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Everything posted by hawkflame

  1. Wow this episode was a lot of fun! Peter New really was at the top of his game here, He really had to do three different types of acting- In the first third when he was just saying Eeyup and Nope, he basically had to just express all his feelings with two words. His exaggerated Southern Belle schtick as Orchard Blossom was hilarious in that old screwball comedy style, and he really struck a strong emotional chord with hhis scene with Apple Bloom near the end. Oh, and guys dressing as Orchard Blossom at cons is going to be a thing, isn't it?
  2. I believe this is what you were looking for: http://youtu.be/UrBma4OPLw0 Too bad Tommy left the fandom, I really respected him as an analyst.
  3. Wow that sucks. I wonder what brought that on but am afraid to ask in fear of opening up old wounds.
  4. Not at all. Maybe it's my more analytical side coming through, but I always thought relatability is a bit overrated as a tool for measuring a character, or at least relatability with personality. It's important to have empathy for them, but for me it's more important that they be dynamic and interesting and well written. My favorite is Rarity, and she's as different from me in personality as it gets, but I think that she's a fascinating character in the way she comes together. There are parts of her personality that come together in unique ways , and she has hidden depths that might not be appreciated otherwise.
  5. I think it builds on itself. This site has a rep for being rarity friendly, and thus more rarity fans show up. And who wouldn't, really?
  6. Shining Armor and Cadence. Shipping a husband with his wife? What the hell are you sick people thinking? Don't you guys know that the best shippings come between two characters who have barely acknowledged each other's existence?
  7. Didnt Canterlot Boutique show the letter being stuck to Pinkies hooves by tape in the beginning. And how do non unicorns use scissors? We've seen scissors on the show, with finger holes and all. Hell, why do pony scissors have finger holes?
  8. Pretty good episode, not great. As much as Rarity is my #1 pony and I'm excited to see her realize her dream, I had problems really connecting with this episode at points. And I think it was because the ep seemed kind of confused as to what the conflict was until the second half. At first it seemed like it would be about Sassy Saddles undermining Rarity and trying to take control over the shop, but then in the middle it came to be about artistic integrity vs the role of marketing and business in commercial art. Which is a great conflict to have, I just wish they didn't lean in another direction in the first half. And while I loved the second half, I just wish that clash of art vs marketing was set up better. Song was *great* though.
  9. No new YouTube videos in a while, too busy with work. Too bad about GFK, wanted to know what he thought of these last few episodes.
  10. Overall a very entertaining episode. First of all, it highlights a skill of Raritys that I really like and is often not utilized, and that's her eye for detail. Really I don't think it's been used much since she helped Granny Smith with quality control against the Flim Flam bros. but it is something crucial to her character as it highlights her intelligence. Really cool to see it shown off here. There were a lot of moments that really made me smile here like rainbows little dances in the air, rarity saying to Soarin to just "let her have this", all the film noir references, a lot of it was really fun. But I think structurally something was off. It felt like it took too long to set up the mystery, and the mystery itself suffered as a result. The delivery pony scene was extraneous, as I don't think that Raritys skill at charming guys is something that needed to be reinforced here. I would have taken that screen time to introduce a possible red herring. Or maybe make Wind Rider the red herring and add a new villain. Either way the mystery suffered as a result. Though I do like that they played fair by the audience- every single clue that Rarity picked up on is something that could be noticed by an attentive viewer. Over all a very entertaining episode that's great for rarity lovers like myself, but looking at the episode more analytically i do see problems.
  11. I generally don't care for her that much- she's usually just the evil bitch and that's that- but she *can* be written well. And that doesn't necessarily mean mean sympathetic. I found her *very* entertaining in Ponyville Confidential- showing that she can be passionate, ambitious, and really over the top in a funny way. Her giant ego and gruff and pushy way made her a really good foil for the CMC here.
  12. What about the fourth duck that tripped on the street in Rarity Investigates? Does he have a fan club?
  13. Haven't been on here in months, wonder if anyone remembers me. Also looks like ghost face hasn't been here since April. Anyone know what happened to him?
  14. I don't think that it's overanalysis to see communism in the episode. Propaganda blaring over the loudspeakers? Dissenters being sent to "re-education" centers? Encouragement of ratting out your friends and neighbors to avoid your own punishment? The top leadership of the community setting a different standard for themselves over everyone else? Being boxed into a role that was assigned to you as opposed to your own passions and interests? These are all hallmarks of a Stalinist society. Hell, even the common mane styles enforced by the leadership is a real thing. North Korea has a list of state "suggested" (read mandated) hairstyles for men and women. Sounds crazy, but true.
  15. Tough call. I love night gliders design, but I also love Sugar Belles character. I'll go with Night Glider, because design does hold a lot of sway with me for "background" or less established ponies.
  16. Without question best premiere since season 2, 1) for once it's not the Twilight Sparkle show. In fact, you can argue that Fluttershy got as much attention as she did. But on the whole it was about the dynamic of the whole group that taught the values in the episode. 2) the whole feel was actually rather creepy. You could tell that something was really off the whole time, and when it went into full blown communism allegory, forget it. The way that they're stuck there and seemingly cut off from the rest of Equestria, the blaring propaganda as they're locked away in their "re-education center", how they've incentivized ratting out ponies who "break the rules,". Hell, even the mane styles are straight out of Stalinist communism- did you know that North Korea has a list of state sanctioned hairstyles for men and women? Creepy, I know. What a compelling start to the season.
  17. Hey guys, I'm back! Just saw the season 5 premiere and thought it was great overall. As far as our favorite character goes, gotta say I loved Rarity crying over how she can't tell if the drapes are nice or not.
  18. Looks like we got hit bad by the blizzard this morning. Fortunately Rarity is ready for winter weather!
  19. Somewhere between pinkie pie and rainbow dash. Unsurprisingly that's the most common one.
  20. Visit? Yes. Live? No. For one thing, abandoning my friends and family. For another, I'm pretty sure Equestria doesn't have wifi.
  21. That might be the one thing they could do to make me stop watching. I'm all for plot twists and pulling the rug out from underneath the audience, but killing off Rarity would be a rather dark turn that I don't think the series could recover from.
  22. Think about it. Over 100 million people in the us just saw ponies.
  23. I caught a glimpse of it.... Good to know I'm not going insane!
  24. It's still not an "artistic liberty", though, whether his hair is dyed or not.
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