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Posts posted by multifacetedbrony

  1. This has been my favourite season so far. The beautiful animation style in the premiere started it off on the right hoof for me, and it just kept going! That's not to say there were no lowlights, but there were far more highlights and overall I really loved the season. Mind you I'm pretty easily pleased with MLP, I tend to go into each episode intending to enjoy it and get the best out of it. Even so, I was face palming a few times, so let's start with the bits I couldn't help grouching over:


    • At some points I wondered if Twilight was becoming best background pony, she seemed to be in it so little, with not much character development.
    • Why oh why did the writers decide to start showing Pinkie as a thoughtless, somewhat cruel at times, airhead? I shouted rude things at the screen more than once because of it.
    • No Celestia after the premiere. I get that they don't all write to her any more (and don't mind that) but surely as Twilight's mentor and ruler of the whole realm they could have given her something to do?
    • Why would the brilliant and talented Rarity design something so ugly as those costumes in Rainbow Falls?
    • Spike was more often than not a punching bag.
    • After building up since last season, the Equestria Games was all about Spike. I actually loved his story arc in the episode, but a bit more time with the games would have been nice.
    • Still no cutie marks for the CMCs!
    • Trade Ya, the only episode in all four seasons I've actually hated. Sure there are some I'm not fond of and probably wouldn't rewatch unless I was marathoning a whole season, but I couldn't stand Trade Ya and would skip it every time.


    But then, there was so much good!


    • The animation, as I said, was top notch.
    • So many gorgeous new songs! I loved the diversity of styles in the music.
    • The rest of the mane six all got a chance to shine, develop, and learn new things.
    • The pop culture references were fun without being obnoxious - I adored the Doctor and Roseluck with 3D glasses moment.
    • Big Mac both sang and spoke!
    • Good continuity with previous stories and previous jokes (The Equestria Games, Cerberus in the finale, Rarity's fainting couch).
    • I really enjoyed Rainbow Dash's tendency to put on shades and act cool. 'Sup?
    • The ability to laugh at itself and at previous episodes - Applebloom's interrupted song, Rainbow Dash's face when Rarity started singing in Rarity Takes Manehattan, and my personal favourite, Rainbow telling Twlight that she sang "whole freak out arias".
    • Fluttershy finally got some good character development and was a bit braver.
    • Getting to see the insecurity behind her bravado made Rainbow Dash more relatable to me.
    • Lots and lots of touching moments. I won't try and list them all, but let's just say I spent a lot of time welling up and smiling all at once.
    • Lots of moments that were just plain emotional. This season really tugged at my heartstrings, which in turn made me love those ponies even more. Special shout out to Flight To The Finish, the first MLP episode to ever make me cry (but not the last, tears were shed during Pinkie Pride, Maud Pie and the finale)
    • Amazing new supporting characters - Cheese Sandwich, Maud Pie, Coco Pommel, Suri Polomare.
    • Lots of screen time for Rarity!
    • The sharp, witty dialogue in most of the episodes.
    • I felt like the attention to detail was so high - so many little things, even just their expressions at certain moments, it all made it much more real in a way.
    • Discord sang.


    And last but not least:


    • The finale, which was 45 minutes or so of just pure emotion, adventure and wonder. 


    The lists don't look that different in length do they lol! But where the list of things I didn't like covers all the things I didn't like, the list of what I loved is just my highlights out of a whole season of things to love.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Tears were shed. I cried when the library was destroyed. Note: With just a split second to act, Twilight managed to save the actual only irreplaceable thing in the library, Owlicious. Books can always be reprinted and replaced, but a friend can not. 


    The fact that she managed to save Owlicious was what really got me welling up.

    • Brohoof 2
  3. I didn't hate any of them, but let's try ranking them.


    1. Pinkie - I thought she looked so cute and sweet, slightly 80s but in a good way. Loved her contrasting colours and the little cutie marks on her feet!

    2. Rarity - her colours and the little diamonds in her mane were lovely. Only thing is that I felt the curls in her mane were oversized and didn't entirely suit her. I might have put her further down the list for that reason, but, well, it's Rarity, I can't bear to!

    3. Twilight - I thought the colours and overall look went really well with her original look and her super long mane looked pretty.

    4. Rainbow Dash - it was so brash and overdone but it sort of worked for me anyway. My first thought was "now she has a Wonderbolt's mane-do and then some!". Liked the little lightning strikes on her cheek.

    5. Fluttershy - it was pretty but mostly I was thinking "wow, that's a lot of mane".

    6. Applejack - the only design that didn't do anything for me really.

  4. Oh my gosh, this was amazing. I had a few reservations going in, namely would gaining all the power turn Twilight into special snowflake princess, what exactly would her kingdom be, and would rainbow power be horribly overdone. Turns out I needn't have worried (oh me of little faith lol!) - this was absolutely brilliant:


    • Luna sang. Luna sang and I beamed like the Cheshire cat. In fact there was plenty of Luna in this episode and that made me very, very happy.
    • Celestia got plenty of screen time at last, and plenty to say. Though I did wonder at her decision to trust Discord and even more so the fact that she didn't stop and think Discord might have told Tirek about Twilight.
    • Both songs were wonderful.
    • My heart really went out to Twilight as she was trying to figure out her place.
    • Tirek was genuinely scary - the sight of him stealing everypony's power freaked me out!
    • When Fluttershy hugs Discord before she knows what he's done, oh my.
    • When she starts crying - I teared up.
    • Love the little detail that the princesses, who had been draped sadly over the throne and dais, sat up straight to face Tirek.
    • I nearly fell over with shock when he actually destroyed the library. Tears may have been shed.
    • Twilight was so completely badass during that fight! She showed no fear despite his immense size and power and the fight itself was way more intense (Maud would agree!) than anything the show has done so far.
    • Their rainbow power look was pretty - busy but not an eyesore. 
    • Twilight's Kingdom being Ponyville makes some sense - and good to see the others will have a role too.
    • That last song was a tiny touch on the sugary side but I'm not ashamed to admit I cried anyway :)
    • Brohoof 3
  5. I find it a bit annoying. I mean, back in season 1 they were already way behind their peers, so I feel like by now it's getting to the point where they might need to see a cutie mark doctor or something, they're developing so late! I wish they would just get them already - I'm sure the writers could think of other character developments for them after that.

  6. I had no idea there was such a rivalry. I really can't imagine hating on one of the characters - I might hate their actions or find them annoying at times, but I don't actually hate them. I wasn't that keen on Rarity for the first couple of seasons but then I saw the light, lol. I'm not always fond of Rainbow Dash I'll admit, but I don't hate her and I'd never see a fellow fan of the show as my rival because she was their best pony. Of course if they chose to see me that way,that's their prerogative and I guess I would just walk away ... fabulously, of course.

  7. img-2616899-1-FANMADE_Celestia_Wat.jpg ...wut?


    Well then...under the light of new insight into your affliction, I believe a full on exorcism is in order.


    That picture, though. This thread has made my day :) even if I do need to be exorcised!!

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Maybe I'm missing something, but in Rarity Takes Manehattan I always wonder: If the run through was meant to decide who got to stay for the big show, and Rarity turned up with an identical line to Suri Polomare after Suri had already shown her line, how did they decide to let Rarity through? Especially as she ran away in tears before she could even show it. That's always confused me!

  9. It is.


    Your on the list.


    Do 50 Hail Celestias, and I will consider using my powers as a legally ordained minister to pardon you of your sin.


    I'm duly contrite and will do 50 Hail Celestias as penance. Though of course I'll have to do 50 Hail Lunas too , but we won't talk about that  :lol:

  10. I really like Princess Celestia. I do love Luna too, but as I said in the Celestia Fan Club, they're both Best Princess to me! Definitely two of my favourite characters (the third being Rarity). As for Celestia though, I find her graceful and benevolent, but not infallible (which makes her more relatable), and I think more emotional than is often shown (such as how she referenced disliking the Summer Sun Celebration in Princess Twlight Sparkle), with a sweet and slightly wicked sense of humour and quite a motherly way about her at times. In short, I love Sunbutt!

  11. How did I only just find my way here, this thread made my day! Glad to see others giving the beautiful Princess Celestia the <3 she deserves. I <3 Luna too and refuse to choose - they're both Best Princess to me (I hope that's not blasphemy!).

  12. I tend to like most of the songs, but the two that I really feel "meh" about and could happily skip are the carol from Hearth's Warming Eve and the Princess Twilight Sparkle song from Magical Mystery Cure. I didn't really like Generosity the first time I heard it, but it won me over on a second listen (though I think Kazumi Evan's voice improved it for me, otherwise I still probably wouldn't like it that much).

  13. I didn't hate Mare Do Well.


    I enjoyed Rainbow Falls.


    I don't like most Spike episodes.


    I actually thought Flash Sentry + Twilight were sweet in Equestria Girls (don't kill me ok lol, this is for posting our unpopular opinions after all!).


    I like Trixie, but I do think she's overrated.


    I find Fluttershy irritating more often than not.


    I think Rainbow Dash is overrated and often annoying.


    I really like Applejack as a character.


    I'm very fond of Celestia.

    • Brohoof 3
  14. I didn't cry during seasons 1 - 3, though I may have come close, but this season has had me reaching for the tissues several times:


    • Flight To The Finish - I swear I cried from the moment we saw Scootaloo alone in her bedroom right to the end credits.
    • Rarity Takes Manehattan - the reprise of her Generosity song got the tears welling.
    • Pinkie Pride - I cried several times watching this! When she's following the others with tears in her eyes, through most of Pinkie's Lament, and when she concedes the goof-off
    • Maud Pie - the way Pinkie says "but we didn't even make our rock candy necklaces" and her voice just breaks ... I cried buckets, geez. The end made me well up a bit as well.
    • Brohoof 1
  15. This is pretty well done! Good job!


    Thank you, that's very kind :)


    My reaction to the painting:




    This really made me smile lol, thanks so much!




    that's very much a good drawing


    Thank you :)




    Its... Beautifull!!!! I love it! Make more of these! :D


    Lovely comment, thanks. I'm definitely planning to keep going :)




    Really nice job, I love the detail in the mane and outfit, though my only gripe is that the hooves look a little odd especially the back hooves, their outline is a bit wobbly.


    Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it :)




    I mean, honestly, this is one of the best Rarity works I've seen on this site!


    *puts on reading spectacles for a second look over*




    It IS one of the best ones so far!! :D


    Wow, what an amazing compliment, thanks so much! :D




    That sweater and bow-tie combination makes her look so adorable!


    Awesome painting :3


    Thanks, I really loved her outfit in that episode and it inspired me to try my hand at digi-painting her :)

  16. For the first three seasons, I found Rarity amusing and adorable but also a bit exasperating. I'd probably have put her fifth or sixth favourite. I don't know what it is about season 4 that has made me just fall in love with the purple maned pony! I love her hilarious one liners ("I'm confused and I was there!"), her intensity (even if it does come across as totally dramatastic), her stubborn competitive side (it is SO ON), and of course let's not forget her beautiful singing voice, pretty design, and Tabitha's brilliant voice acting.


    So I guess overall you could say my opinion of Rarity is pretty positive!

  17. I'd love for her to have a speaking role! I love the way she is in "fanon" but it wouldn't bother me if she was different as this isn't "fanon", it's canon and it doesn't always match what we expect. I'd be excited to see (well, hear!) what they do with her.

    • Brohoof 1
  18. I'm not fond of:


    The moment in ACW when even Celestia ditches Twilight.

    The moment in Three's A Crowd when RD goes on about "a big ball of lame" (or words to that effect). idk, it just seemed to cross into bitchy to me.

    Pinkie climbing the wall in Filli Vanilli - less random and more plain creepy!

    Most of MMMystery On The Friendship Express annoys me - they're all so horribly irresponsible!

  19. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity

    How did you find MLP Forums?: Via the wonders of Google.

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I saw loads of people talking about it online back when it first got popular but wasn't interested. Then one night I got bored and watched the pilot - didn't like the first few minutes then by the end of episode one I was hooked! I remembered it a couple of years later, looked up the rest of the series (on Youtube, shhh!) and before I knew it, I was mad about ponies, what can I say.

    Hi everyone


    I'm Anwyn (not my real name) (I still don't like giving my real name online after all these years!) and I guess I'm an older Brony, being in my mid thirties. Well, technically I'm a Pegasister maybe, but being a Brony works for me! 


    I'm a freelance writer living in the south of England with my partner. I like writing, art, reading, cooking, and being outside. I'm more than a touch obsessed with the rain, making me the weirdo that's grinning from ear to ear while everyone else ducks for cover.


    Being a Brony has definitely made my life a brighter, happier place, and encouraged me to try some art of my own. I'm excited to get to know some more members of the herd!

    • Brohoof 6
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