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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Khaoios

  1. Updated my Bronco-Titans/Four Horsemen Sketch: http://halorecons12.deviantart.com/art/Four-Bronco-Titans-of-the-Apocalypse-Sketch-600187670 Let me know what ya'll think, :D

  2. Behold, my OC...animated by one of the finest: http://halorecons12.deviantart.com/art/Khaoios-607232480

  3. Updated my Sketch of the Bronco-Titans. Let me know what ya'll think: http://halorecons12.deviantart.com/art/Four-Bronco-Titans-of-the-Apocalypse-Sketch-600187670

    1. vivishy


      it's really good

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Khaoios


      Thank you, :D. Indeed, it involves the Mane Six, the Princesses, and Discord giving up their fight against the Bronco-Titans. I'm currently thinking about adding more characters, yet I don't want to overload it. Perhaps three extra characters. :D

    3. pinkiepartypie


      I love it so much! Its really good!

    4. Khaoios
    1. Khaoios


      "Behold the Spirit of Intellect" - Khaoios (My Little Pony: The Day Equestria Stood Still"

  4. Final changes were made. Feel free to read it, :D :http://www.fimfiction.net/story/252147/my-little-pony-the-day-equestria-stood-still

  5. XD, Apparently, I was heavily criticized for introducing the Biblical Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse into my Little Pony fan fics. Yet, I have reasons why I did that along with posting my previous status with all four of them in one image.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Jeremiah


      ok, i am now confused...

    3. Khaoios


      Lol, Conquer is first, War is second, Pestilence (which also means Famine) is third, and lastly Death is the fourth.

    4. Jeremiah


      HMM OK, i think i got it now

    1. Nuke87654
    2. Dawning Demon
    3. Khaoios


      Finally managed to have the original works done so that someone could draw all four in one image (i don't have the equipment, sadly)

  6. Alrighty then, its been a while since my last update. Anyhow, I am in need for constructive review, for I have officially completed the design of the Bronco-Titans, the main antagonists to Rise of the Ancients trilogy. With the assistance of my artist, she was able to re-enhance the image from my original sketch thus making them stand out. However, the "review" part is what you as both a critic and reader think about their stories, design, attributes, etc. I want to know your opinion that what it will assist me in making the stories much better and a way to avoid those "its a mary-sue, gary-stu" crap. Link to the characters: http://halorecons12.deviantart.com/gallery/46536356/MLP-FIM-OC-s HINT: These alicorns may "look" powerful, however DO NOT judge the character by its appearance. As they do for books. Just because they "look" power does not make them invincible. They are immortal but not invincible. Each one has their own attributes. TYRANNUS TITANNUS KHAOIOS XENXUS
  7. *watches scene where RD cries*..well shit, cry me a river.

  8. I'm guessing in this episode, everyone shed a tear?

    1. vivishy


      Eeyup..well almost everyone

  9. Alrighty then....its been a while since i've dropped in, however I wanted to post this because I am in need of assistance. As you know, and I apologize to my crew, Hasbro unfortunately denied it for two reasons that I am not allowed to discuss publicly other than them. So yeah, that was a major downer which sadly we all need to understand and go through. Not everyone or anything is going to get accepted. So, just wanted to throw that update in. However, that does not necessarily mean its the end of my Rise of the Ancients Seven part Trilogy. I am curently redoing Element of Time (The Day Equestria Stood Still Sequel). In the meantime, I am in need of some strong writers and readers (editors as well). Here's the story: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/252147/my-little-pony-the-day-equestria-stood-still Now the full story is, I'm trying my best to get this up on EQD for all of you to read. (No i am not doing this for attention nor for my own health. I'm doing this because if you think about it, lots of readers love origin stories because of how adventurous, suspenseful, dark, etc. So I wanted to share from my perspective a fan fic, focusing on the Mane Six and there perilous journey into uncovering the dark and broken history of Equestria. It will be quite interesting for many of you and I would gladly appreciate it if you read it). Anyhow, recently I have been denied of entry because the story apparently lacks specific things so this is where you guys come in. I need someone who is willing to go in depths to assist me and identify the problems within the story. Basically, read the story and tell me what its missing. Does it need more character interaction, emotion, etc; does it need more suspense; is it bland, dull, etc. With that type of assistance, it will greatly help me into making the story much better to read and understand for everyone. Feel free to comment here or on Fim Fiction. Thanks, .
  10. This may be quite interesting to some folks who need an advice: http://halorecons12.deviantart.com/journal/33-Achievement-Unlocked-525789798

  11. Sequel to my Fan Fic (the one i posted b4), Element of Time will be uploaded later this week. Cover Art of it will be posted around May

  12. Finally.......I managed to finish the story, yet, im open to suggestions: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/252147/my-little-pony-the-day-equestria-stood-still

  13. Cool lookin' OC, you got there, :D

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