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Critical Hit

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Everything posted by Critical Hit

  1. Dang, man, that's great. You are now officially my favorite brony artist. Your style is great. If I were you, I wouldn't go for show-accuracy, just keep doing what you're doing, brah. /)
  2. Personally, I'd go with brushables. They may be less 'show-accurate' but they're easier to work with. Although that means you have do buy doll hair. (unless you're a badass with sculpy.)
  3. I've never hunted, and never will. I mean, I'm all for it, cause without hunting, there's the whole overpopulation problem, but I'd never be able to bring myself to kill anything. I can't even fish. More power to ya though.
  4. ...I've been thinking of opening a dA account, but there's one small thing stopping me. I'm afraid to show anybody my sprites, cause, well, I'm afraid better spriters will mock me. What do you think? Will anyone mock me because I do ultra-low-res sprites?
  5. Ah, got it. I just don't want people to think I'm Oryx. He's way better than I am. Also, is this the Iso Castle? It's pretty awesome. And I don't usually like really high-res. Hence the sheet of Oryx' sprites I'm modelling my ponies on.
  6. Oh, god, I just realized I didn't put a note until just now stating that I'm not the 'Oryx' who made that first sheet. I just love the dude's style.
  7. ...Whoa, didn't expect this many requests at first. Kay, I'm working on them. NOTE: Becuase of the limited size, they will be recolors of my base pony sprites, but because of that, I'm also going to make an effect sheet for each of you. Just edit your original post with what you want your effect to be. Y'know, like one of these. EDIT: Not the whole sheet. Just like a specialized magic blast or trail or something. Can be anything as long as it can fit in 8x8 pixels.. And Ashbad, I'm not limiting my pallette simply because if I do, then you won't be able to tell the difference between 2 ponies with similar colors. I.E. two red ones with blue manes and cutie marks.
  8. K sent in my Art for the exchange. Fiz, you better read that note, or I'll be plagiarizing Oryx. MINE IS THE SECOND IMAGE.

  9. Okay, I'll do them later. Gotta go to the library right now. Also, Dragonshy, I already did you
  10. IMPORTANT NOTE: I AM NOT THE CREATOR OF THE SHEET BELOW, I SIMPLY PUT THAT THERE TO SHOW YOU THE STYLE THE PONIES WILL BE IN. Okay, I'm taking requests for ultra low-res pony sprites. Hopefully, I'll be able to get the whole forum in on this, but meh, whatever. Just post your OC. BTW the sprites are in this style. (I love low-res. 8x8 pixels FTW!)
  11. Mkay, Ima submit my art exchange thing in bout 10 minutes, but I'm also gonna start a thread about it, caust I'm gonna start just doing people's OCs on request.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Critical Hit

      Critical Hit

      I'll PM you what I made. I'm super-embarressed that I didn't make more before the deadline, but I'ma try to make the whole forum and make a RotMG-style game for the forums.

    3. Dragonshy


      Nah it's ok. Actually, I'm adding some more to the gif right now. :)

    4. Dragonshy


      Do PM me though. :D

  12. Two things. 1. Thanks for clarifying the whole 'Bullet Hell/Danmaku' thing. and 2. Uh, RotMG does rely heavily on stats, and the effectiveness of actions is mostly reliant on stats. You ever tried fighting a Cube God at level 10 with basic equipment? It's an action RPG, but still an RPG. Also, your third point only really applies to JRPGs So, in conclusion, it's almost (but not quite) bullet hell, and it is an RPG, albeit an action RPG. Agree to disagree? /)
  13. W00T! DoctorXFizzle, I'ma have my entry in tomorrow! Finally broke my creative slump, and am now working like a madman on my animation (.gif, not flash.) Sprites are in the style of the legendary spriting god Oryx.

    1. Doctor XFizzle

      Doctor XFizzle

      *places fingers together like a tent* excellent

    2. Critical Hit

      Critical Hit

      Hope you like 8-bit!

  14. Logging out so I won't have any distractions.

  15. I believe you're confusing 'Bullet Hell' with 'Danmaku', but I could be wrong. And technically RPG just stands for 'Role Playing Game', so in the most basic sense, it is an RPG.
  16. The show probably won't make it more than 3 years more. The fanbase? No idea. I can't really see it ending. Just look at what bronies have made. Millions of pieces of art, and more every day. Songs that put the entire music industry to shame. Fanfictions better than anything on the NY Times bestseller list. Videos, Memes, and Games that have set the internet on fire. Y'know what I think? I think... We are bronies, we are legion, thousands strong and growing, and we will change the... no, we HAVE CHANGED the world. We shall reign over the internet for years to come. That is what I truly believe.
  17. ... god I hate constantly procrastinating. I've only got 18 hours to do my summer art exchange project. *opens up paint.net* Time to sprite.

    1. Doctor XFizzle

      Doctor XFizzle

      lolOL you had a full month and then an extra week added. Get going! ;)

    2. Critical Hit

      Critical Hit

      Yeah, I know.

      *mostly-fake sob* Why did I have to get hooked on Bleach, Death Note, and Fullmetal Alchemist now?

  18. Critical Hit

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    *casts a stasis spell on you all* I AM THE LAST POSTER!
  19. Wild Princess Luna used Charm! It's Super Effective!
  20. Try 'Realm of the Mad God'. It's a Bullet Hell MMORPG with no real story, just killing. And it's 8-Bit. It's pretty freakin awesome.
  21. Crap, well that's a loaded question. G1: Okay, most of the ponies' names are really stupid and unimaginative, they over-use rainbow manes, too much stereotypical 'cuteness'. G2: Same as G1, but worse, and there's no plot to the episodes. ("Plot as in "Story" ) G3: Um, the whole thing. Please, let's just obliterate all traces of it from the world. G4: Too many 'one-shot' characters, they break the fourth wall too much, NOT ENOUGH GRYPHONS. (Yes, I use the correct spelling, unlike pretty much everybody else on the planet.)
  22. Applejack. I can't stand typical southern stereotypes. Also, her accent is almost offensively overblown. (I'm from SC)
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