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Everything posted by Antidaeophobia

  1. Hello, I moved into my house on Feb 1st, and I'm finally getting my office set up. Unfortunately since I'm renting, I can't do anything permanent or major that I can't correct later. One of my walls I'm setting up to be cat friendly, so my beasties have a place to climb. My office is also where I hold meetings with customers, and with social workers, and so on, so I'm looking to make it really visually interesting, and welcoming- while on a budget. I intend to put all my fan stuff out and on shelves, and put my posters and stuff out. However, I'm looking to decorate my walls with a few small paintings (max size 15"x15" inch). I'm considering pixel art. I might do a few Mario related ones, but frankly Mario art in geek offices has gotten really cliche. I'm looking to do mostly pokemon and MLP stuff. Do you have any recommendations of art that might look cool in my office? Also, any DIY geek stuff that might be cool in an office? (I like Doctor Who, Star Trek, MLP, and Pokemon)
  2. How's this work for you? Ok? I got you next.
  3. I'm gonna rock this shit outta the park. *happy bird dance*
  4. Hello everyone. I every once in awhile do free commissions for people. I'm offering 3 free drawings for the first three people to reply to my post. I do show accurate style work. I can make you an image 500x500 px with a transparent or white background, with your pony in show accurate colour. I require you ponies name, any past drawings of it or proper description as well as if they look similar to a show based pony, and cutie mark. I will not design a character for you, that's up to you. If you're ok with my doing some artistic free ranging, let me know. Some of my work: (the images below belong to me and are not for others use. Thank you)
  5. LMAO! Awesome, great expression too!
  6. I've been gone because I was seriously ill for the past year. Finally back online, and feeling better. :)

  7. Does anyone know of some good sites where I can buy dress shirts for tall slim men. I wear athletic fit mens shirts anyway, but I'd like to pick up a shirt for my friend. He's 6' 3" and skinny. Any suggestions on websites?

  8. I have two best friends. My first friend, Brittany, I met in Junior High in math class. We were assigned to sit next to each other. I have always been sarcastic and "mouthy", so I often cracked jokes through class and was "sassy". Brittany laughed all the time at my jokes, and told me how funny I was often. A few weeks after knowing each other, she asked me to go to a movie with her. I may have come off as pretty outgoing, and sarcastic, but I was dealing with some serious social anxiety and was fairly shy (still am) but I cover it with humor and sarcasm, and pretend to be outgoing. We went to the movie, and had so much fun together we starts spending time together often, and we became insperable. She lived with my mom and I off and on because her family was abusive to her, and she's been like my sister ever since; 15yrs later we're still family to each other. We accept each other for our weirdness, and she's incredibly kind. My second best friend, I'm even closer with. I met him when I was 21yrs old (27yrs now), and my mother and I went to an audition for Rocky Horror. He was sitting waiting with his daughter, who was 16yrs at the time. My mom and I are very social with strangers, and it was nice to find someone that was as talkative and friendly as we were. I harassed him into auditioning after his daughter, and he ended up getting the part as narrator. I cracked some very nerdy Star Trek jokes, and apparently he thought that was cool and he revealed he was a Trekkie. We became good friends working on the show together despite him being 24yrs older than me, we have a great deal in common. It wasn't until I started having some severe health issues, and he started taking me to the doctor that we started becoming best friend. He eventually started sitting with me during procedures since my mother wouldn't, bringing me food when I was ill, inviting me to go thrift shopping, and talking with me online late at night. I slowly began revealing to him how emotionally and verbally abusive my mother was, and he shared some of the shit he'd gone through. He ended up having to live with me for a short time (he's got some shitty people in his life), and by then, he was already my best friend. This past year in August my mother go married to a stranger on the internet, and then in October she abadoned the house with everything in it, and left me homeless, and my entire family disowned me. I was planning on living in my car, and had planned to kill myself once I found decent homes for my 2 cats and service dog. My friend found out I had knowhere to go, and pretty much saved my life, and gave me a place to live. He knows more about me than anyone ever has, and I can't imagine him not being in my life. He's the best person I've ever known.
  9. Merry Krampus my fellow bronies. I present my yearly holiday card for you, I hope you enjoy it. http://alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com/art/Merry-Krampus-578019603 For those uninitiated to Krampus: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krampus
  10. Antidaeophobia

    request OC Stuff

    I do show accurate ponies. What does your OC look like? Full body shot would help, or at least references. I can probably do it in a few days.
  11. Hope you're not overbooked, but I'd appreciate a drawing. Could you draw my draconequus, Tiamat? I love seeing drawings of OC's by other artists. Here's a reference: (Not shown: she has tiger paws)
  12. It's pretty expensive on Etsy. Like $200 for a full custom sheet set of just basic 2 pillows, flat sheet, and fitted sheet.
  13. To all the jerks that leave nasty reviews on peoples art and writing. Let's see you pick up a pencil, draw something, or write something, and expose it online for people to review and see how well you take being called nasty names. You can leave critique without being horrible. #DontbeaDick

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Antidaeophobia


      Also, every new writer and artist will make shit when they are first starting, and even when they get older, they will sometimes churn out a piece that is just plain awful. It happens sometimes.




      Oh, profanity! -Golden Freddy

  14. Yes, she's very egotistical. It can be so bad sometimes it can annoy people to the point people don't want to try and befriend her.
  15. Tia's idea of giving isn't really something that someone would want. She wouldn't give you money, as she has none and see no point in it. But she'd probably give someone a pretty rock, or a piece of yarn, or pretty much anything that catches her eye that would typically be considered junk. She doesn't really give typical things- but is highly offended if you don't appreciate it in the same way she does. She only gives to people she considers her friends, but as her friends they pretty much know that she's not going to give them anything of typical value, it's more 'the thought that counts' sort of deal.
  16. She's a draconequus, so that's going to make her a dork anyway. But since my OC is based directly on me, then yes, even if she wasn't a draconequus she would be a dork because I am a huge dork, nerd, geek, weirdo. I gave up on trying to change that aspect about myself a very long time ago. Your icon makes me hungry.
  17. I think many bronies are hypocrites in terms that they talk about love and tolerance, but then they verbally abuse each other. I've seen it for years, and it's getting worse. It makes me very sad to see people tear down other people down. We really are forgetting about following through with the whole love and tolerance thing. I find lots of bronies can be pretty brutal towards people's art, and especially if that person has an OC. As an artist, I take the whole 'if I don't like it, I ignore it' and 'there's no bad art, just art that isn't my taste' approach. But I had an incident recently where some bronies tracked my deviantart gallery down from another site I was on privately, and spent a good amount of time leaving mean comments, and harassing my friends and customers all because they didn't like my OC and felt the need to vocalize their dislike. I actually make a living by my art, so them leaving comments like that actually made people leave my page. It was rather surprising and pathetic they would go so far as to follow me from one site to another, and take time to leave mean comments. But then in the same breath I saw them telling some new bronies about how much we care about each other, even though they'd just spent time earlier that day calling me names like 'c**t' and 'talentless wh**e'. I've also noticed some people that harass people for disagreeing with them, and seem to create a witch hunt to the point the person leaves the forum or site they are on. The whole fandom could do to chill out. I miss the good old days of the fandom where we actually did good, and cared about each other. We seem so bitter now as a fandom. I'm sad, because as a group, we have so much potential to do good.
  18. I associate with draconequus species most (my icon is my fursona-I did have pink, white, and grey dreads when I made my character). I associate with draconequui because I've always been weird, and been called weird. I'm very colourful, and funny. I find Discord's struggles with friendship to mirror some of my own. I joke way to much, even during serious situation, but I can also be pretty wrathful. I also have some jealousy about sharing my friends. My second option would be earth pony; because I admire their work ethic
  19. I'm upgrading to a larger bed, and I'm looking to get some new bed stuff. I've seen a few of the items in target and walmart stores, but they tend to be pretty immature looking. I'm trying to have it MLP, but not quite in your face girly. I was going to make my own sheets, but I don't have the money at the moment to get the fabric I want. The fabric I was planning to use was this: http://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/1878274as my room was going to be painted purple. I would be open to making my own sheets with cheaper fabric, but I'm on a bit of a budget hence why I was thinking of just buying premade sheets. My goal is just not to go overboard with the ponies LOL. Any suggestions or links? My chair throw is this fabric:
  20. Our local dollar store, gas station, and one of our auto supply stores. The dollar store had puzzles, bracelets, and a few other kid items, such as a jump ropes and etc. The gas station had some brushable figures, and other knick-knacks; there are quite a few bronies working there LOL, and the auto store had car MLP stuff, like air fresheners, and seat covers (which I see me getting). I live in a college town, so being a brony is no big deal.
  21. My icon is just something I threw together quickly from one of my OC pictures I had in my files. My icon is my OC, Tiamat. Tiamat is basically me as a draconequus, and it mean't to look like me. My icon says that I'm both lazy (not bothering to make an actual icon) but also that I am colourful (I am), and also that I've got balls enough to use a draconequus OC even though people give me shit for it, and call me a furfag. Long live the Discordian Agenda!
  22. I never request art, I'm usually the one doing the requests LOL. But I figure I'm having a pretty shitty time right now, and feeling depressed, and some art would perk me up. I also thought it might give someone a chance to practice their drawing skills. I'd like to see if someone could draw something fun of my draconequus OC, Tiamat. I know she's colourful, but she's based off me (yes, I did have multicoloured dreads when I created her). A short summary that might help you come up with something: She's mischevious, fun, and sarcastic, but also kind, and loyal. She can seem like an annoying asshole when you first meet her because she's rather arrogant and prideful, but she's a great friend if you can get past her negative attributes. She's young for a draconequus, so she can be a bit immature. She loves pb&j sandwiches. Her favorite magic is where she regresses to a child and makes her servant play with her like a little kid; like dress up, tea parties, blowing bubbles, etc Her friend/servant is an albino changeling whom she both loves and dotes on, but occasionally torments, and likes to prank. I always like seeing peoples art, and I don't see many draconequus pieces on here. It's also cool to see what people come up with when they draw peoples OC's. References: Pics of me to show my hair:
  23. I know I haven't been on the site for awhile. I've neglected my other forums as well, and I've missed my friends. But as some of you know by my last blog, my mother met a man in may on the internet, went to visit him for a month in august, and 6 days after knowing him she married him. Since then, life just became a hell fest frankly. With my mother trashing my character, and acting as if I was the strange one for being concerned for her safety...you know, marrying a man you just met is a little abnormal. Midway through September, she informed me that she was moving at the end of October, and that I was not coming with her, and I needed to find a place to live, and that it was none of her concern what happened to me. I am chronically ill and disabled, so I don't have an income, which put me in a serious position. Pretty much, she was punishing me for some nonexistent infraction. I've had to change my number, and have been dealing with lots of abusive letters from family, and family friends who have started attacking me. It's been horrible, and has drained me of my energy and joy. Some of you may know what my mother is really like, some of you may only have known she got married unexpectedly and was being really mean. But to say that my family is cruel, is very spot on. To give you a bit of perspective of what I've been dealing with in my home. My mother is a narcissist, manic depressive, has bipolar disorder, and is a hoarder. My home has since I can remember, been filled to the brim with things. I wont go into details, but it's been a toxic and verbally abusive life with my mother. I had packed my things, and was attempting to work on commissions to get money to survive. My mother, spent most of her time on her laptop, ignoring packing completely- but it wasn't my problem to help her. So when the night came that we needed to move out, I did what she told me to do which is 'worry about yourself, you're an adult and not my problem anymore'. So my friend and I dealt with everything that was mine. My grandma came despite me saying I was not ok with it since she's elderly, and my mom and grandma were packing. My mother wasn't packed at all, and had to leave in 5hrs for the airport. She hadn't got her shipping labels in order, my mom got herself a u-haul truck, and my friend and I had to take all my stuff by my car. Well, by the 3rd time we came to my house to get a load of stuff, things had descended into complete anarchy, and my mother was having what I could only describe as a psychotic break, and I didn't feel safe in my home anymore and my friend, who'd grown up in an abusive household and is very protective of me, took charged and wanted me to leave immediately for my safety. So my friend and I got my animals, I took my most important boxes and bags, and we left with the intent to get the rest of my things the next day as the house wasn't being cleaned out till the 2nd of November. Around 2hrs later, when my mom was being taken to the airport for Alaska, she sent me this. "Bravo. Well done. You win. You got your revenge on me, and kudos on the bonus of having your 81yr old grandmother in the position to move furniture. You promised to help. So- here is everything. How does it feel? All yours. We got you a storage unit, and a truck, so we don't have the money to change my ticket. 1800Junk will be there on Nov 2 to clean everything out. Good Luck." Of course none of these accusations are true. But this is what narcissists do- everything is always everyone else's fault. Everyone is expected to drop what they are doing to assist the narcissist or you are the enemy, and because I finally stood up and said 'enough of the abuse' I have been getting vile and horrible messages from family and family friends who have heard the heavily edited story my mother has been telling them. The storage unit that was suppose to be mine was closed, thank goodness I had nothing in there or I literally would have lost everything. I came back to the house the next day to get my stuff, and everything was there. She packed and took absolutely nothing with her, and the house is jam packed with stuff. As I stated before- my mother is a hoarder, and collected vintage things. I've spent the past couple of days, literally going through box after box, in every room with my best friend, and 7 members of his wife's church. All in an attempt to save family heirlooms, genealogy, and photos...all my baby pictures I found in the trash. I've saved what I can, but just like the house, I was thrown away like garbage. I was coping pretty well, trying to keep it together so I could finish the task of packing up the most important items. The final day my best friend and I were at the house getting the final items I needed, when all of a sudden my grandma just showed up. She showed up to clean out the fridge...talk about priorities. I will go into details later, but I had a break down, and my friend had to get me to his house quickly. I couldn't handle it anymore. I was sobbing and crying in his arms, and all my grandma could do is pat me roughly on the back and say 'oh, that's to bad' and walk away. My friend has some WORDS with my grandmother after that as he was so furious at how she was treating me. It's hard to consider myself a victim of abuse even though I had been for most of my life. No one likes to feel like they aren't in control, and it can blind you to the truth. But when a dozen people who I've never met, entered into my home, and looked around, and look at the hoard, and the fact that she left me, and threw my baby pictures away, and they can say 'A sick mind lived here' it's really shaken me, and opened my eyes. You never know what peoples homes are like, and even what condition your friends live in. Not everyone has a good family life, and not all parents appear like vile monsters in public, some can appear to be completely likable and fun- my mother was that. Untreated mental illness destroys families, and the victims of abuse have hard time recognizing there own situation. I'm hoping to come to terms with the sort of life I've lived, and that my life was not normal. I want to thank all of you who not just ordered commissions and let me put them on hold while I deal with all this, but also those of you that selflessly donated money to me in my time of need- it saved me. It's wonderful to know there are good people out there that care. I hope someday I can come to terms with it, and learn to better myself. I'm mostly hoping that with me sharing this, and also future journals and pictures, that people in the same situation will realize that things can change and get better. Once you get away from your abuser(s), you can learn to blossom. ~Anti~ PS: A special thanks to the Mormon church for helping an Atheist in need.
  24. Hello fillies and gentlecolts. I know I haven't been on in awhile. Long story I'll address in my blog. But if I've done any art for you, like OC's and etc. Would you mind sending me copies for my portfolio. I lost a bunch of my old art files. Many thanks my friends.

  25. I agree. It's nice to see that Twilight isn't flawless, and I think Discord helped her see that. In his own messed up way, he's teaching Twilight some of the lessons that Celestia was too nice, or unable to teach- such as, the worst aspects of ourselves. I love Q, and I guess that's why I love Discord so much. It wasn't a great episode, I think making the audience part of the out crowd instead of in on the jokes really made this episode difficult to enjoy, and also, missed a great opportunity to animate some fun scenes- which Discord is perfect for. Discord is one of the few characters that dominates, and uses every element of the environment. They really short changed his character this time, and the episode could have been handled better even though the lesson was solid.
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