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Graveyard Duck

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Everything posted by Graveyard Duck

  1. Oh mercy, I paused the video at exactly the right moment.
  2. Aside from my signature, I'm pretty sure the last time I used cursive was for my SAT essay. I think it's...interesting...that they require it for that essay but for absolutely nothing you actually use in college.
  3. Oh, whew... I misread the title as "Which pony should be my dog for Halloween" and I didn't know what to make of that. Given the teeth situation, Rarity.
  4. If you didn't go then don't write a college thesis about it. That's like reviewing a movie or video game based on other peoples' reviews. You're bound to hear biases come out, one way or another.
  5. A lot of them are pretty nonsensical, but I have a history for hating on Fluttermac. Until Season 4 they shared absolutely zero screentime, and even then they didn't really have any romantic chemistry.
  6. The big difference I can see is that Mac is stoic in nature, and Fluttershy is very...not.
  7. His turkey call attracted an actual turkey, and they had a conversation that lasted so long that it completely fatigued his vocal folds.
  8. Just curious, do they mention the overall efficiency of the solar cells they're using? I'm trying to crunch some real data.
  9. I wish they would print weirdly and eerily specific fortune cookies. "You should probably see a doctor." "Enter your house from the back door when you get home, you'll thank me later." "Check your trunk before you get in your car."
  10. A chapter should ideally be an entire, self-contained story by itself, with its own sort-of introduction, buildup, climax, and falling action. A small scene usually isn't enough to constitute a chapter. But it's pretty good writing! Definitely keep going and keep refining.
  11. It could happen if it's implemented incrementally. Keep in mind that, at least in the US, road management is part of municipal government, and a lot of towns and cities could have the funds to install it within their own jurisdiction. If it's as effective as I hope it is, that reduced financial load on energy would eventually let the project pay for itself, and they could even sell excess power to neighboring cities, thereby passing on that reduced financial load on energy and possibly even enabling them to install their own solar roads. And then the sweet cycle continues. It would be very difficult to implement this as a grand national-scale project, but if it starts on a local scale, I think it could definitely happen.
  12. As a vehement opponent of carbon-based fuels, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKayLq1d5Bs
  13. I speak for the good of the fandom to say: STOP THIS. Most brony haters cite the fact that we are an ultra aggressive fandom that . So stop shoving it down everyone's throat. If you want to have an actual conversation about MLP then by all means do so, but if you take part in this you're tainting everyone's view of us.
  14. This is like cold reading. The language is so foggy that pretty much anyone could apply to any of these. So, I call BS.
  15. I need to remind myself that this is a PG-13 forum... ahem... Eh, I don't really have an actual opinion. I don't think most of the franchise is all that great (except for the first one, that was decent enough) but whatever, let people like what they want to like.
  16. Yup, Reverberate is a cool effect. (I love being able to counter other counterspells in red) But it doesn't lend itself very well to this deck, since the only instants or sorceries in it are Swords to Plowshares. Storm doesn't really work too well either, since I usually don't end up playing more than one spell per turn anyway. The goal of the deck is to stall the game for as long as possible in order to get Personal Sanctuary and Manabarbs on the board. By this point I generally have a few mana tax effects available (which help in stalling the game), so pretty much anything the opponent does after this point ends up hurting them. And from there it's just slowly starving them off options. An Earthquake with a high X generally wins the game for me. But, like I said, I run this deck with no creatures. So it's pretty vulnerable, at least until I get my pillow fort down to deter attackers. That's what I'm trying to improve on.
  17. Well, it should ideally be a show for all genders, so we still have a problem, right?
  18. *thread necromancy* (By the way, we really do need a for-realsies MTG thread around here. ) I was wondering if anypony could help me tune a deck? I posted this on the GitP forums a few days ago, but didn't really get any help. So? Any suggestions?
  19. Well that makes sense at least. And I just cleared it with my folks, since I'll be done with school by then it will be easier for me to attend the whole con and still make it for Easter. So I'll be there! Maybe with a VIP pass too!
  20. Mass is more important that definition anyhow...
  21. Come on, that's a pretty bold claim. You can get flowers for anyone and for a lot of different reasons.
  22. Not especially. I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I'm wielding a 5000 pound hunk of mostly-metal capable of moving 7 times faster than any human has on foot. I used to be terrified of driving but I've gotten more used to it. I'd still rather take a bike though...
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