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Everything posted by GlowingFlask

  1. Waaah, I missed Ghostie's birthday Happy birthday! Even if it's late I dunno if you have all the comics yet, but this would be a great time to get them! https://www.humblebundle.com/books you get them all for 15$ or more Do it for Diamond butt charity! 4 days left!
  2. Hey guys, I have donated some Canadian money for the good cause (and the RFC). Oh and I'm still alive.
  3. Yay, Ghostie is back!!! This is great news! I must say Obsidian hold the fort pretty well while you were gone. I'd be happy to do something with you all around christmas! As for me, I've been through stressing time lately at work/school (one and the same for me) I have a ton to do before christmas and time is running out. We're Tuesday and I'm already at 30 hours this week. For the good side I'm still in a relationship I'll try coming here more often, if my brain doesn't melt.
  4. Katarina got Xinned. Can't remember last time I won a 46-73 game. They were ahead by 7.4k at the end... http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1642042661/210896521?tab=overview Them teamfights plays though.
  5. Yay, first perfect ARAM game http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1638892721/210896521?tab=overview So much harder since you can't upgrade your items. I had like 7k gold at the end. ARAM is fun between season. Made me rediscover the fun of Xin and show me that I can build Cait and Jinx the same way. Jungle: Amumu and Xin ADC:Jinx and Cait Support: Janna or Morg (passable skill) Top: Kayle (passable skill) Mid Annie (passable skill)
  6. Still on the unsure side, but definitely at least heterosexual, as I have a girlfriend now.
  7. Hey, today is my 1st Bronyversary! Can't believe it's been a year I started watching a show about pastel ponies and friendship. It will consist mostly in watching mlp all day. I already have Too many Pinkies (my 1st episode ever) and Pinkie Pride (Bronyversary anniversary duh) in my aim. What else should I watch?
  8. Finished in Bronze II. Considering I had placed at Silver III, it's pretty bad. It was my first experience in Ranked and I lost big time at the start and never climbed back. I'll probably do better next season. My goal is to get at least silver, possibly gold.
  9. The Rarijack has been followed by Glowing Flask, the scientist pony Tumblr! Edit: Not much except reblogging answer on my Tumblr though
  10. Considering most of us though he may be gone forever, this is still great news .
  11. Way to be there on a Sunday night/monday morning so I miss you... Still happy to see you though! I hope you'll come back in the apple pie If not, my PM offer still stand.
  12. Same here. Got to Bronze I all excited. Get bad teams, go back to Bronze II.
  13. I just got promoted to Bronze I. I am very tempted to do a stupid playing spree to see if I can get to Silver V before November 10th 11:59 PM.
  14. Are you sure it's the glasses you're looking at in this picture? Not that I didn't look at it too.
  15. YES! @Obsidian Sky is back! I was all sad without you! I even became: And kinda left the forum for a time. But now you're back! I still mis Ghostie though Anyway... Welcome back! Oh, and...
  16. I know the feel. I should've just stopped playing when I hit Silver V Can't believe we won that: http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1610051949/210896521 Braum was mid and MF bullied her way to ADC because she would feed. Gragas was also supp or feed. First few minutes were flaming everywhere, then we started getting kills.
  17. Go a couple page back. He's gone and may not come back. So do I.
  18. Happy MLPFnniversary Ghostie! I hope that wherever you are in the unfabulous land of Texas you have a smile on your face. Thanks for everything! Shameless Paint edit
  19. You're not alone Obsidian,... I just hope that whatever happens, we all remain fabulous. Once fabulous, always fabulous.
  20. I hope we'll see you again, my friend. You were the shining diamond in a dark time of unfabulosity. You are the spark that started this wonderful family we have here. None of us would be the same without your presence. Good luck Ghostie, may the fabulous one always bask you in her light.
  21. Just got demoted to Bronze 1... I hate that Ez I had to support. ADC not doing any damage FTW....
  22. Look at what my non-brony girlfriend got me: I must admit my heart jumped when I saw it
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