Name: LightningRainbow
Age: 18 (Rainbow Dash's Older Bro)
Gender: Colt that kinda looks like a mare.
Species: Pegasus
Birthplace: Cloudsdale
Residence: PonyVille
Occupation: WonderBolt (Rainbow dash's older bro is a wonderbolt that's why she wants to be one)
History: Hey i'm LightningRainbow and i was first born in my family so technically im the oldest. Later on after 1 year my little sister RainbowDash was born. I had to take care of RainbowDash because after rainbowdash was born my mother died of giving birth. My father died of a crash he had during flying sessions. So it was just me and Rainbow. I taught RainbowDash to fly. After all, I am the best flyer in PonyVille. I was so good SpitFire wanted me to be Co-Captain of the wonderbolts. So i agreed and went on being one. RainbowDash saw my moves and took me in as a role model. After i had to go away sometime to see the princess because she needed me to help battle bcause i was strong and fast. Shining armour got married i had to take a job as captain of the Army. So i retired from Wonderbolting and went on. I Went back to ponyville seeing my friends are there and that RinbowDash was now awesome and cool like me! I also have a crush on rarity and she does too. I retired from captain of the army to be Princess Twilight Sparkle's New ROyal Guard Leader/Captain!
Personality: My personality is Brave and defending. I also am athletic. I dont do EggHead stuff. Overall, i act like RainbowDash but more mature and responsible.
Likes: Zap Apple, Apple Cider (kinda has a problem needs rehab XD), flying, Rainbows of course.
Dislikes: Reading and boring stuff
Abilities: Tricks, Fighting in Celestia's army, Good at guarding, IS AWESOME!
Pets: No
NOTE: I made this pony myself i swear so yea :D