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Diva Pony

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Everything posted by Diva Pony

  1. Hello! The top THREE tiers, Producer, Noble and Crystal all have priority entry to everything including autographs but in order of their package. So Producer being the most expensive goes first, then Noble and then Crystal. High Society drops off of priority for autographs but they get 4th entry for the other panels, etc. So yes, the top 3 all get bumped in the line for autographs. The Babscon staff has really worked on benefit levels to make sure everyone gets their money's worth. Sorry to answer so late! I hope that helps.
  2. HI there. Not knowing anything about your family, I am not sure what they would consider strange. I don't think any of it is strange. Some people do dress up in costume (called Cosplay since you have not been to conventions before) which is pretty standard for any MLP or Anime Con. That's about the most strange thing I can think of that a non-convention goer might think of. The good thing about Babscon is that it's big but not too big. You will still get into the panels that you want to and the opportunity is there to meet the voice stars who do the characters on the show. There is dancing if you like to party late at night and also programs just for kids if some of your family is young. I don't know who is going to be there this year but in the past Nicole Oliver who voices Princess Celestia did a special story telling and if you were not a child or adult with a child you could not go to that one! I was very sad about that! The hotel is laid out very well. There are ample elevators, a great food section that opens up with reasonably priced food during meal time and I have nothing bad to say about it. I might be on staff this year but the past 3 years I have not been and I think it's one of the nicest conventions I go to. I never really liked the events with 10,000 or more people. This is large enough to have the benefit of great celebrity appearances and programs without being too big to feel like you aren't getting to see or do anything. I hope that helps!
  3. Thank you! Good to hear from you. I hope everything is going OK.
  4. You are so sweet as always. Thank you!
  5. Hello All, If you have done the top packages in Babscon before, you might already know me. I have the distinction of being one of the guests who has attended Babscon in the top tier package for all 3 years it has been held. Being an older somewhat strong willed person (aka pushy broad) I often became the one that other guests would ask questions of since I made sure I had the answers even if no one was offering the answers. Every year Babscon has done their best taking care of the Top Tier Sponsors and every year they have fallen short largely due to being so under-staffed that they could not dedicate one volunteer exclusively to making sure it all went the way it should............until now. At the end of last year I had a lovely talk with We Are Borg and I told him that it might be hard to give up going to the con as a Top Sponsor but I would love to see the package run the way the guests should have it run! Now it's time to put my money where my mouth is as they say and I have been hired (OK more like volunteered!) to hold the new position of SPONSOR TIER LIAISON. An email went out a couple of weeks ago to former top package people talking about the position but not telling anyone it was me. So now I am officially announcing my presence as the person who is going to do her very best to insure that your VIP experience exceeds all expectations and that you get what you paid for. We Are Borg and I are very excited to be teaming up together to collaborate on perks and merchandise and the overall experience to make sure this is the best Babscon you have ever gone to or if your first, one that you be thrilled that you came to. I want the top tier packages to be so amazing that when the 2018 packages are released they will sell out in a day! I have looked at many other Brony Cons and Babscon by far has the best perk packages going. Now we are going to make it the best experience going. I will be specifically in charge of the top 2 tiers --- PRODUCER PONY and NOBLE PONY. That is not to say I won't have input to make the Crystal Pony or High Society Pony sponsor tiers as wonderful as I can but while at the con I will be at your disposal if you are in PRODUCER AND NOBLE PONY packages. One of the immediate improvements for PRODUCER PONY is going to be choosing which VIP dinner you want to attend IN ADVANCE (first registered first choice- until one is completely booked) and you will know when you register who your meal is with, what time and where. When at the con you will be given my cel phone number and you can text me if you need me. I am your liaison and hostess throughout the con. For all sponsor packages I will be there when you register and picking up your merchandise will be painless. I really have lots of plans but can't get ahead of myself or my boss might yell at me. :-) (He's a sweetheart by the way). If you have anything you would like to see or share with me, please reply to this. We might already be working on what you ask or it might be something we haven't thought of. If you have done the packages in the past years please feel free to share your thoughts. So if you were on the fence about signing on to the sponsor tiers this year let me tell you this is going to be the year to say YES I WILL! There are only FOUR PRODUCER PONY SPONSOR PACKAGES LEFT! There are only 14 NOBLE PONY SPONSOR PACKAGES LEFT! And these packages are still at the Early Bird Prices so now is a great time to decide to go for the gold.
  6. Really nice work! Thanks for sharing. I have nothing to do with Babscon except going every year and I would be happy if they used your talent. Good luck to you!
  7. I shop a lot and can get into a lot of trouble at the con but everyone is right, it depends on what you are looking for. The comic book artists are usually set up with great deals at their tables and they'll sign them for you. Silver Slinger I think the name is does some fine MLP themed jewelry I think it's $50 to $100 range. He has done a special piece for the top packages each year too. Plushies depend on what you want. Don't forget that the little plushies of the con mascots are for sale and I think those range around $30 if I remember correctly. But there's Equestria Plush that makes some of the finest plushies around and I think the least expensive I have seen of theirs is $300 all the way up to $1200 or so. When you see them you will understand. The past 2 years there has been a great vendor that does glasses and mugs etched with MLP characters. I'm not sure if they will be there or not but they were in the $20 range. I think they did shot glasses too that would be less but not sure how much they were. Last year there was a guy selling his art work tarot cards. There really is a lot so depending on what you are looking for you can spend just a little or a fortune. I think everywhere that I shopped took plastic so if they take credit cards I think that would mean debit cards too. Checks I'm not sure but I have found that most conventions that I go to the vendors are pretty trusting and will take a check too. Oh and don't forget the charity auction. You can usually find something wonderful at those too. Good luck with deciding!
  8. Very nice! I do adore Luna.
  9. I'm pretty sure they have airports in Oregon and Southwest Airlines runs some pretty darn good sales quite a lot during the year. Just a thought.........
  10. Ashleigh is very nice. Rebecca Soichet turned out to be amazing this year. I have become quite a fan of hers now. I plan on seeing Rainbow Rocks next week while I am traveling so I can hear her sing a duet with herself! As for the Babscon badge- I think they just have not gotten around to doing it yet. I have already "scolded" my moderator friends about deception. :-) Hopefully they will come through soon.
  11. I haven't met Tabitha either and she is LUNA! So meeting both would be amazing. But I am very selfish and I want more than just princesses. :-) As for the special Babscon badge..............have you seen anyone with it yet? They were promised if we came to the Forum table but I think they were supposed to be the ones to give it to those on the "list".
  12. She doesn't do a lot of them but if you are patient I guess she does. And she knows me from last year. I got her Golden Gates plush from last year and also bought her Luna. I wrote to her at some point and sent her pictures of Diva Pony and asked if she could do it and when she finally said yes it was a bad time for me. So I said let's wait but she surprised me anyway. She said I didn't have to take her at the con that I could wait but my goodness I had to have her! And the timing was much better then anyway. You can contact her through Deviant Art where she is set up. I think she does take some orders through that site when she isn't busy working on the cons she will set up at.
  13. I'm with you on the box too. Mine doesn't even close properly. I have a feeling some corners were cut to get them made. But everything else was fantastic. After all the 1st year problems we had at the con last year, I can say without hesitation that this year had very few snags in comparison. Registration Thursday night was a mess but they know it and will fix it next year. With Nicole Oliver coming again next year and we hope DeLancie really does re-book since he had to cancel this year, I'm in again for next year. Heck I would be in again even if they weren't coming but that sweetens the pot.
  14. OK, my turn! This wonderful Surf City Etching gift from my good friends Simon and 11th Dr. Hooves - Luna's cutie mark Wine Glass as I am also a huge Luna fan. Signed comic books Plushies and box that came with my sponsor level Amazing original paper art by Paper Pony that came with sponsor level Even more amazing Limited Edition Golden Gates Plush by Equestria Plush that came with sponsor level Tarot Cards from Chocolate Pony I think his name is Vinyls I got signed by Andrea Libman Amazing signed by almost everyone there guitar made by Xylo Zebra and auctioned (and I won) AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST MY OC DONE BY EQUESTRIA PLUSH!!!!! I also got a pendant from Silver Slinger that I forgot to photo and the con t shirt and tote bag. I think that's it. It's certainly enough!!! What a haul!
  15. Go to the Babscon website and click on the tab "events". You don't have to make a selection, just click there. You will see the schedule for autographs and panels and everything else. Have fun!
  16. Thank you so much for the information. Can't believe this time next week we will be there!
  17. OK so that tells me they DID have registration on Thursday last year. I thought that I remembered someone telling me they did. Last year I arrived very early Friday morning to beat rush hour traffic so as much as I enjoyed the first day I was super tired and could not get in my room until afternoon and it was a little bit much. So this time I am going a day early. But I don't know what time to arrive if they are doing registration on Thursday. Do you remember what time of day it was when you got registered?
  18. I have searched the Babscon website and maybe I'm just not seeing it but does anyone know what time registration will be open at the con so we can pick up our badges, etc? I hope there will be hours on Thursday for folks arriving the day before.
  19. Looking forward to the MOST is difficult. I have a couple of friends that I made last year that I'm super happy to be seeing and I want the shwag from my package and the long awaited season 5 premier with a huge room full of fans has to be an experience!!!! Cons are wonderful. If you have no friends there just standing in line for panels you will meet people. The vendor halls are great. I signed up for this con as soon as the tickets posted several months ago. I could not wait to return and now it's almost here again.
  20. I think you should have the confirmation quickly. Are you sure you pressed the final place order button? You might want to check with your credit card company or log into your Paypal account or check however it is you paid for it. That would tell you if it went through or not. Paypal would show up in your account immediately. Direct credit card you would have to call them and ask them.
  21. 8:00 in the morning? Breakfast before that? The day after Friday night? Oh dear......talk about losing sleep but glad to hear it has been added. And for all you folks who are on the fence about going Friday and Saturday or Saturday only, I strongly doubt you can get registered in time to take advantage of the screening at 8am so you might want to re-consider that 3 day pass and come on Friday and spend the night. This will be so cool though. Way too long between seasons and here it will be premiering during "our" con! :-)
  22. There is always going to be one big panel event that most ponies like to go to because it features the voices actors or the writing team. I think some days had more than one but the guests of honor always do discussions as well as being available at different times for autographs (for a fee). There are smaller panels too I think this forum is going to have one. Last year Equestria Daily had one, there was one on the latest Brony documentary, one done by the amazingly talented artist who does EquestriaPlush and I can't remember all of the ones offered. But there are always things going on. It will be different every year but always something and usually a few that overlap each other so not everyone is trying to pile into one event. You also will have to allow time for registration. Even on a one day pass you have to pick up your badge so don't get there right at opening. Allow at least an hour before if not more. It's hard to say. The full weekend folks will already be registered but Saturday is the biggest single day so the line might be long. There will be plenty to do I assure you.
  23. The parasprites really are cute. And they probably don't multiply either which is a good thing.
  24. The con definitely has different events each day. The talks are different, the smaller panel discussions only happen once in the weekend and I think the partying is different each night as well although this old lady didn't particiate in all of that. :-) If you can only go for one day, Saturday does tend to be the most popular. If you can do 2 I would do Friday and Saturday. But if you live close by the 3 day ticket is a good deal and there are good things on Sunday too. I'm in it for the long haul. There is such a great feeling of comraderie and such a great variety of events to go to that I was sad when the 3 days were over. I could have happily stayed another 3.
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