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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Dovashy

  1. Action? TPAM really wants to do a RP.
  2. Banned for spreading King Sombra propaganda .
  3. Depends on what is about. TPAM has no signature.
  4. No. (I knew it.) TPAM has been an anti-brony.
  5. 10/10 comedic effect. 0/10 attractiveness Twilight is such a princess.
  6. I definately do gyrgfkegfklergeeqgfqrgurgiuggfkergehrgfregrgugrueigurgfregegregerhrhfkgefhjegfjfebjh TPAM is a Fluttershy fan.
  7. Banned for mistaking Fluttershy for Rainbow Dash.
  8. Banned for spelling "Fluttershy is best pony" wrong.
  9. Banned for being too naive to realise Fluttershy is best pony.
  10. @@MisterRe and @ (OOC: Let me know if anything is wrong with this post, also keep in mind Trident is a non-essential character, and can be killed off at any time.) Trident The Syndicate Pegasi made the first move, one flapped his wings, taking flight and swinging to Tridents right flank, the other flying to the left. There was no way Trident could fight them both at the same time, but then the Pegasus on the right was hit by a javelin, he died instantly and his body fell, pinned to the ground by the large javelin. Trident didn't have anytime to see who'd thrown it when the Pegasus on his left was on him. He blocked its first swing with a clash of his sword. The sound of metal on metal rung through his skull. Trident followed the block with a jump, tackling the Pegasus out of mid air, taking him by surprise and sending them both crashing down to the ground. There was a sickening crunch as the combined weight of Trident, and his City Guard armour proved too much for the Syndicates bones to handle. As Trident pulled himself up, sword at the ready, the Syndicate pegasus was already dead, his body contorted from the numerous bones that had been broken. Trident swallowed the repulsion that was about to manifest itself physically from his throat, and turned to face the chaos once again. The marketplace was completely destroyed, almost all the stands had been toppled over now. Many of the patrons, and stall ponies were face down in the dirt, or had managed to flee. There were City Guard bodies scattered around the rubble, and a few Syndicate ones. There was still a few skirmishes, but the City Guard seemed to be gaining control of the marketplace once again. He looked up to the walls, and saw another skirmish happening up there, two ponies were cutting across the walls, heading for the control room of one of the gates. The Syndicate must've had more reinforcements waiting outside! He knew they couldn't afford more hostiles gaining entry, so he started to race up a nearby staircase, taking them two at a time. He needed to stop those two ponies, and fast. Three other City Guardsponies must've realised what he was trying to do, because they fell in behind him, and all four of them reached the top of the wall, puffing and looking around desperately for the two syndicate ponies making their way to the control room. The female one had broken off, and was making her way to the main gate control room, leaving the stallion to keep the rest of their forces distracted. The wall shook as a grenade went off, and Trident had to grab the side of the battlements to steady himself. Some weakened sections of the wall broke off, and Trident heard them crash on the streets below, there were a few screams as the rubble squashed a group of awaiting Syndicate soldiers. "You two, get that stallion!" Said Trident taking command in the heat of the moment "You," he said gesturing to the remaining one, who had a bleeding cut on his front leg. "On me, we will get the mare." They all begun galloping towards their targets, this was it, if they failed, all was lost. They were all that stood between Victory or Defeat for the City Guard. Trident felt the responsibility weighting down on him like a ton of bricks. He could do this, he would kill that mare, they'd parade her around the fortress, and the Syndicate soldiers waiting outside would flee. He'd save them all, he knew he would. This is what he thought as he and the bleeding guardspony at his side ran towards where Fe'are was fiddling with levers in the control room, and the other two guardsponies raced towards Sunset unbeknownst to more City Guards charging him from behind.
  11. At 10 o'clock? I think not! TPAM watches Game of Thrones?
  12. Yes TPAM is the TPAM but not the TPAM yesterday because the TPAM was not the TPAM, but was TPAM yesterday.
  13. I think that Magikarp looks scary. TPAM agrees with my statement.
  14. Cake?! TPAM is wondering how I don't like cake?
  15. Got Ninja'd by two posts, but my answer remains the same... TPAM is in a roleplay.
  16. @@Mailittlepony It's Awesome, thanks
  17. @ Thanks so much! Not trying to be a pain or anything, but do you think you could make it a teeny bit brighter yellow, like the one of the far right (In spoiler). If it's too much of a hassle, don't worry about it. Thanks again.
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