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Boido no dakugeitsu

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Status Replies posted by Boido no dakugeitsu

  1. They should rename America's Got Talent to America's Got Entertainers. That's all it is. Never will you see a painter on there, or a philosopher, or a scientist, only people that can put on a show. Only those people are worth a million dollars. I hate that show.

    1. Boido no dakugeitsu

      Boido no dakugeitsu

      Are you trying to say because one applies, the other doesn't have to? because I agree, simply because we are bronies doesn't render us exempt. We like MLP, but We are human, and some of us American. We like MLP, but we are not perfect.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  2. They should rename America's Got Talent to America's Got Entertainers. That's all it is. Never will you see a painter on there, or a philosopher, or a scientist, only people that can put on a show. Only those people are worth a million dollars. I hate that show.

    1. Boido no dakugeitsu

      Boido no dakugeitsu

      I hate sports in general, they achieve nothing. I have not seen singing create a global turning point. I don't mind flashiness, or flourish, however if nothing productive is achieved towards the greater good of the people on a whole, you have wasted my time, your time, and everyone's time. Katy Perry singing her damn songs is not feeding starving people in our streets, and certainly not in other countries. Some guy getting a strike or a touchdown or whatever the hell they call it, is...

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  3. Today has gotten off to a very 'meh' start...

    1. Boido no dakugeitsu

      Boido no dakugeitsu

      I like Meh days, no news is usually good news, cause nothing bad has happened. (I know there are circumstances where no news is bad news. Don't fight me!)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Redeem me into childhood, show me myself without a shell.

    1. Boido no dakugeitsu

      Boido no dakugeitsu

      You are only screwed if you cannot find something to fight for, or something to believe in.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  5. Redeem me into childhood, show me myself without a shell.

    1. Boido no dakugeitsu

      Boido no dakugeitsu

      There is always hope Kyoshi, always. None are born with it. Hope is a source of life and light. Hope is not a thing you can see, or hear about. It is a intuitive idea that can stir the soul, and raise a burning spirit. Hope is not freely given, it cannot be bought and sold in it's truest sense. It must be claimed by the strong, the convicted, the ones who can see. You will not gain hope if you do not give it a path. A path must be lain out, every step of the way meticulously detailed. Yo...

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  6. Sorry everyone...I just do not feel like doing a stream tonight...Honestly, why do I even bother anymore..With anything.

    1. Boido no dakugeitsu

      Boido no dakugeitsu

      Alright. Kyoshi. Understand this. I, Pinkamena_Dianna_pie_, Dargent_mlp, Mixbeat, or anyone for that matter cannot control your life, you can. As much as I would like to exert what power I can over you (And I was allowed, I would) I cannot make you happy. From my travels here, I have come to one conclusion that can be said of you humans, You will forever refuse to see that which lie in front of you if you refuse to see it. You refuse to see what good can come of you, and your work in life, bu...

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  7. I am now LIVE! Come join me as I continue the wonderful Child of Light. :)http://twitch.tv/kyoshilonehearted

  8. Reminder: I will be streaming Child of Light starting at 10pm EST. I hope some of you can make it. It makes my day entirely seeing others there. I don't make the streams, it's all of you that do and I am grateful for that.

    1. Boido no dakugeitsu

      Boido no dakugeitsu

      I shall stare at your work intently, I'll have you know!


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. All of the info for today's stream can be found here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/96629-daily-livestream-meetup-kyoshis-offical-stream-update-thread/page-3#entry2623938 The game will be Forza 5, start time 10pm EST. Hope some of you can make it. :)

  10. Well, I just got home...Not exactly in the best of moods right now...

    1. Boido no dakugeitsu

      Boido no dakugeitsu

      1st) Messing up 3 streams will not effect you as heavily as you might think. Everyone has bad days and everyone knows that everyone has bad days.


      2nd) Lies and Slander. It is hard for you to disappoint your true fans. Very very hard, even with our high expectations. (I have a very good frame of reference, by my standards you are very good.)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. Well, I just got home...Not exactly in the best of moods right now...

    1. Boido no dakugeitsu

      Boido no dakugeitsu

      I don't enjoy not listening to you and not watching you play, but your needs come first. They always have.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Well, I just got home...Not exactly in the best of moods right now...

  13. Who would have thought being yelled at by someone you respected would hurt so badly.

  14. Fight Fascism! Red ribbon - symbol of struggle and victory!

    1. Boido no dakugeitsu

      Boido no dakugeitsu

      My pencil kills Fascists.


      Free Information!

  15. The good days of Spiral Knights... when our guild AFK was the best at Bomberman... I miss them. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=256890544

    1. Boido no dakugeitsu

      Boido no dakugeitsu

      Very nice, and I wish you only good luck in grad school.

      And good luck juggling the MLPF world cup tournament as well as the SASS.

      Queen Chrysalis and Maud Pie for the win!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  16. The good days of Spiral Knights... when our guild AFK was the best at Bomberman... I miss them. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=256890544

    1. Boido no dakugeitsu

      Boido no dakugeitsu

      I've heard the same. Shall I recommend you to another free steam game?

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  17. The good days of Spiral Knights... when our guild AFK was the best at Bomberman... I miss them. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=256890544

    1. Boido no dakugeitsu

      Boido no dakugeitsu

      I know that feeling of being on top, then the world changes and you are left picking up the pieces.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  18. The good days of Spiral Knights... when our guild AFK was the best at Bomberman... I miss them. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=256890544

    1. Boido no dakugeitsu

      Boido no dakugeitsu

      None unfortunately, I was playing on a netbook, and the game put some serious strain on my laptop, so it was to much of a hassle for people to play with me as the dungeons took forever to load. So I eventually stopped playing altogether.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  19. The good days of Spiral Knights... when our guild AFK was the best at Bomberman... I miss them. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=256890544

    1. Boido no dakugeitsu

      Boido no dakugeitsu

      I think, from around maybe 2012, to definitely 2013.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  20. The good days of Spiral Knights... when our guild AFK was the best at Bomberman... I miss them. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=256890544

    1. Boido no dakugeitsu

      Boido no dakugeitsu

      I had that game on steam too for a while, it was fun but I got a new computer...

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  21. I wished for OPs to stop brohoofing every post on a thread... but now I miss it... #NostalgicforMLPF.

  22. I wished for OPs to stop brohoofing every post on a thread... but now I miss it... #NostalgicforMLPF.

  23. Woohoo! Straight As for all my grades to finish undergrad!

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