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Everything posted by Tabe

  1. So alot of non-bronies always wonder, "Why do you like the show so much?" And honestly, its hard to answer, but I think I have a part of the answer at least. Its the small details. Scenes where somepony could easily just stand quiet but instead did something interesting. For example, when Twilight first met Applejack, they shaked hands so much that Twilight kept shaking the air afterwards, then stopped by spike. Now it could end here but they decided to make spike laugh abit. THAT is what I'm talking about, Spike did not have to laught there, he could just stop Twilight from shaking and move on. Another example is when Twilight is making a birdsnest in the Winter Wrap-Up episode. It looks horrible and Spike says "That nest needs to be condemned". Again, he didn't have to say anything, he could just be quiet. Those small details is just one of many reasons I watch the show. Whatta ya think?
  2. I like this alot! I'm not usually into this techno, wubwub music but this is quite nice.
  3. I do quite like the Idea. I think we will see it again, maybe in a more important role. Luna is a really interesting character and I hope we get to see more of her.
  4. Didn't really think much about it. Was too busy enjoying it Even though, it was not the best episode, I still liked it.
  5. Tabe

    Ask Pinkie Pie~!

    It no secret that Twilight is a bookwork. So what about you, Pinkie? Can you sit still long enough to read a book?
  6. Oh, there is no buzzkill here, holmes. I did enjoy the movie, I have watched it about 3 times and I will watch it again, but found it weird that there was no movie before that was about ponies. The biggest and probably only complaint I have about the movie is that the villain is defeated too quickly, she gets that incredible power and ZAP, gone in 5 minutes. I always thought Equestria Girls was a fan remake of the series where the ponies are humans instead, Oh I was happy when I found out I was wrong.
  7. You could say I'm Christian. I belive in God but I don't belive he/she/it created earth and the humans.
  8. Exactly, and he made a pretty good point. The movie is good for what it is, Hasbro are not afraid to experiment. My conclusion: As long as the series stay the way it is, I'm happy. I see the movies as "Standalone" kind of to the side of the MLP "storyline".
  9. I just watched a very interesting review by a really funny guy. He had some good thoughts about it.
  10. Who knows? Maybe they surpise us? Probably not, but I don't want to miss any MLP related stuff.
  11. Lots of feelings here. I am going to watch it but I won't let it ruin the series for me. Highschool movies sells like butter. And I have to admit, there is a special feeling to it, but its too unreal, even for MLP. I can just hope there will be a "real" MLP movie with actual ponies in it. But for now I'm pretty pumped for the next episode.
  12. So its obvious that EG was not very popular amongs the fans. So the question, is a sequel a bad idea? I belive Hasbro knows how the movie was recived by the viewers, so they must have something really special planned for Rainbow Rocks. What are your thoughts? Do you think the mane 6 will go through the portal or just twilight? And if so, what reason would there be to return to the world? I have a few theories but the most interesting is this: Celestia said that by travelling to that world could cause instability, now what if the two worlds "Merged"? Ponies suddenly waking up as humans and humans suddenly waking up as ponies? I know it sounds kind of messy but think about it, it would be pretty cool. But as the name is Rainbow Rocks, I don't think thats the case...
  13. Welcome! According to me, you have not seen the best episodes yet! You have lots to look forward to, make sure to double check before you read any posts to avoid spoilers
  14. The dark Pony quickly closed the book before anypony could see what was written. "I study magic." he said and took a sip from his cider. "Legends and rumours say the most powerful magic of all is contained within true friendship. This town have seen some bad days, but managed to prevail, that is what drew me here." He looked at the curious ponies hanging over his shoulders.
  15. Hi there! I had a warm welcome here and I'm sure you will too!
  16. I go to YouTube every single day if you can call that a social network, becuase I love watching short videos of funny cats, gaming and ponies and other stuff.
  17. @Ducksquack @LunaKitty The dark pony looked up from his book and onto the unicorn, he looked fascinated by the magic. "I have not seen much magic in my travels, nor many pegasi" And looked onto the smiling pegasus. "I have been looking for a place to call home where I can study Unicorns and Pegasi, but few places I have been to the 2 races have not been very friendly against each other" He then silenced and took a note of something.
  18. I am pretty happy with how it is now. They are not a couple but its clear that they have a special relationship. With all the "Spikey Wikey" and stuff.
  19. I have always seen Spike as the "clumsy assistant" who is there to bring some comic to the scene.
  20. A dark, mysterious stranger enters the tavern. He walks straight to the tavern keeper and says "Suprise me" with a dark voice. He then takes out a notebook and starts writing. He looks at the other ponies and looks back at his notebook. The keeper gives him a Glass of Cider and says "Have some of our famous Cider directly from Sweet Apples Acres!" "Thanks." The stranger replied without looking up from his notebook. He stops writing for a second and mumbles something, takes a cip from the cider and keeps writing.
  21. Brawny Boulder
  22. Alot of people didn't like that Twilight had a love interest in Equestria Girls, I am not one of them but I would prefer if he didn't appear. Maybe he Will appear in Rainbow Rocks though.
  23. The Binding of Isaac, after about 50 tries I have not beaten the game Also, I would play Diablo 3 but there was this huuuuuge update on about 15 gig and my internet is really slow. I also bought Metro Last Light yesterday and I am eagerly waiting for it to finish download, will Probably play it this weekend
  24. Ok, a simple question. Are you a Proud Brony or not? I would say that I am a bit in between, I watch the show and I love ever second of it, but I can't say that I am proud of it. I Won't tell friends and family that I like ponies, at least not yet. Don't take this in the wrong way, I AM proud to be a brony but I am just not a 'Proud Brony', does that makes any sense?
  25. Without any doubts this one. Its just so catchy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft1rbnlYhYY
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