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Everything posted by GlowingFlask

  1. I just discovered that RariJackDash is a thing... A very sexy thing...
  2. Have Rarity in a castle: Also: Evil is sexy
  3. To join the fun, Silver V here! Also EST, SirTreb is the name. I mainly bot Jinx. Can Xin tank jungle if needed.
  4. Yes please I'm doing this: Obviously not paintshopped Well, in a couple minutes I'll be like Dreaming of
  5. If you don't add anything to it, neither do any of us. We're a family here. We're just like apple pie! Anyway, back to the pool
  6. I actually do survive without coffee sometimes for several days. Two of my co-workers, on the other hand, have headaches if they don't get their morning coffee.
  7. Good morning everypony! Vacations are nice. Reaction of Rarity to your situation and lack of coffee:
  8. I guess you were top... Who was the bot lane? Feels like you have 3 mid
  9. Man, this thread is getting really active since Blue and TSG joined. Wouldn't be surprised to see Blue get an unvoluntary tulpa though, with the weird secondary effect he's having... I mean, he's pretty much already himself OR Fluttershy, so himself AND Fluttershy isn't much of a stretch... I do have to try some more of this and get it to work properly.
  10. Thing is, it's an actual radio station playing 80's-90's songs. The first song I was , then the second I was and finally I was
  11. Hey, I'm here again! Mom's food is good, much better than my usual cooking: (I'm actually not that bad ) Also, my parent's radio played the following 3 songs today: I was finding that so funny. Tried to explain what was a meme to them, they were like
  12. Good morning fanclub! I think I forgot to say I had a 2 weeks vacation, at my parent's place mostly, so I might post irregularly (more than usual? Less? ). Also going to Vermont next week-end, but I'll be in Alburgh and the closest hot topic is in Burlington. Once again, with my parents, so I doubt we go on a hour drive to get there, especially as I wouldn't tell them why. Unrelated, but it actually will be my first time in the USA despite always living under 3 hours drive of the border. I did propose to go to Burlington though, so we never know. If I get there, I'll think about how I can smuggle my MLP merch under their nose...
  13. Yay, flex conversationalist is nice. Rarity flexing
  14. I have that song! The video is pretty tame, yeah. Much tamer than LMR in fact. Also, I pretty much wasn't here for 3 days, so I had a lot to read. Fan club isn't that much different with or without me Makes me wonder what's my role , well except resident Berry Punch , in the fan club? All the most active posters have their things that makes them rememberable, so I'm just wondering...
  15. As other said, Ebola isn't the most easily transmitted virus. It would do some damage, but it would be rapidly contained. As far as viruses are concerned, Influenza strikes me as one of the main candidate for the next pandemia (again...). Those littles things are easily transmissible when adapted to humans. H7 strains in particular could be devastating if it evolves into a more easily transmissible virus while keeping it's mortality rate, since almost no one ever faced a H7 strains, so the herd immunity wouldn't work like in H1N1 or H3N2. H7N9 has a 30% mortality rate in humans. Influenza usually has a 0.1% mortality rate (mostly infants and old people), with the spanish flu of 1918 (worst flu pandemia) being somewhere between 10% and 20%, depending on estimate.
  16. Too many Pinkie because of this: Because of Death Battles And that was because of Deadliest warriors That I started watching because of my brother. He would be really upset to know he indirectly made me into a brony Yup... The Internet is Random. And I'm probably insane
  17. You know what? I just saw where "Shrek is love, Shrek is life." comes from yesterday and now every time it just plays back in my head... It's funny yet disturbing... It does represent what some must think of Ghostie most member of this fanclub. We're kinda really devoted...
  18. I don't know if it's luck but I did a lot better. Went 10-1-3 with a Lee support (vs Thresh+Caitlyn) who went 8-3-11 himself since he started roaming when we started to dominate. We won the game 27 - 8 (FF) Next game I went 11/13/10 with a Ziggs support (vs Leona and Sivir) that went 3/9/13. We lost 49-35. We got several disconnect throughout the game though. Game was tight, but we a teamfight and got aced. Results for today 1 loss, 1 loss prevented and a win with Jinx, 1 loss with Cait (They took my Jinx! ). Better than last time with like 4 losses. My loss (which came first) dropped me to Silver V though... Currently 10 W in 31 games. I went a combined 24- 36 - 25 ( 22-25-18 with Jinx), 21-14- 13 after both your advices.
  19. Thanks! I lost my first try with Doran in ranked, but I had a WW "support" vs a good Braum support... Will try your order and see how it goes!
  20. Thanks! I used to go Doran's, but I read somewhere sword+3pots worked better and it does work well in unranked. I'll try Doran's -> IE->Boots/BT->PD->LW to see if I can get a win.
  21. Small update after my first few weeks in ranked. I'm not a fan. I mean, I usually do pretty good as Jinx in unranked, but in ranked, I always get out-farmed/out-killed due to either support being bad or me getting poked way too much. If we're doing ok bot, it's one of the other positions that gets obliterated. I had pretty good placement matches that gave me a Silver 3 rank, but I dropped to 4 and keep dropping because I can't win a game. I think I must have 10-20% winning since the provisional matches... As for Jinx build, I usually max Q, then W, then E. I start long sword+3 pots, vamipiric scepter and boots first back. After that I get an infinity Edge and Berserk boots, then complete my bloodthirster. After that, I go Phantom Dancer and Last whipser. Usually complete with Guardian Angel or Mercury scimitar depending if enemy is heavy CC/AP. Am I doing something wrong or do am I just bad?
  22. That would be Time Turner, AKA Dr Whooves, a background pony that got a lot of fan art cause he's like a ponified version of the Doctor (from the Dr Who series) . Oh and tumblr accounts. A lot of them.
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