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Shadow Dancer

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Everything posted by Shadow Dancer

  1. Faith giggled as she was tickled. While Indicus sat back with Crystal leaning up against him. Indicus then wondered about what his little girl would be like as she got older. "About two years from now Faith will start school, now that is going to be interesting."
  2. "So it seems we have a plan for connecting to the guild and visiting your parents. So about how much further till we get to the place." Indicus asked. Crystal opened an eye to keep up with the conversation as the question was one she had as well.
  3. "That is good because I am only good at the weaker runes, nothing so complicated as a rune gate." Indicus returned the kiss before going back to being Crystal's dedicated body pillow and ear scratcher. He even managed a sigh from the former changeling queen.
  4. "This far out rune gates would work much better. A tunnel of such a great distance would be too expensive and we would have to have a lot of air shafts to breath. Though a shorter escape tunnel would work in the worst case scenario's." Indicus pointed out.
  5. Indicus and Crystal sat there cuddling with each other. Both sporting smiles. Crystal did take a second to give Arcania a kiss before cuddling back up with Indicus. "Cuddling is got to be the best part about this relationship." Indicus commented "Don't worry someday you will change that statement" Crystal joked.
  6. Crystal nuzzled Indicus and Arcania her mouth turned into a content smile as she was reminded of what she had. "Thank you both for the support it is nice to feel loved again." Crystal looked at Indicus, "Ocean Gale would have gotten along just fine with you Indicus. You both are quite similar in some manners."
  7. Crystal did not look up as her two mates hugged her close to themselves. "Thank you I am glad I found you and Indicus, Arcania " Indicus smiled, "Like I said we saved each other. Arcania's depression, my attempt to find a mission that would end me. Your issue with the changeling hunters."
  8. Crystal meekly looked at Arcania. "Whatever you made It kept us alive for awhile It is also where I got the idea to bring Faith here he mentioned this apothecary when he brought the potions back. Ocean Gale died defending me during an ambush, somehow they found us and we had no time to drink the potion so he fought off the attackers letting me run as I had little magic while most was being used to feed the nymph in my belly at the time." Crystal broke down once more clutching Arcania's hand as she cried into Indicus' shoulder
  9. Crystal was quiet for a moment before starting. "Well it took place three years ago. The stallion's name was Ocean Gale a pegasus stallion, light blue fur, and a navy blue mane and tail with stripes of white. I was taking a month break from my with some of my most trusted officials in place to keep everything running. Ocean Gale was a navy stallion on shore leave. I was in the same disguise I used when we went to town. "We met at a coffee shop, talked for awhile and started meeting up becoming friends. three weeks later we knew a decent bit about each other and he asked me out I accepted wanting to see where it went." Crystal looked at Faith. "Well you can probably tell. Fast forward several months I synchronized my vacation with his leave. We met up again for about a month and It was two weeks into the month I revealed myself as a changeling. Surprisingly he took it well after a day to think it over and we continued to date. It was then with his permission I injected him with royal venom like I did to Indicus. We had known each other for a year and Ocean Gale was planning to retire and spend his time with me. "He did and months later we even got wed at the hive in the changeling fashion. it was shortly after I found I was pregnant. "A royal nymph is a live birth and the Royal Venom makes it possible when the queen is in heat for a non royal changeling to seed a royal like myself otherwise it is just another clutch of the most basic drones with a few intelligent changelings mixed in." Crystal paused it was evident she was getting to a rough part of the story as her smile morphed into a frown. Indicus embraced her and she continued hugging Indicus all the while. "I gave birth to Faith a month after Ocean Gale had died about eight months before now. Ocean Gale was killed by the group that is hunting me right now he is the reason I and Faith were even alive." Crystal cried into Indicus' shoulder unable to continue.
  10. Crystal just chuckled. "No nothing happened in that time I found Cadence had something very special planned after the wedding if the clothing she had hidden in her closet was any indicator and it seemed for that week they planned to wait till after the wedding anyway." Crystal kissed Arcania. "Besides he wasn't really the type of stallion I cared for a bit too rigid in his worldview from what I learned of him." Crystal then looked at Indicus, "I prefer a military stallion over a guard." Memories flooded Crystal's head. "I can tell you about Faith's biological father if you wish."
  11. "So am I." Crystal grinned, returning the hug. "You should see a group of changeling nymph's they are some how cuter in groups then they are alone." Indicus had to admit the show before him was very adorable.
  12. Indicus chuckled once more. Crystal smiled at the contact her nose scrunching a little in reflex. "Cutie hmm?" Crystal grinned, "Well my little unicorn maybe someday I can show you how well a trio of shapeshifters can treat you once Indicus grows into and learns how to use his new magic."
  13. "Nice perks indeed." Indicus chuckled and snuggled to Arcania's other side with Crystal on his side. He stayed there with a smile as the chariot made it's way to their destination. "I hope this period of peace lasts for us. Not watching my back every five seconds feels nice."
  14. Indicus and Crystal both entered the chariot but Indicus was the first to comment. Wow fancy, I'm used to walking, shadow stepping or teleporting everywhere. Never been in one of these since my military days."
  15. "Thank you Arcania." Crystal replied. "Well, it seems we are ready to go. See you later Cherish." Indicus gave his adopted daughter a short hug before giving Faith a quick kiss on the forehead. He then stood beside Crystal wrapping an arm around his changeling marefriend as they waited on Arcania and Dremora to join them.
  16. That makes much more sense though why he would do that still confuses me. Anyway let's see that manor you have been talking about." Crystal gets up and stretches before deciding to take a look at her new scars tracing them with. "You okay Crystal?" Indicus askes Crystal nodded, "I'm fine, thanks for asking Indicus." Crystal figuring she should not go out in nothing but sweat pants and a sports bra summoned one off her tee shirts this one with an image of a real heart saying 'your love is mine' something she found amusing when she found it.
  17. (Sure if you want) Indicus gave Dremora and Arcania a blank stare, "Why would someone literally put their soul into their cooking? Why?" Crystal tried to hide her giggling before she couldn't and it turned to laughter.
  18. Indicus laughed, "I guess I got lucky my mom and Dad were both great cooks." Indicus brushed Crystal's mane "I am scared to ask how bad of a cook is your dad just can't cook bad or cartoonishly bad."
  19. Indicus nodded, "Sounds like a pretty nice life. Now the most important question if we ever have to live with your parents for a short time. Who is the better cook you mom or your dad." Indicus asked with a grin.
  20. Dremora's response mad Indicus feel good, it had been awhile since he had a male friend to watch his back. "Arcania how was the gypsy life i'm curious now that you mention it." Crystal looks up at Arcania with interest.
  21. "They will they are not the type to not do so. It will be harder to refuse any help from them, not that we would." Indicus leans over and kisses Arcania. Indicus looks at Dremora " Well we have each other and even if I don't lean towards males I will always have your back Dremora."
  22. "It will be quite the boon indeed." Indicus nodded "A room to safely practice my magic and other skills will be beneficial." Indicus idlely rubbed Crystal moving up and down her belly and sides. Crystal's smile was enough to tell him she liked the treatment.
  23. Indicus summoned his medical kit and took out some sissors. He then proceeded to work on removing the stitches. Several minutes later he was finished and sent the medical supplies away. "There all done." Without a reply Crystal wrapped Indicus' arms around her stomach and sighed. "Well Dremora I believe we have found our poupose in life." Indicus joked.
  24. "Sounds like a plan doing a bit of both tunneling to the current HQ and building a secondary one could be useful. Anyway enough about the business end of a new home. We will eventually get it and by consensus we will more then likely love it." Indicus said Crystal at this point leaning back and using Indicus like a pillow just nodded "Well Crystal your stitches are ready to come out it seems the love you have access to has caused very rapid healing. want me to do it here or we can do it in private." Crystal shrugged lazily taking off her shirt leaving her in a sports bra she found she liked. The wounds looked a lot less red but still were plenty visible on her otherwise blemishless chitinous skin.
  25. "If you like it enough I believe I can help get it I have a bit of a surplus from my last contract and some from others. Moving in should be simple since we can teleport everything given enough time to recover." Indicus offered. Crystal moved Indicus' hands from her waist to her belly in response Indicus started lightly rubbing causing Crystal to happily sigh. To Indicus Changeling chitin was interesting it was like skin but different as well being firmer and smoother yet malleable enough to use normal medical practices on. Indicus' hand did find the scar on her stomach and from the feel of it the stitches could be taken out.
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