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Posts posted by RunsWithSquirlz

  1. The scents, of Hearts Desire were alluring. The incense relaxed them, made them thirsty, made them hungry and made them a bit tipsy with happiness.


    Tapestries, rugs and couches decorated the main room. It was filled with a group of guests and every single maid in the place was a sight to look at. The hostess stopped Helena and grabbed her gently by the shoulders getting a good look at her face "What precious beauty! You may call me Madame, what is your name, doll?"


    Tugg grunted and followed Clarke, sniffing the air as he did so. There was a smell he couldn't place. Whisper looked down at Finn, he was so big, how could she sneak him in?


    A couple of girls were fawning over Tulla, commenting on her outfit and weapons. How dirty she was for such a pretty girl!

  2. Whisper nodded over to Tulla who slid off of Tugg and trudged to the door. She gave it a hard rap and stood back, waiting for an answer.


    A buxom, beautiful woman opened the door, clad in a rose colored robe and thick brown hair falling down her back in curls. She gave Tulla a small smile and it broadened when she saw the others close by.


    "Oh, helllloooooo. My, my, what a time of night to be here! You beautiful people must come in! Please, leave your animals in the stables!" She grabbed Tulla by the arm and yanked her in, leaving the door open for them to follow.

  3. "They are despicable then. To think themselves higher than others, putting innocent lives on the line to do so." Rikku spat. She crossed her arms "What do you mean psychic metas?"


    Tora waited for Nico to finish up so they could head over to the Highlander guy.

  4. Tora scratched underneath her chin while thinking. "That guy who helped me said to go there anyway...so yeah! I like being a goodie! OOH! Do we get suits and gear?!"


    Rikku looked between Victor and the stranger, her eyes green with anger but her face faltered. Who was she to ignore the call to help others? That's why she came right?


    "Yes, I will help you. I'll be more than happy to help."

  5. Tulla took the sword gladly from Helena, testing it out by giving a few short swings in the air. It would take some getting used to and she would need training but she liked it. Whisper just grumbled something underneath her breath about a stinky hunter.


    Ashcreek forest was just a thing gray line in the distance at this point. Within a few days, which felt like a week to our travelers, Ashcreek began to stretch above the skyline. In front of the forest, only a fields length away, was a large rather accomadating Inn.


    "Hearts Desire Inn"


    The windows were covered by thick velvet curtains amd the sills were bursting with flowers. A heady, sweet aromatic scent drifted out from a crack in the window. Tulla kneed Tugg to stop in the road, looking at the Inn strangely. Whisper had been traveling on horse with Finn in her lap most of the time, and she had changed positions amongst the party several times to chat with different people. Even daring to disturb Indicus from his quiet mood.


    The princess stopped as Tulla did, coming to a halt besides the tinkerers cart. She looked at the Inn but all she could think of was the wonderful food they must have, her stomach growling in agreement.

  6. Rikku glared at Victor angrily before complying with his idea.


    Tora watched and listened as the events folded in front of her. She watched Shadow most of the time; he had a stink about him that she didn't like. Everything about him screamed 'bad guy' and it was only confirmed by his quick dismissal of the good guys. She kept a red flag in her mind about it.


    Tora strode over and stood next to Nico, crossing her arms "Now this formula thing. Is that what we got injected with?"

  7. Whisper stared intensely at the drawings, seemingly lost in all thier complications. She leafed back to the wings, which she found the most intriguing of all."Dragonbone...is what's needed for these right? From an air dragon? Hollow but strong enough to carry a mans weight.." she gave a small embarrassed smile and gave the papers back. Whisper made a fool of herself, of course she had no idea what these things were or how they worked. The princess scooped up Finn and cuddled him, walking away quickly to her horse.


    Tulla just left the damned squabble, raising her arms in the air "Ancients! Why couldn't have they been animals! Sheep even!"


    But with everything soon taken care of, the whole group continued thier journey.

  8. Rikku ran through all the chaos, finally spotting Victor. He was so dangerously close to the fray, he had almost gotten hit a multitude of times. She reached and pulled him back towards her against a wall "What are you doing?! You could get killed!"


    Tora nodded to Nico "I'll meet you on the roof!". She hopped up into a sparrow and fluttered quickly to the rooftop. She circled above for a moment, surveying the characters. Then she landed on a corner and morphed back, Gale seemed somewhat familiar but didn't bring up any flags. The others, however, were strangers.


    "Okie dokie, I'm getting that you guys aren't the bad ones right? What in the hells bells is going on?"

  9. Rikku watched as the fire exploded into the sky. "Meu deus..." she gasped. It didn't take long for her to decide on going to investigate, there must be people injured or in need of help.


    "Yeah, let's go find out!" Tora agreed as she morphed back into her human state. She sprinted out the warehouse, keeping a pace that Nico could match. She followed the scent of burning wood and the pillar of smoke in the sky.

  10. (None taken lol)


    "None of that 'Miss' stuff. Just Tulla, please and thank you." She replied.


    "Are you asking me to be her handler or something, Adrass? So you don't have to deal with the bratty princess?" She said with a smirk. Tulla crossed her arms, adjusting the gauntlet on one. Tugg was at the cart, using it to scratch himself again.


    "And you bard, could at least teach her a song or two so we can keep up this musical act." She snapped at him.

  11. London became quiet and still, only turning her eyes to the moonlit sea. They glanced up to an outcrop of rocks in the distance.


    "Edward, get down there and tell everyone to get ready. I need Anne to dock us against those rocks. Get to it." She said sternly before disappearing back into her cabin to get her coat back on.

  12. Tulla crouched by the lake with Whisper. The princess was staring at her reflection in the water; entranced by the schematic on her face. It would be terrifying, she thought, if someone could build a machine that looked human. She didn't want to wash it off but she did. Tulla just watched.


    She leaned back on her heels; looking back at the tinkerer with a slight glare. Tulla didn't trust him, Clarke gave her a twisted feeling in the gut.


    The raven pecked at the soil, eating its breakfast of worms. When Zaddion had awoken, it cawed and fluttered up to rest on his shoulder. It always chose the side of which the shadow magick flowed fiercer.


    Before they set out, Tulla approached them without the princess. Whisper had gone to Clarke to inquire about the doodles. Tulla placed a hand on her hip asnshe addressed the others quietly "I have a favor to ask. If each of you could train with the princess just a little, teach her what you know, it would help us all in the long run. Dresden, she doesn't know a thing about water magic, same with you Zaddion. You may be the most useful of all. Helena and Indicus you could teach her to sneak and evade or whatnot, I dont know."


    She looked at Adrass although adressing everyone "I think we should keep an eye on that tinkerer. He was too eager to help us once he learned who Whisper was. I don't buy his 'Miss Whisp' bit for a second."

  13. Tora nodded"Yeah, whatever good stuff you find. Anything you like".


    She grunted as she moved some crates, and then after a long silence, she turned into a bear. This time, she had a pretty good handle on it, so she felt. So the bear continued moving and stacking crates as Nico searched.

  14. "Yeah...kinda like that I guess. I'm gonna start cleaning up and since you're the tech dude, just hit the web for some free stuff." Tora hopped over to a pile and began shifting things around, keeping whatever she found intresting.


    "I wish I had a stereo. Warehouses are great for acoustics"

  15. "What things could you possibly think of that you shouldn't? " Whisper asked curiously. But she smiled. He wasn't angry with her after all.


    She patted her face with her own sooted hands, leaving marks behind. Tulla chuckled; Whisper looked wild with her unbraided mass of black hair and 'war' paint. Like sensing her friends thoughts; Whisper pulled her hair over her shoulder to begin brushing it through with her fingers.


    "How long until we get to our destination you think?" She asked him.

  16. "Miss Whisp." She corrected him.


    "It looked like you had an eyepatch so...I wanted to give you a mustache and some off those jagged wheel things on your cart. They keep everything moving right?" Whisper ate her soup, speaking softly.


    "That's how I imagined your brain to be, always thinking always moving..." she enjoyed the soup quite a bit; and had to keep pausing between mouthfuls.

  17. "I'm sorry...I couldn't help it. You looked so peaceful and..." And what? That she couldn't have looked anywhere else then his face? To tell him that she had needed too, to preoccupy herself to stop the butterflies in her chest? What was that anyway?


    The princess just looked back into the flames "Thank you, but I won't need them. It was just a misjudgment on my part."

  18. "I'll see you later Victor, ok?" Rikku gave him a quick squeeze on the arm before turning and walking off.


    "Right. Well." Tora cracked her back and stretched "Time to clean this gunk out. We could probably find some free furniture on Craigslist and stuff. So this place will be looking like home in no time!"

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