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Beth Sycamore

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Cupcake (3/23)


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  1. I liked the owl in Bestest Pet,and I liked Owliwishious. I think owls are cool,and smart looking. But do owls make for good pets? And how do I take care of an owl?
  2. Is the cutie mark of a pony actually colorization on the pony's fur,or is it a color mark on the pony's skin that could be seen through the fur?
  3. This thread was made for you,to discuss on who your pony persona is. My pony persona is a pegasus mare named Storytime. She is a librarian pony,with an open book as a cutie mark.
  4. The next two alicorns should be fluttershy,with either Applejack or Pinkie Pie.. Then the team would be even again. Do you agree with my post?
  5. I'm going to ask questions here. 1. Are Celestria and Luna planning to step down as Canterlot rulers,so that Candance and Twilight Sparkle could take over for them? 2. Is the Alicorn Amulet returning in a future episode,and be used by TS? 3. Will AppleJack and Fluttershy also change their forms? 4. Will Discord make another appearance? 5. Will Zecora join the now main 5,to make it 6 again?
  6. 9. Was Granny Smith born into the Apple Family,or did she marry into it? 10. Before GS became a granny,wasn't she just simply called Smith? Why would anypony name their filly foal "Granny"? 11. What are the age differences of/between Big Macintosh,Applejack,and Apple Bloom? 12. Why are the MLP staff not letting Big Mac say more then just Yep and Nope? I'd like to hear him speak whole sentences.
  7. 5. Was the barn that was destroyed and rebuilt,in fact the Apple Family homestead? 6. How many barns are in Sweet Apple Acres? 7. Why has the Apple Family let the fruit bats stay in their apple trees,instead of getting rid of them? 8. Is Aunt Applesauce older then Apple Rose and Granny Smith,or is she around their age?
  8. 1. If an pony had the mixed heritage of being half earth pony and half pegasus,could that pony still fly,or would there be something wrong with the wings? 2. Is the reason that Scootaloo isn't flying,is because she is half earth pony,or is it just her wings are demormed enough to be unable to fly? 3. Does Fluttershy,Zecora,the mane six,and other Apple family members walk in and out of Everfree Forest,on a regular basis? 4. Who are Applejack's and Big Mac's favorite cousins?
  9. This is my new favorite My Little Pony song,it replaced The Perfect Stallion. Is there a video of Raise This Barn being played on a banjo,on some video hosting site? I;d like to hear Raise This Barn played on the banjo,please.
  10. I remember Granny Smith saying that the Apple Family Reunion happens every 100 moons,and I have 2 questions to ask here. What is our time equilent of 100 pony moons? Wasen't there an Apple Family Reunion going on in Season One,episode one?
  11. I've seen genderflipped versions of the mane six ponies,and I have been wondering what would other pony characters would look like if they were genderflipped,and had different names. Apple Bloom,Sweetie Belle,Scootaloo,Babs Seed,Diamond Tiara,Silver Spoon,Granny Smith,Cherrilee,Shining Armor,Princess Candence,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Carrot Cake,Cupcake,Pound Cake,Pumpkin Cake,Trixie,Apple Strudel,Snips,Snails,Soren,and Spitfire.
  12. How did Applejack get her cowboy hat? When did she get that hat,and who actually gave it to her? Is there a backstory,that would be explained in a future episode?
  13. Any episode with a good song sung well,is a great episode for me. A baby pony/horse is called a foal,a filly is a young female pony at the child/teen stage of life. I hope to see a picture of Big Mac as a foal,in a future episode. I'm glad that I wasn't the only one to notice Hayseed Turnip Truck,at the Apple reunion. Is Babs related to Uncle and Aunt Orange as their daughter? Did anyone else see how pretty Granny Smith looked when she rearranged her face,when she was telling AJ she hosted the Apple reunion during her younger days? Could someone post a picture of that here? It was good that Applejack set up alot of fun activities,but she should have let the family do things at their own pace.
  14. I have to ask this question. Who was the pony made up to look like the Rainbow Dash double? The cartoon was going too fast,for me to see who it was clearly. pictures here could help too
  15. Does the topics of smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol,belong in any My Little Pony episode? Is that something,that anyone wants to see? I'm curious about your points of views,on this.
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