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Celestia Nova

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About Celestia Nova

  • Birthday 1996-01-04

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    Equestrian Empire Roleplay

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Muffin (2/23)


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  1. any more guys i thought of celestial luna but it's taken :L okay it's 3:30 am night everypony, i'll check here when i wake up lol i'm up now, you guys got anymore? how does Celestia Nova sound? ok, i took Celestia Nova thanks guys for all your help
  2. i'd love to have her name in it though i was thinking like something Celestia or Celestia something either way, or maybe something else with both Luna and Celestia in there too because i do love me some Luna as well.
  3. hmmm i'd rather it not show my gender in it because if you play'd LoL you'd know, guys can be perverted jerks on it, it can be a bit girly just not princess or anything that screams "I'M A GIRL!" please. i'm real sorry everypony, i really hate to be such a picky (badword)
  4. hmmm anyothers, i'm sorry i'm soo picky when it comes to names, i usually pick one but end up not really keeping it because i didn't think it through enough before changing it, then i end up changing it a week later. i just want one that clicks with me. Xbox and all the other games i play make hundreds off me for just my name changes alone :L
  5. bit too long, LoL only allows 16 characters and i want to use this on there >.< it's okay, i fixed it too lol
  6. holy muffins that's quite the list, i shall review this!
  7. cute, i'll add that to my list i have, anything with her name in it?
  8. sadly there are no special characters allowed in most games :L
  9. ehhh nah sorry i'm a picky girl >.< oh see i thought that was an l hahah
  10. I've tried many variations of Celestial but all of em are taken :L also what's EDBDI lol
  11. i need some ideas for usernames if anyone can help out, my Fav pony is Celestia max characters is 16 due to most games and things having a cap. also please no numbers i want an original tag .
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