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Boido no dakugeitsu

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Posts posted by Boido no dakugeitsu

  1. Gotta be honest here. Over the past few weeks, I've wanted in my motivation to host the World Cup this June, mostly due to the disinterest and ambivalence people have shown towards the event. Whether it be from the mods or even the people who help make this event possible, I feel that you guys don't even want this event. If all I say really is true, then I'm cancelling the event.

    Nope sorry I'm going to have to veto that. This is not going down got it? This will go off in June and it will get crazy, trust in yourself, and I believe in you and this as well!

    • Brohoof 2
  2. So, I am working on these paintings, and I noticed something. Ever since I put this on the back of the couch, the cat never moves from that spot. He even sleeps on it like a pillow.




    That is amazing! Love it, Love the cat, Love Twilight.

    Plus, Can't wait to see the painting! You deserve a cookie! Or a peppermint Twilicane!

  3. Infernia continued to follow the monk, but spent much of time looking into her book. She got to a point where she had began to walk in rhythm to the pattern marked out by the score sheets in her note book. Some of her hof steps were light and some were much harder.


    <How many ponies out there work with crystals to produce music? It must be a difficult task if one needs all these diagrams to work, more disturbing is I have math in here to produce deadly sound waves!> she thought.

  4. 'Mental monsters, now ghosts... riiight we might be done.' Infernia thought.


    Moving with the monk, she levitaed her book once more, "who was it bound to? Are they even still alive?" she wrote in.


    'Writing is seriously inefficient. Why don't I just talk normally like everyone else.?' she thought silently.

  5. @,


    Infernia inwardly groaned as she climbed the stairs, 'How high do these hellish stairs ascend?! We should be in Princess Luna's domain by now! Wheres the moon!?'


    Getting the attention of the monk, she levitated her notebook, "How much higher are we to climbed?" she had wrote in.

  6. Taking another look at the book in the section pertaining to crystals, At first she felt barraged by numbers, scales, and graphs, But it slowly began to work itself out. Infernia looked at the sheet music once more, she began to hum the music the best she could to the music. It was somewhat difficult due to the fact that crystals produced sounds that most creatures could not achieve.


    Now beginning to understand the symbols she looked further into the book, smiled at what she saw, there was a graph about producing various creature noises, Dragon roars, Timberwolf howls, Owl hoots, even Chimera, and Manticore roars were listed. However each required specific set up and arrangement of crystals as well as specific sizes, timings, and acoustic conditions. She looked through the book and found blueprints for a studio room, It was soundproofed, had positional crystals of various sizes, and a store room for all of them. Also detailed was the specifications for a tuning fork.


    Feeling slightly whole again from her recaptured history she looked up and continued up the stairs with a stronger step. 

  7. Infernia took a moment to stretch on the stairs, when she continued walking she opened up

    Her book to see what else was in side. When she could find nothing about their current situation she looked further back to learn about herself. As she looked through she kept coming across pictures, graphs, diagrams, even blueprints of crystal formations. A few of the had been accompanied by sheet music with odd notes, a deep feeling in her mind told her she knew what these meant, but she couldn't figure out the pattern. Shaking her head in frustration she closed the book and continued her ascent

  8. Infernia looked up the staircase and sigh as she slowly made er way up behind the others. 'This place is way too big, honestly how could one live here? If ever get rich I am not owning a large mansion, not after being stuck in this dark place.' she thought, then a chilled passed over her, 'What if I own a large empty mansion on the outside?! Oh I am so selling it if I do.'

  9. Yea, but like I said, we can just Youtube to find some soundtracks or such that we like for each of our favorite ponies, and if multiple people submit different tracks for the same pony we can vote on which we prefer. As well people who are musicians themselves could submit their own music, both getting great original music for their pony, and getting word out about themselves.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. You know what would be REALLY cool? It's really ambitious, but a national anthem (or theme song) for each pony would really be the cream of the crop for the World Cup.



    I like the idea, no sound mixing skills or anything of the sort myself I wonder who would take that time? That's the only real challenge here. That and everypony agreeing on what each anthem would be for each pony.


    Maybe to start with we could just use Youtube to just find a nice simple theme for each? Just until some one who has the skills to do so set sets us up with something at the very least.

    • Brohoof 1
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