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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Nine

  1. I know that feel. I used to do this years ago, just walking at night. Walking and smoking. Although I did it in a loop so I finally got home at 7am
  2. I'm thinking about it but also not thinking very clearly right now. I did tell my boss, which I don't feel great about, but I had little choice. It's never good to look weak in the shark tank. On the other hand if I'm really thinking about quitting my job/life, what's the harm I suppose......
  3. I hate my job. I was promoted four months ago and get good feedback but management isn't my thing at all. It doesn't suit my personality to begin with, but half the time I'm also a bipolar wreck inside and absolutely do not want to engage anybody or even get out of bed but I have to anyway. I drink and play pool most nights to distract myself. Sometimes I abuse tranquilizers. I've been eating too much and should lose about 20 lbs. If I were just bipolar maybe I could function like a normal person but I have other issues that limit my opportunities in life. Not that I would have the energy to pursue them anyway. At the end of an average day all I have is enough energy to shoot pool for a couple hours and then sleep. I sure do love to sleep. It's like dying but unfortunately not permanent. Also I sleep like shit. Today we got a visit from our district manager and I thought everything was fine so I left on time, but just got a call from my manager saying so and so wasn't impressed. I can't imagine why. Furthermore I hardly care why, even if I should. I'd quit, but what else would I do? I'm over 30 and have a life to pay for, if you want to call it that. Even when I'm in a good mood I know that I've done everything I want to do, most other things are out of reach, and really all I have left to do is idle out the rest of my days until I die. Which is hopefully soon, and I'd prefer painless but I'd take anything.
  4. I wish it was just late spring/early fall all the time. Hot is bad. Cold is bad. Winter is terrible and anyone who likes it should be put in stocks and made a public example of. Unfortunately I live in Ontario so we get all the real seasons.
  5. Being obligated to others and/or living with them is just intolerable. Though I would if I could. Meeting other people isn't the problem; I can apparently even be charming enough to draw interest, but after that I just feel like the life's being choked out of me. It is 100% mental health related unfortunately so little can be done.
  6. I think freedom of speech is great because it encourages individual responsibility of thought and action. People may say what they like, and everyone else has the right, and I think the responsibility, to think about what they've heard and respond appropriately.
  7. Nine

    music About Rap.

    Generally, rap's target audience isn't one I'm a member of. Even when the message is relatable, the style isn't. There isn't much subtlety to it.
  8. There've been plenty of interesting historical eras, but if I'm being honest with myself, I don't think I'd want to live through any of them. I'd be signing on for a harder, less comfortable life. I'm not sure I'm really up to that. I quite like working forty hours a week in relative comfort and having plumbing and decent medicine and a remote starter for my car. Also, having a car. So, that just leaves the future. And while things could go bad, I'm assuming they won't. Mostly I'd be interested in seeing how foreign industrialization panned out, and what effects it has on the established western world. Besides that, I wouldn't mind having upgrades to everything I own right now for a lower price. After inflation I mean. That'd be sweeeeeet.
  9. The only one I feel really strongly about is Family Appreciation Day. I think it's waaaaay underrated. Magic Duel might be overrated, though some of that might be bias cause I don't think Trixie's all that great.
  10. I briefly looked at it once. Seems the author was aiming to be as terrible as possible, and mission accomplished I guess.
  11. Years ago my family bought a pet budgie, and later I learned the full word was "budgerigar". Such a great word, I don't know why. I guess just looking at it's wonky little face and saying "budgerigar" for some reason .. it was hilarious. I really don't know why. heh heh .. "budgerigar". Budgerrrrrrrigarrrrrr. Okay, it's probably just me.
  12. I always dress well when I'm going anywhere to do something besides errands. It changes how people react to you, for the better.
  13. I wish we didn't live in a time where any stated preference has to come with an apology for the implied disfavor of all alternatives untaken, but it seems we do.
  14. Some of them sound like letters from people just angling to get him to read them aloud. Anyone who publishes hate mail will get a lot of faux hate mail from people who hope to get it in the next batch.
  15. Well there's no denying that. Personally, my view of the gender and gender role "thing" is .. well, basically I'm confused about why it's a big issue. I don't have anything against people doing whatever they feel like doing, be it a traditionally male or female activity, or even changing genders if they really feel they must. I just can't imagine making a crusade out of it. Gender to me has never seemed any more significant to identity than eye color. As for the activities, I'm a guy and I sew. And it just doesn't occur to me unless asked that it's not a very masculine thing to do, and I never thought about using that hobby as a springboard for some sort of gender inclusion message. Like I said, mostly it just confuses me when I hear about it. I understand what's being said, I just can't get into it on an emotional level. As for the rabid feminism and SJW stuff that's become one big internet joke, well that's a whole other sad, sad can of silly little worms. Maybe this generation just ran out of actually meaningful stuff to care about? idk. If I say anymore though I might start sounding old.
  16. Man, Satan's really getting petty these days isn't he? What happened to the Satan I remember? The one who rebelled against God? This is some pretty half-ass work. Not even; more like a sixteenth of an ass. I might believe this plot was the work of a poorly paid demon working a temp job, but Satan himself? I dunno .. If it was, evil might be on its last legs folks. If anyone watched the Rainbow Dash Presents or Mentally Advanced series, this let's play is done by the guy who made those. The link I'm posting includes his commentary on what kind of evil the devil represented in the Bible, and it's pretty funny and insightful (and not crazy). edit: skip to 1 minute, 44 seconds
  17. Fedoras are done for now. Wait for it to skip a generation, then you can gift yours to your great grandkids. I'm not biased against them; there are outfits with which they work, but unless you know for sure you're in one of them, I'd leave the hat at home. They're certainly not a fashion necessity. I like jeans and a fancier shirt, like a button down with or without french cuffs. And I like 3/4 coats. Oh, and some decent shoes. I don't think I've ever owned a pair of sneakers.
  18. Merge with unpopular opinions thread? heh Most of my show-watching friends think S1 and S4 are the best. I thought season 4 had a lot of strong episodes. I loved the season premieres, and Flight to the Finish, Rarity Takes Manhattan, Rainbow Falls, Maud Pie, Leap of Faith, Trade Ya, and Discord's character arc in Twilight's Kingdom were all really strong. I picked these ones specifically because the lessons learned were somewhat more nuanced than was standard fare in previous seasons. It had a few bombs though. Castle Mane-ia? Bats? Meh. And AJ was just goofy in Somepony to Watch Over Me.
  19. I have before. Bottle service and club hopping and all that. And you know .. Unless you're a real party animal, it's something you endure so you can tell everyone else you had fun. I don't think it's that great on it's own. It's really hot, it's really loud, and those places are full of the kind of people I'd never voluntarily share space with at any other time. Oh, also it's expensive, so you get to *pay* for it too. When I do go out at night, it's for more low-key affairs. Quiet(er) dinners and events, theater or exhibits, or just walking to see what you see. With a friend or two, no more than that needed.
  20. A thought occurred to me today during a rewatch. Harshwhinny makes her decision to host the games in the Crystal Empire based on Peachbottom's account of the welcome given by ponies from Ponyville, who did go through a whole pre-planned spiel about how great the Crystal Empire was, even after complaining about how she never gets the real scoop from other welcome parties in other cities doing the same thing. Maaaaaybe she wouldn't have caught on to that just from listening to Ms. Peachbottom, but the fact that Twilight and her friends clearly aren't crystal ponies should have been suspect. Didn't she basically make her decision without meeting any crystal ponies, except the one doing her spa treatment? And Cadence, I guess, sorta. I don't think she even checked to make sure there were enough public washrooms. On the other hoof, in real life there's some political thought put into the process of choosing a location for the Olympics, and the Crystal Empire is historically significant, so I'm gonna go ahead and say that was the real reason. edit: oh, also when Rainbow Dash says Cloudsdale was a candidate for the games when she was a filly, wouldn't that have prevented two thirds of the population from attending? You know, clouds and all?
  21. Dulset's question makes me think of this comic I figure the ponies have their own dispositions and overall character traits that would shine through no matter what profession they held. Talents are versatile like that. To master any specific job, when you think about it, requires a whole subset of transferable skills. I know MMC contradicts this. In that episode, Twilight's friends all ended up miserable because they weren't on track with their original destinies. I want to hand-wave that a little bit though. For one, it was the product of an incomplete spell, and besides, we already know Discord could invert their personalities with magic .. so I'm gonna chalk it up to that. My point is that in other episodes we see the mane 6 doing things that aren't their specific profession, but relate to their skill set. In Super Speedy Cider Squeezy, Twilight gets Rainbow to help press because she's athletic, and Rarity to do quality control because she can spot defects quickly, as in Look Before You Sleep, when she knows where the tree will fall when AJ's pulling it down. They all have various roles in Mare do Well, Fluttershy shows promise as a social worker when she reforms Discord, etc. So I think the metaphysics of cutie marks is debatable. Maybe they have a kind of destiny, but I want to believe it's not something set in stone, moment by moment. I think it's more of a thematic, abstract destiny. Like, if you imagine Rainbow Dash's destiny is to revolutionize flying, it could be done in a few ways. In canon, she does the sonic rainboom, but perhaps in another possible universe, her silk bodysuit helps another flyer gain the speed needed to do the same thing. You know, like how a race car or a fighter plane needs more than the driver/pilot, it also needs all the skills of the engineers that went into making those things. Anyway, I think I've talked enough. You get the idea.
  22. Considering the 4de ones are around the same price point, I don't know why people get the build a bears at all .. If it's just for convenience, isn't a little wait for something better a good thing?
  23. If you're a brave soul, you could buy one, and make new manes and tails for them. Wings would be difficult if only because you'd need to find the exact fabric color.
  24. I used voodoo tiki's pattern for my first try, because it was free so why not? http://voodoo-tiki.deviantart.com/art/Voodoo-Tiki-s-Pony-Plushie-Tutorial-292290994 Start by picking the size you want to try, then print it out and tape the pieces together. I resize images just using paint when I'm doing my patterns now, for eyes, manes, tails, etc. The body pattern I use is a really popular one, valleyviolet's. You have to buy it if you want to use it, but it's a great pattern and very worth it. You can worry about that later. After that, you can either use fabric on hand just for a test, or get some minky from a store if you want to jump into working with that. And then you pretty much just have to go "well, idk what I'm doing, but I'm gonna DO IT ANYWAY" and see what happens. Summon your inner mad scientist. Always works for me. Don't worry about success until later. Worry about learning first.
  25. My first one was just for practice, and it was pretty "meh". I've never done a project where I didn't need at least one try to figure out the things I didn't know I'd need to know in advance. You don't know what the challenging parts will be, and doing a trial run will help you figure out what practical challenges you have to address when making one "for real"
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