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Everything posted by Antidaeophobia

  1. My best friend knows I do art and crafts professionally and has been really supportive of helping me get my business going. He also knew I couldn't afford a drawing tablet. So he gave me a drawing tablet a couple months ago so I could do art. Recently he did something really sweet. My computer had a system crash and completely stopped working, so he completely customized a new computer system for me, he got it set up perfectly for me, has helped me get it customized with a pony theme. Two weeks ago he came over and spent the day with me and we painted my families kitchen. We're working on a design together and he's going to build me shelves in my closet. Also, I've been dealing with a severe flare up of my chronic health issues, so he's been driving me to doctors appointments, sitting with me, and supporting me during this tough time. He also has had to take care of me after I've had a couple seizures and he was really patient and kind. I wouldn't trade him for anything, he's the best friend anyone could ever ask for.
  2. From my experience, quite a few people I've met have hated bronies with the delusion that we must be pedophiles or into bestiality because we like my little pony. I hear this, and even my neighbor across the street said this, and she was surprised when I said 'I like My Little Pony, and that's not what bronies are about'. She's now found out her son, me and several people she's met who are clearly adults, are into the show. Including a few military people she knows that came out to her as MLP lovers. Most people judge out of ignorance, or preconceived notions of what they believe gender roles are. My neighbor upstairs got really angry when my best friend talked about ponies with me in front of him and joked about how he wanted to wear my Princess Luna shirt, but because he's a male; My neighbor told him he 'needed to have his man card revoked' and said he 'wasn't a real man' and some idiot crap like that (my best friend in his 40's like my neighbor and family man, he just doesn't believe in stupid gender roles). All the people I've known personally that judged bronies harshly, once they realized I was a brony, and they've heard me talk about it, talk about the community and the different people I've met; they've become more accepting. My mother was initially a little annoyed with my new pony love. She's use to be obsessing over fandoms and I've been a Trekkie since I was 4yrs old, but she thought me getting into something she viewed as clearly a cartoon for 5yr olds- was "weird as hell". But I asked her to give it a try because it mean't alot to me, and she now supports my love of the show because she sees it's actually a good show and that I love it. My best friend isn't a brony, but he supports me and gets excited when I make new fanart. I also send him my little pony doodles when he's sad because it cheers him up because ponies are adorable. He also defends me when people talk badly to me. People judge because they're ignorant; and sadly, some of those people don't want to learn the truth. Sure, some fans can be obsessive jerks, all fandoms have fans like that. I was a trekkie first and foremost before this show, so I know how weird and obsessive some fans can get. But people need to realize that those few fans that are awful, are not representative of this entire fandom, and frankly, we can't stand those jerks either. LOL
  3. Hey, I just wanted to show off some of the work I've been doing and seeing what you all think. I hand knit and hand stitch everything on my hats myself. Hat I made as part of an art trade, this is The Great & Powerful Trixie (I'm making my 4th Vinyl Scratch hat at the moment LOL she's really popular) I'm doing the pattern for the villains and princesses at the moment, I hope to start on Discord, Luna, Celestia, Cadence, Sombra and Chrysalis soon. I'm also going to make Scootaloo for my cousin's new baby. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nightmare Rarity figure Daring Do-Art trade I finally got apoxie for my custom figures, so I'm currently working on Flutterbat, Nightmare Moon and Sombra and I'll get those painted soon. Let me know what you think? Also, what sort of other items would you like to see me make? What sort of custom items do you look for when buy pony stuff? If you like my work, you can see more images and commission info and etc on my deviantart. Hopefully you like my stuff and you'll favorite it and we can chat. Alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com Reviews are welcome!
  4. http://alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com/art/Great-and-Powerful-Trixie-hat-447208891 The latest my little pony hat I knitted. This one was made as part of an art trade. :D
  5. I know what you mean, scanning can be very frustrating. I think your Derpy and Doctor Whooves image is quite good. I think you've improved the quality a bit with your work. You could even try smudging some of the shadow in photoshop with the smudge tool to even everything out a bit. I've been on deviantart for 10yrs, the account I'm currently using is only 5yrs old though. I'm just beginning to draw ponies,I draw alot of tribal and make textile crafts, like knitted pony hats and custom figures. Alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com I hope you maybe friend me! These two images I sent are old pieces I did in 2007 when I was still scanning my work. (This was my December icon I drew)
  6. http://alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com/art/Pinkie-demands-cuddles-420911931 Pinkie Pie needs cuddles! Another doodle for my friend. When he gets sad, I send him cute doodles to make him happy.
  7. http://alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com/art/Fluffy-batpony-447399319 A doodle I did for a friend, A fluffy bat pony doodle.
    1. N.W.


      My god, it's adorable

    2. Antidaeophobia


      Thank you! I'm glad you like it!


  8. The best thing you can do is after you're done drawing, ink your work with a thin tip pen. You can buy grey scale line art ink pens, I bought mine in grey scale and sepia. They were really helpful. Investing in comic ink pens is worth it. This will give you nice crisp line work . Also, you can use some of the grey scale markers to add shading (I like Winsor & Newton), or you can color with grey in Photoshop depending on what style you're looking to do. If you're trying to stay traditional, like what I use to do, is after I was done drawing, I erased as much of the extra lines, smudging and extra stuff I didn't want to show up in a scan as I could. Then, in Photoshop, I would use to contrasting and brightness. However, if I wanted a line art, I would draw the original drawing in aqua pencil and then scan it, I'd use the ink pen and the threshold tool. Most of the smudging you can clean up with the erase tool in your Photoshop as well. I hope I helped some, but if I didn't answer your question let me know. I'm always happy to help another artist. I'll check into it this weekend and see if I can't tell you an easier and more helpful way to get it done. I look forward to seeing your drawing. I've started a collection with pieces people have drawn or made for me over 10yrs. It's really cool to get different styles of peoples work and how they progress.
  9. Just signed up, getting to know the site. I look forward to meeting some new friends on here. :D

  10. Really excellent work, you do a wonderful job with action and expression. Your drawings are also really adorable and sweet and you did a great job of capturing their personalities. The only critic I would have is to try and clean up your scans a little. I know how difficult that can be though, I only recently got onto a tablet and off of scanning my work, so it can be really difficult. Perhaps inking and making the lines darker would help as well. I'd really like to see your work with some nice crisp inked lines to polish you're already excellent work. If you'd draw Discord and Fluttershy for me; maybe doing something silly or napping together (maybe with a bunch of other animals), I'd really like that. I'll print it out and put it with my collection next to my desk. Keep up the good work, you've really come far in such a short amount of time. My ponies when I first started looked like foxes, so you rock.
  11. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle How did you find MLP Forums?: How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I'm an professional artist and crafter living in Iowa. I've been in the my little pony fandom since the first season and found out about it through my friend on a Star Trek forum (I love original and next generation), I've been on Everypony forum for awhile, but most of my friends have left the forum and I've decided to leave that forum and start new. Hopefully make some new friends and show off some of my art. I'm a big fan of Discord, I really love his character. I loved the show before Discord however, he was just the cherry on top of the awesome cake. When I'm not working on my crafts, I love obsessing over my favorite fandoms; Star Trek (TNG and TOS), Supernatural, Hellsing, Harry Potter, District 9, Legion, and of course MLP to name a few and also writing fanfiction, my own original stories and playing with my animals (I'm a bit of a Fluttershy when it comes to animals). I love creating original my little pony characters and helping other create their own characters. The character in my icon is my original earth pony character Nova turned into a Nightmare villain (I adore Nightmare Rarity's design) I also knit my little pony apparel and make custom figures. My favorite pony right now is Twilight Sparkle or Pinkie Pie. I'm hoping to make lots of new friends on here, have some interesting conversation and maybe see some interesting fanart. Live Long & Prosper, Antidaeophobia
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