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Critical Hit

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Everything posted by Critical Hit

  1. THANK YOU! I've actually looked for this for a while, but apparently missed it even though it's been right under my nose. *brohoof*
  2. I know that, I just need the archive so I can install it on her computer, which, as I said before, doesn't have internet currently, but runs 7.
  3. Tried that, but it just downloaded the installer, which, in turn, downloads the actual program, so unless I run the installer, I won't get the actual archive to copy onto a USB drive. Also, Bohtty, I'm not there yet, I'm leaving in about a half hour, and I'm running 32x XP, so I can't run the W7 installer.
  4. Okay, so, my mom and I have to spend the night at my nanny's house, cause she's not doing well, but she doesn't have internet, and her computer doesn't have java installed. It runs windows 7, but I'm on an xp right now, so can someone (who runs W7) copy their java folder, zip it, and send it my way? Like, upload it to mediafire or something? Cause I'd like to play some Minecraft tonight.
  5. Meh, I actually thought it was funny. I agree with 4 and 3, but Fallout: Equestria is great. Also, I haven't read Rainbow Factory yet, but I read Cheerilee's Garden, which is supposedly worse, and love it. Seriously, it's really good.
  6. just found out about the Japanese dub. *is praying that Orikasa Fumiko-san gets cast as Twilight*

    1. Emerald Heart

      Emerald Heart

      Hello,first of all Happy Birthday! I'd like to ask a favor of you-may I use your OC as a background pony in an upcoming fimfic of mine? If you are interested eithor reply here or PM me.

  7. From Lyre to Ire. The other one sounds like a direct ponification of From Russia with love, which I don't think is your intent. Note to self: Change this post to my usual blue later.
  8. Okay, I'm gonna cut to the chase. I've watched Bleach for a while, and ever since I saw the "Peach" PMV, I've wanted to ponify an opening myself. So, right now, I'm doing a rough storyboard/slideshow/whatever using hastily cut-'n'-pasted graphics off the MLP wiki as a proof of concept thing so I can get a couple animators (and one vector artist, though I can find any vector we could need, and I can probably do some traces if needed). What I'm on here for is seeing if there are any flash animators (and people who can use aftereffects) who'll join me after I get my storyboard thing down. I'll post the slideshow as a (choppy) animated gif or something later on. Also, It's opening 12, "chAngE" (Note, the sound's a bit off on the vid below.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8KkJHXR5no
  9. Okay, I'm going to try to be fair and objective. 1. Name: The name is a bit... off. Bronze Hunter I can understand, but Bronze Hunt makes him sound like he's the hunt itself, not that he's good at hunting FOR bronze, or whatever. I can help you with names, I'm good at that, but you'd have to give me a tiny bit of info. 2. Color scheme: Base coat color is nice, few people use browns or tans. I'm not a fan of true black manes, because seriously, can you name 3 canon ponies with black manes, or black anything, for that matter? And the pink streaks are a bit too harsh, I'd soften them a few shades. 3. Cutie mark: Can't really help with that until you post a basic backstory.
  10. Hmm. I've thought about trying my hand at pony art. Someone post a link to their OC so I can give it a shot. One at a time though. Also, I'm using a cheap tablet to post this, so that's why I'm not using my blue font. I'll fix it later. Edit: Fixed.
  11. Currently, mine is either BadAzz by PrototypeRaptor or Killswitch Engage's cover of Holy Diver (originally by Dio.) Though it really depends on my mood.
  12. Truthfully, I thought it sucked. It was a good concept, but was terribly written, and the gore was poorly implimented. Overall, a complete disappointment.
  13. How about Larghissimo? It refers to music with a tempo under 20 BPM. Or Adagietto? (61 to 80 BPM). I'm seriously just on Wikipedia looking up musical terms, I don't know jack about music.
  14. *sigh* Allow me to explain. The animals in Equestria are made of Dark Matter. Twi and Spike, along with all other ponies (except Applejack) aren't. Therefore, it's easier to disrupt gravitational fields than to lift them with magic. ... and apparently Twi's magic is weaker than most ponies bodies seeing as everypony can pick up most animals. Then again, animals (except a select few, Ursas for an example) may have an innate ability to partially disrupt gravity that only activates when touched by another animal or a pony, and in that case, her magic isn't weak, the animals' gravity disrupting ability just doesn't kick in when being magically manipulated. --- In all seriousness, that's pretty weird. I gotta watch that episode tonight.
  15. Question 1: Sly Cooper, Jak & Daxter or Ratchet & Clank? Answer 1: I really don't care. Never played any of them. Question 2: Spyro the Dragon or Crash Bandicoot? (Side question: Old Spyro or New Spyro? Discount Skylanders if you wish) Answer 2: Old Spyro was cool, but Crash Bandicoot had 200% better gameplay. Question 3: Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest? Old FF or New FF? I through VII? FF I guess, though DQ is pretty cool (though the names are really bad.) Question 4: Mario or Sonic? I may wear a Sonic hat (with ears) all the time, but MARIO FTW. Except the Mario sports series. sonic only rocked until just after Sonic and Knuckles. Question 5: Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo? Old school Nintendo pwns errybodeh, but nowadays, Sony. Question 6: Resident Evil or Silent Hill? RE. But only 'cause of RE4. Question 7: Megaman, Megaman X, Megaman Zero, Megaman Battle Network or Megaman Starforce? CLASSIC MEGAMAN. MMBN is cool too, but CLASSIC MM IS SO FREAKIN BOSS!!! Question 8: Zelda, Okami or Darksiders? Srs, you put Darksiders on there? Anyway, Zelda. OoT is the best game ever. Question 9: Original Castlevania, Metroidvania or 3Dvania? Original is my favorite, but Simon's Quest and after are pretty good too. Not so into the 3D ones. (except 64. And Lords of Shadow.) *thunder and lightning* /begin booming voice YOU DARE MENTION THE ABOMINATION CALLED MEGA MAN 8 IN MY PRESENCE?! YOU SHALL BE PUNISHED! YOUR SENTENCE IS... TO PLAY SUPERMAN 64 FOR ALL ETERNITY!!! *malicious cackling* /end booming voice
  16. I say go for it. Look at what Christopher Paolini did. He started the Inheritance Cycle when he was 15, and now he's one of the most popular (current) fantasy writers out there. If you need someone to use as a sounding board for ideas, I can help you with that. I like fleshing out ideas, I'm just not good with the big stuff. I like details. (plus, considering that I'm studying game development, it'd be good for me to know the next Paolini. )
  17. Oh dear sweet Celestia no! Please don't let there be another Dash flying around. One is already bad enough. *shudders at the thought*
  18. Mkay, this could be a long list, so I'll just say the first few that come to mymind. Mad, Strawberry Shortcake, Pound Puppies, Spongebob (Well, only the stuff made AFTER the movie. Up until and including it, Spongebob's cool.), Fanboy and Chum Chum, Fish Hooks (Not as bad as half tthe cartoons out there now though.) and a lot of others.
  19. I'm not quite that bad, but yeah, I just really don't like mainstream music. Well, current mainstream music. Anything before the 60s is cool.
  20. Luposlipaphobia – fear of being pursued by timber wolves around a kitchen table while wearing socks on a newly waxed floor.
  21. I'm not that into TV, but there are a few shows I prefer. shows = [] shows.append("Doctor Who") shows.append("House") shows.append("Psych") shows.append("Criminal Minds") shows.append("Numb3rs") Other than those, I just like anime (which I stream) and old cartoons. Whoa, I can't believe I forgot That 70's Show. shows.append("That 70's Show")
  22. ... I guess cute? Personality wise, 50/50. But if you just mean physically, then cute. Because asian girls are cute. And sexy. There's a thin line between them sometimes. I mean attractive but not slutty.
  23. Uhh... My taste in music. (Anything not mainstream, btw. Not tryin' to be a hipster, but mainstream music doesn't have the heart behind it that most underground does.) My rockstar mane. (IRL, not on my ponysona, lolz.) ... I can cook pretty well... My... imagination? That's about it.
  24. has decided to learn how to death growl.

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