Crystal was quiet for a moment before starting. "Well it took place three years ago. The stallion's name was Ocean Gale a pegasus stallion, light blue fur, and a navy blue mane and tail with stripes of white. I was taking a month break from my with some of my most trusted officials in place to keep everything running. Ocean Gale was a navy stallion on shore leave. I was in the same disguise I used when we went to town.
"We met at a coffee shop, talked for awhile and started meeting up becoming friends. three weeks later we knew a decent bit about each other and he asked me out I accepted wanting to see where it went." Crystal looked at Faith. "Well you can probably tell. Fast forward several months I synchronized my vacation with his leave. We met up again for about a month and It was two weeks into the month I revealed myself as a changeling. Surprisingly he took it well after a day to think it over and we continued to date. It was then with his permission I injected him with royal venom like I did to Indicus. We had known each other for a year and Ocean Gale was planning to retire and spend his time with me.
"He did and months later we even got wed at the hive in the changeling fashion. it was shortly after I found I was pregnant.
"A royal nymph is a live birth and the Royal Venom makes it possible when the queen is in heat for a non royal changeling to seed a royal like myself otherwise it is just another clutch of the most basic drones with a few intelligent changelings mixed in."
Crystal paused it was evident she was getting to a rough part of the story as her smile morphed into a frown. Indicus embraced her and she continued hugging Indicus all the while.
"I gave birth to Faith a month after Ocean Gale had died about eight months before now. Ocean Gale was killed by the group that is hunting me right now he is the reason I and Faith were even alive." Crystal cried into Indicus' shoulder unable to continue.