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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Posts posted by Digit

  1. Wow game comes back And i finally show back up here and my post is reborn anew haha timing. Yeah with it being F2P its one of those why not try it. Ive been playing non stop since it game out but i freaking love the new influx of players.

  2. Well im already 25 so ill say im just going to continue doing what i was doing the day before i turned 25. Im still young enough to be like "im only 25 ive got to do that all over before im 50 so ive got plenty of time." It didnt work out but on my 25th birthday i went on a date with a 21 year old so yeah not old but slowing maturing like a nice scotch were one day it will be a privlage to have a tatse ill be that damn smooth.


    P.s i only like reaponding to your post due to the recent subtle threats you have been throwing at me for giving you my opinion in your question related topics.

  3. Not me?







    Live 3800miles from family

    I dont have the money to get gifts for pwople who would do anythi.g for me

    And my heater is broken so my room stays at a nice brisk 34 ddegrees Fahrenheit


    But why wont i be depressed? Ive got blood pumping threw my veins. Even tho i wont be with them ive got people who love me and ill have a roof over my head and hot food in my belly. I have 11 other months in a ywar to be depressed and worry about crap im not going to be that way on a holiday that celebrates family especially sense i could have a much much worse situation.


    Ill be donating blood and volunteering at a soup kitchen. You should try one of those trust me it makes you feel real good.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Chapter 1 Part 1


          The market was loud and full of ponies wandering through the shops looking for the better deal and each merchant seemed to be in a shouting match with one another, each one claiming to have the newest piece of crap that they found in the scrap yards. Flint was wandering through the dusty market his cloak only stopping a bit of the sand from getting into his mane. He was out on an errand for an iron steam valve for a job his sister was trying to complete. As it turns out the only thing the 15 bits she gave him could fetch him was a broken one. He hated that he actually bought it instead of getting something to eat, but he knew his sister and if any pony could make it work like a new one it would be her. 
          As he turned the corner to head back to the shop he noticed a pony setting up a stand filled with what looked like scrap from the Canterlot scrap heaps. On closer inspection he noticed the pony had a intact steam arc wielder gun. His eyes lit up thinking about how much more work they could do with that instead of spending hours molding the graphs by hoof.
    “How much for the arc wielder?” he asked without breaking his gaze from it.
    “Hmm?” the pony said turning around. “Oh, that isn’t for sell, found that out in the scrap yards of Canterlot. Kind of a good luck charm if you will.” 
    “Oh come on man, my sister runs one of the best steam tech shops in the waists.” Flint said almost pleading for it.
    “Well, I don’t really use it and I’m sure a steam technician will get far more use out of it.” He said tapping a hoof to his chin in thought “Ok, I’ll sell it to you for 200 bits.” 
    “200! That’s ridiculous even for a gun piece in perfect shape!” Flint yelled in annoyance to the ludicrous price.
    “Well you can’t get new ones anymore and I got that out of a danger zone scrap yard. 200 is the price if you can’t pay it than I suggest you leave.”
    “Wait, I see you have a steam tech leg, what if I could get you a free tune up and a set of new sand nets. What kind of deal would you give me then?” 
    “Well with all that included, I would let it go for…200 bits.” He said in a sarcastic tone.
    Flint let out a frustrated snarl and whirled around to walk away. As he walked away a mare walked up to the stand and started talking with the merchant and drew his attention to the other side of his stand. Noticing this Flint looked back at the tool. Quietly he slid back over to the stand and before he even thought about it snatched up the arc wielder and ran. Noticing, the merchant turned and yelled.
    “Stop, that pony in the cloak he just stole from me!”
    At that the guards in the ally broke into a run after Flint. He quickly pulled up his cloak further up to try to cover his identity. He turned into the food market and nearly knocked a mare that was looking at an apple to the ground. As she gave him an annoyed look one of the guards slammed into her, but the other weaved past her and continued the chase. As they ran through the market Flint weaved in and out of the ponies and stands hoping that the guard wouldn’t be able to keep up, but the mustang was proving to be as agile as Flint. 
    As he turned a corner Flint snagged a cart of scrap with his tail and pulled the leg out and the whole cart toppled over but the mustang simply leaped over the obstruction. Looking back to see if his diversion worked he noticed 2 more guards had joined the chase. Annoyed he picked up speed and turned into an ally, thinking quickly he ran up a trash can and kicked off the wall to reach the roof of the side buildings. “Try that one coppers!” he said with a triumphant laugh. He stopped to catch his breath when he heard loud pings coming from the ally and a sudden release of steam filled the ally and surrounding areas the three guards shoot straight up from the ally and landed on the roof a few feet away from Flint, the jets pulling back into a tucked position. 
    “OH COME ON!” Flint yelled as he turned to start running again. He ran and jumped from building to building the guards following close behind. Thinking about how what he was about to do was going to piss his sister off he figured it would be better than her bailing him out for the 100th time this year. With the thought he pulled his cloak up a bit and hit a switch on his copper leg. The gears in it began to spin and click; the gears started to build up speed and as they did Flint began to speed up. Suddenly he kicked his leg up and a loud bang sent a jet of steam out of the hoof and propelled him quickly away from the guards. 
    “YEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH” he yelled as he shot through the air. Suddenly his leg began to jerk and sputter then abruptly stopped. He glided for another few feet as he quickly realized that he no longer had buildings under him. In a split second he glided down and slammed into a pile of trash. He lay upside down in the trash heap for a moment to make sure he was in the clear. He flipped over and quickly ditched his cloak. His black mane filled with dirt and his gray coat caked with mud and trash. As he stood up he noticed his copper leg could no longer support any weight. 
    “Crap, I must have blown all the hydraulic water. Spark is going to be so pissed, but this should more than make up for it.” He said to himself as he inspected the lifted arc wielder. He looked around and then tucked the wielder into his bag and started limping away. As he turned a corner that would keep him off the main road he ran into what felt like a brick wall. Looking up he fell back as the monstrous red stallion glared him down, the stallion was wearing the guard captain uniform which still did little to cover the large amount of steam tech prosthetic that covered his body, from 2 well designed copper legs to an eye cover that Flint immediately recognized as his sisters work. 
    Rubbing his snout Flint looked up at the guard and let out a small chuckle. “We have to stop meeting like this Big Mac.”
  5. Try to remeber and take into account that miyazaki has always written fantastic stories but the underline theme has always of his movies is the human condition.


    My neighbor tortoro is a story about a family copeing with lose of the mother/wife and finding happiness.


    Princess Mononoke is Essentially a statement on the ecological devastation brought on by human advancement.


    So i can understand his dislike of the shows like Killa La kill which has an underlinung statement of corrupt capatilism mixed with hierarchy but still its completely outrageous.

  6. Actually my brother said destinythegame.com was (is?) doing a deal, if you buy a ps3/xbox360 version, you get the next gen version free. But it only applies to the digital deluxe (90$USD). Just something to look into. :muffins:

    Yeah i saw that but i like having physicle copies.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. The team that worked on Ed, Edd, n' Eddy has said that it is not what's under Edd's hat. I believe Danny Antonucci even confirmed it. That game was made with no input from the creators and the people who made it apparently thought it was cool if they gave their own interpretation of what was under his sockhat.


    So it's still a secret, don't worry.

    Woo the mystey continues.

  8. I watched the clip of this because I do not watch the show and found the parts with the squirrel and chicken funny. Plus, this reminded me of Minky Momo's finale of the first half of the 1980's series because like how Brian and Stewie were playing hockey, Momo (who had just lost her magic after a criminal shot her pendant) saw kids playing baseball and had to go retrieve the baseball. Then, she got run over by a truck and died. I think one of the creators watched Minky Momo or went to Anime Hell (a montage of bizarre things shown at anime conventions, I never went to see one, but I heard that this Minky Momo truck scene was shown there.) Watch it yourself and compare:



    To be fair there are only a finite amoint of reasons to get hit by a car. Being in the street is usually a common first effect, so its hard for writers to find orginal ways of getting smacked by a car.

  9. They don't make Mustangs in purple from the factory. If you want a purple muscle car, only choice is the Dodge Challenger.

    True, my neighbors got one that i helped her boyfriend paint. Thing is freaking gorgeous. Put the purple across the body with a silver and black trim. If done right purple mustangs can really catch ones eye.

  10. All I'm saying is the "proper" way to do it, would cost an arm and a leg.

    Yeah but no one does it the proper way anymore because it would be just as cost effective to go out and sell your current one to get one in the color you want.


    Speaking of which i think im going to repaint my motorcycle this weekend. I crashed a few weeks ago and its all scrated up. Thanks OP for doing this topic so i remebered lol

  11. In order to do a full color change, the car basically has to be taken apart, interior ripped out and everything. The old paint needs stripped off, the body needs reprimered, repainted, and then the car can go back together. the majority of the cost is in labor.

    Ive done it many times without tearing the car apart. You have to be a bit more careful but it isnt that extensive of a process. Companies that do that are just ripping you off. Take thebdoors off sand blast them, reprime, paint the inner doors and outwr doors. Put them back on and cover them in plastic. Cover all glass with plastic as well and do the exact same thing to the rest of the car. I may bot ve professional with it but ive done it for cost of supplies and a case of beer. Not saying it always that easy really depends on the car but a mustang is not a difficult to paint vehicle.

  12. You do realize a full color change would cost thousands of dollars, right?

    Ehhh he could probably get the paint job done for 300-400 bucks and then order a custom decal depending on size any were from 50 to 200 bucks.


    As for decal are you looking at a full body decal or one that just kinda is a decal of twilight?

  13. I may be incorrect, but emulation goes against WoW's TOS. MLPForums would not put themselves in this position. Also; MLPForums cost money to keep running, renting additional servers for a small subset of the community would be wasteful of donations. All around, not a good idea.

    Blizzard doesnt mind if you run a private server you just cant profit off of it. Your maintnance of it if there are fees have to come from your own pocket. A kid a few years ago made something like 4 million dollars off his pvt server and blizzard took it all.

    I meant, one or four ponies here creating their own private server. There are a lot of those out there, and if what I've seen so far is correct, it'd take under a few hours to make one and get it ready for other players.

    Its a bit more complicated than just getting it up and running. Values have to be set a login server needs be created you have to stress the pc your using as the server.

  14. I would class all the bosses in Deus Ex Human revolution as bad brcause of how overly simple and easy they were compaired to the amazing nature of the rest of the game. As for difficulty wise litterly any boss in the Xbox Legacy ninja gaiden. The one that came out before black. I know alot of people would say dark souls or dark souls 2 but those games were a difficult hurtle till you found the door and waltzed threw it. Ninja gaiden gave no door you just threw yourself at the wall untill it gave way "shutters" i lost an xbox controller and a t.v to that game.

  15. From what i can guess is they ment world changing events sending us into a new era. WW1 brought the roaoring 20,s WW2 began americas protest era vietnam blew that open and 9/11 brought the internet boom. From 1990 to 2000 no giant strides had been made but look at 2001 to now. Bronies are kind of the product of the internet boom. Is it directly connected to 9/11 no not a chance. Bronies were born because of how easy it has become to connect with the world. Why do you think it took off faster than any fandom before it. Anime had a fan base in the 80's and 90's but it was an uncommon thing now with sites like hulu and crunchyroll it has become easy to watch for the rest of the world. The internet is awesome.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. I have recently read Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. Quite a saddening book, yet it says quite a bit to say about our society. I would highly suggest reading it if you have not done so.


    One of the most vital points the story made was how people like to turn their heads away from the horrible parts of life. However, if you never face your enemies or your struggles, they will eventually destroy you. But the destruction of humanity does not bring about our downfall. We are like phoenixes. We rise out of the ashes of the fires that we lit and start a new. Unlike phoenixes, we can learn from our mistakes and do things to prevent us from being engulfed in the flames once more.

    Omg ray Bradbury Halloween tree is one of my absolute faviorte books and he did an amazing job with the screenplay.

  17. I was going to get it for ps3 but then i relized i was going to upgrade i thought what a waist of money that would be when o got a ps4 cuz then ivwould have to buy it again. So ivwas like screw it all ill get it for pc when Activision decides to tap into a well that is screaming Shut up and take my money.

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