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Posts posted by FatalRain

  1. "I know that some people can't help their pessimism due to things like depression/other affairs, but if they're not faced with any grand problems".


    Direct quote from my post. Of course people have tough lives. But if you don't have anything pressing on your personality, I say there's no excuse to not try and find as many sources of happiness as you can.


    I suppose. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. I mean, yeah, talking to Down-Donna's all the time is kinda annoying, but I feel like you can never know exactly what someone's been through unless they've told you or you've seen it

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Pessimists.


    Heh, just writing that word in this thread was a bit of a contradiction :3 But yeah, I'm not a fan of people who are consistently pessimistic. The kind that don't make a single attempt to try and look for the positive side of a situation. I don't see it as a practical approach to anything, to be honest. It impacts the actions you take and the persona as a whole you end up adopting, and it rubs off onto other people as well. I know that some people can't help their pessimism due to things like depression/other affairs, but if they're not faced with any grand problems and they choose to be a downer, hoo boy am I not really going to warm to them. I'll still treat them and speak to them the same as I do any other person, with friendliness and consideration, but I'll be in a real disagreement about their outlook.


    How can you ever be certain of what these people are going through though? Do they tell you their whole life story?

    I find Elitist  and snobbish people annoying them and trolls but they are easy to ignore


    Trolls can be easy to ignore unless they've latched onto you as their prime target...

  3. Elementary school had it's goods and bads. I got made fun of a lot, but I always had fun because I was little and gave no fucks


    Middle school was the worst time of my life. I got made fun of mercilessly to the point that I didn't ever want to go to school. I only have one friend and when I tried to make new ones, it backfired


    High school was okay. The work was harder and more serious, but it wasn't all that bad

    • Brohoof 1
  4. They matter to a degree

    I have to feel an attraction to people in order to date them, however, what I find attractive and what society finds attractive tend to be pretty different

    I can also feel more attracted to someone if they have an amazing personality and I click really well with them

    And furthermore...I wouldn't want to date someone that's "Gorgeous" because they're more than likely full of themselves and I can't stand that

  5. I'm annoyed when someone is overly sarcastic, has a massive ego, or is inconsiderate.


    Sarcasm can be funny, but you have to know how to use it right

    My sarcasm with my mother tends to get her to laugh

    but my ex used to be sarcastic about everything

    Like, I'd be trying to ask a question about something I seriously didn't know, and he was a total douche about it


    Inconsiderate people make me wanna shove my head through a brick wall. I can't tell you how many times I get to the ice cream carton without ever having any from it, and there's like...a scoop left. It's like...what the hell?!

    • Brohoof 2
  6. All of these, ugh.

    Number 1 probably gets me the most.  Who are you to think you're better than anybody?  I'm positive that these people have just as many flaws as everyone else., but it's almost as if they're in denial about it  Plus, being an elitist snob is REALLY unattractive, no matter how physically attractive said person may be (or rather, think they are). :)


    It also somewhat irks me when someone claims to not be a MLP fan, but is still on this forum.  W..Why are you here and active then? (this applies to any other fan-based forum too).


    Yeah....elitists are absolutely one type of person that I will never, ever try to become friends with. Because I can be 100% certain that they're telling everyone behind my back just how much of a "loser" and "failure" I am. I will never think I'm better than anyone for any reason. 


    I haven't seen anyone around here like that, but it doesn't surprise me...For part of it, I think the term brony is associated with something that people have come to hate, so that might be why people don't want to be called MLP fans?

  7. >is being judgmental about above people. :comeatus:


    I dislike overly-quirky people.

    Basically...anyone who describes themselves as "random".

    When you think shouting "WAFFLES" out loud is funny, I start thinking that I should've stayed home.



    No, I am not being judgmental about them because despite the fact that I come into contact with these sort of people everyday of my life, I try to overlook it

    I don't sit there and hate them because of how they are, it just bothers me

    That's the difference

    Liars and fakes though the others are all tied for a very close 2nd. I am severely allergic to bullshit and do not like being deceived and especially don't like hypocrites who talk down to and judge others for the same things they themselves are guilty of. 


    Oh good golly

    Hypocrites....completely forgot those. My mother is probably the biggest hypocrite I have ever met and listening to her talk tends to give me a headache -a-

  8. Wow OP, you and I have a lot in common then


    I was always teased about my weight, even when I was really little and wasn't even fat!

    I often was called ugly

    Got called stupid or implied that I was stupid

    People would always call me "Bull in a china shop" because I was clumsy

    Got called a 'Dyke' for having a short haircut

    People would often make fun of me for either not talking or not smiling...

  9. Uh oh, shouldn't have asked me this.


    1. My body, my face, pretty much how I look
    2. My bad luck
    3. My ability to let other's words affect me 
    4. My lack of faith in myself
    5. My drawings, or more so, lack of ability to draw
    6. My temper
    7. My inability to socialize and make friends
    8. My fear of failure
    9. My lack of determination
    10. My overall hatred for myself
  10. There's a lot of types of people that I tend to find bothersome because I just can't fathom their way of thinking.


    1. Snobs or elitists; Nobody is better than anyone else for any reason. Not for looks, knowledge, performance ability, wealth or any other reason. You shouldn't be looking down on others because everyone has strengths and weaknesses


    2. Liars and Fakes; I don't see the need to pretend to be something you're not and to live in a world of lies. It's especially not fair to gain someone's trust and yet lie to them constantly.


    3. Trolls/Bullies; The idea of trolling was supposed to be something humorous a long time ago. It would be something like...someone saying silly things in reply to your threads/posts. It was supposed to be harmless. But no, trolls have evolved into internet bullies, and I'm sure 99% of people have had to deal with bullies in real life and don't much care to do so online. Oh, and for those that say you can't be bullied online...yeah, that's a crock. Some person somewhere is saying horribly rude and unnecessary things to you...I'm pretty sure that's gonna affect you.


    4. Ignorant people; By ignorant, I don't just mean not knowing something. I mean someone knowing something and choosing to still believe lies.


    5. Judgmental people; This is something that society is to blame for. We're taught that things that are "different" are wrong. When in reality, humans are humans and there's no need to hate someone because of their race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.



    • Brohoof 10
  11. I've taken this quiz 3 different times without remembering what my answers were, because they were all very spaced out

    And somehow I manage to get Rainbow Dash every time!

    The funny part is while watching the show, I don't think I'm much like Rainbow Dash at all D:

    I'm not self-centered or competitive, and I don't specifically try to present myself as "cool"

    I have to wonder what answers I chose to give me her! haha

  12. This is gonna sound reallllllllllllllllllllllllly weird but...the opening theme used to make me cry

    It wasn't a bad kind of crying, it was like a...overflow of good feels kinda crying? I dunno

    I'm just glad it doesn't make me cry anymore haha

    I felt like such a nutball

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Ever since 'The Cutie Mark Chronicles', I've thought about the fact that Pinkie and Applejack both grew up on farms and thought it was somewhat bizarre

    So it didn't really surprise me much when the two were thought to be cousins...of course, we'll never know for sure now!

    • Brohoof 1
  14. I wanted to make friends so I signed up for a site that was supposed to be local based

    One guy asked to hang out, and I told him right off the bat that I just wanted friends

    However, when we hung out, he kept trying to kiss me and making all sorts of comments that made me uncomfortable -a-


  15. I was taught as a child by my father that it was a sign of weakness

    as such, I still cry, and often

    There's no need to bottle up feelings

    I do, however, think it's a better thing to do in private

    I mean, crying in front of people once in awhile is okay, but some people do it so often you can tell they're trying to get attention -a-

  16. I don't get to bowl very often, but when I do, I always have a blast

    not because I'm actually doing well, but because I'm so terrible it makes me and everyone else laugh hysterically 

  17. I always feared there were monsters, ghosts or some other creatures out to get me

    I was so scared, I'd run through the house, turning one light on in one room, running back to shut the other on and so forth until I got to my room

    I also did the whole run-jump-into-bed thing so no monsters could grab me haha

  18. Applejack would smell like Apples, of course

    Twilight would smell like Vanilla, because it's the sort of sweet, yet simple smell that she'd like

    Pinkie Pie would smell like bubble gum because it's pink like her and she loves sweets~

    Rarity would smell like some sort of high class perfume, the sort of scent that's unique and you can't really describe

    Rainbow Dash would smell like the air during whatever season

    Fluttershy would smell like a bunch of different animals (every animal does have it's own scent)

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