have to make all these mildly offensive assumptions that you cant apply to every being equally or with even a moderately relative perspective

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      Like just talk to someone, dont play some like deductive 20 questions inwardly lol, just talk to them.. people like fix entire narratives about people without ever speaking a word to them

  7. Nope nope nope lol... not happening

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      "the conspiracy" lol

    3. ThunderCrush


      I have a conspiracy, dolphins are actually people in disguise.

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      perhaps someone a little smarter...

  8. someone paid to have an explanation isnt here to scare you, the placebo of solace helps many, when really if they come somewhere with faint hearts, they arent in for the full ride... places with significant paranormal experience arent off the map, people just dont visit them regularly, and many people cant take the psychological pressures lol... i have seen some people literally cry in fear over these topics, organic fear is momentary, someone can do damage to you objectively, this shouldnt scare you, you already know the probability of this, when there are things people dont understand, they look for explanations to dismiss those without, because they are scared of seeing past a surface definition
  9. Murphys law within the universe or as opposed to, force handing the worst situations selectively on someone? I mean if you really have to put that into question, the entire series... haha because villains doing horrid things in self reasoning kind of forces that laws relevance..
  10.  lol this is about to be me

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      i wish they had made this like an actual song lol, i really love that hook

    2. Nightshroud


      man if they did it top charts

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      I was looking for an mp3 for it but its almost supposed to be a joke song, but its actually like in the same vain as live to win.. once i give up alcohol ill have nothing, im about to just go insane working out, i got the energy, i just box myself into my depression or somwthing like it perhaps

  11. Ona real note is there a way to get rid of MLP forums acc? Or are they just immortalized? I still love mlp and am waiting for the new season but i need no buffer, i have to let go of my social life lol.

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      Before to long i wouldnt be surprised if the magic in mlp was out of the question lol

    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      plus there are a lot of bad people trying to rub me the wrong way... every where i go sadly, up until i can be made out to be the bad guy... i need the discipline for myself.

  12. I have tried or have messed with a lot of people in my day, people have to realize, especially if you are American, you are allowed to say things, and to that utmost extent is ambiguous, it isnt like, bring the torches lock him up and throw away the key because someone said something that you ercieve as suspect, on a side note you cant be overly sensitive especially on the internet, its just youre living in a country where people are allowed to speak their mind, i dont know all of the integrated web censorship rules or matter of claim to appeal, but people can talk shit, they can even unopenly make ambigous violent statements, but so long slas someone isnt making a direct threat or they make an open on record confession, most all else is trolling, bullying and satrical over kill Even bringing drama into the equation, if you arent acting on it, and if you arent geograpaphically and or properly specific dave ranagin is no different from john smith.. theres nothing that connects a name to a specfic identity, that is all suspect, bullying has to be direct and it isnt exacly "cold case" material, our emotional securities rely on ourselves alone, is someone bullied me to suicide, they arent accountable in my eyes, im just being sensitive...
  13. I sincerely hope this is satire, if not, it is one of the reasons to give up on this fandom lol
  14. rodents and serpents dig, other birds fly, and predators have nothing to worry about... a bird itching to eat a groundhog is just as over ambitious as a fish prepared to fly
  15. "She knows what she wants based on her principles, not on her understanding" -something very important for me to hear... as "the wolf in the pasture"

  16. "Problematic" looks like the stand up rendition thats been needed for this generation for a long time.. lol on a side note, I got a positive aspect lol... you pretty much just got to shut people out, especially here, 11/10 people in Ohio are negative influences, certain negatives have a higher plus negative than others lol... thats pretty much just the way you got to look at it, either they are manic sociopaths that want to take advantage of your plights and insecurities shamelessly, or, they are just joining in to be a part of something lol

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      ive said some silly things before, and in moments retrospect, I have psychological problems, but no, im not a criminal lol, the only indication of that is words, and people with biased perspectives...

    3. GenderIsAnIllusion
    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      it doesnt hold ya know lol... people cant ignore who you are, what you actually do, what you are vested in, what you believe, what you have done with your life, what you currently do or try to do, and just be like, well i heard a story about so and so from 7 years ago or whatever lol... its like no, thats really stretching things

  17. Wonder if they will age the characters, haha this is to great
  18. Going to become a "social vapor" for awhile.... the duality of being instructed not to indulge yourself, and not being socially indulged by others, leave little in between, besides, i think the answers clear now, beggars cant be choosers...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      well, im overly indulged, its just by over critical maniacal people who are on the flames and forks side of my witch hunt

    3. ThunderCrush


      Why would you want to leave?:kindness:

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      because im a "goth" lmfao no just remembered some funny shit, idk

  19. I wish I didnt break my toe the other day lol, its definitely broken, i cant move it alone xD 

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      if i ever got a call for a job it would be during this time lol, either way its wishing in one hand for me..

  20. what do I know right? what do I know? xD haha, people

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      People live a lot in their own imaginations while pretending its the imagination of others, a lot of people refuse to believe there is someone or something they cant understand, because that doesnt help them...

  21. Peoples character also develops as well, as well as someones intentions being misunderstood, and selectively perceived... sometimes a when and A refuses to speak to B, C as to devise the rightfully true reason as to why the letters shouldnt surpass A... people find quick roots for their blame, and ignore, what is not a circumstantial answer, but an ultimate answer.... uniting under colors is factitious, uniting under flags is factitious, this is the one reason I find faith admirable, aside from the obvious...
  22. I dont really like Jo Jos bizarre adventure, but i feel like its actually a character i strongly relate to 

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      I'm not really an anime person in general, but it did spark the "to be continued" meme. Or should I say...

      <----To Be Continued

    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      i watch toonami, so yes i do watch it, and his character is just like, you know, just kind of undiscplined, and underwhelming on a foot basis, but in the moments critical, just from times of having out of the box unconventional more developed thinking that others werent quite prepared for...

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      he kind of comes together more as the training progresses, but he is more of like that moments cast thing, he struggles himself into situations but when he thinks about things, he has like an open book of alternatives... its like a 6/10 to me as an anime, but i just like and relate to his character

  23. should I wait 18 more minutes to say something serious?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      for being man enough to realize im the same as everyone else

    3. Messy Mane

      Messy Mane

      what matters to me is if you're perfectly fine with this decision,If you want to get banned the decision is up to you my friend

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      i mean that morally of course

  24. I think its the best day to say serious things.... people tend to be self confirmed, and believe they are above consequences or the worlds understanding... April Fools is a fun day, let people have their fun... its all the same for all of us ultimately... it always will be... everyone will be a schreeching flesh pile of agony, unless you are a subservient whelp, which ultimately is not a product of choice rather common sense.
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