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Everything posted by StitchandMLPlover

  1. I just remembered I had this blog. My apologies for not posting. In Brony news I follow MLP G5 and I don't hate it. I loved "Roots of Evil" 2 parter so much! I loved the cameo of Spike but I agree the designs of dragons are a bit weird. I love the song "Magic in Us" ! I also follow Tell Your Tale and find the episode about Misty and the Spell book and Sunny feeling alone as an alicorn to be 2 of the best episodes of G5. I'm still making films as well so stay tuned for more!
  2. A clip of "It All Takes Time" features Sunny and her father when Sunny first got her cutie mark. I loved seeing the Mane 5 that young. It was beautiful to see more of Sunny and her dad. I wonder why they have flags depicting their cutie mark...
  3. Everybody knows G4 has flaws and G5 has even more. If G5 could increase length, slow down and hit more emotional beats it would work much better like the scene where Misty redeems herself.
  4. Anybody think this is real? I have trouble buying this...
  5. I agree about Zipp in Make Your Mark. She was my favorite character in the special and I think we can see more of her flaws in the new "Tell Your Tail" as well as her "detective" side here
  6. I like that Sunny still has wings and a horn but not permanently like Twilight. Sunny's magic seems to work like Equestria Girls Friendship Games magic where they power up when in harmony etc. I have seen a lot of complaints about the animation. The colors look different and the ponies look less fuzzy but it really doesn't bother me. I have seen worse 3D animation. The new voice cast sounds similar enough to the movie that the voice acting sounds fine to me too.
  7. As someone who briefly taught autistic adults and kids in my field I can tell you the "social skills" classes they are subjected to are nothing but artificial scripts and the instructor doesn't teach them the deeper meanings behind social behavior. I wish people who had autism were exposed to Twilight's friendship school instead because I think Twilight's school teaches that friendship applies to every single aspect of life, school, fashion, cooking, etc instead of "act like an able bodied non autistic person because I told you to".
  8. I really liked this one because we finally saw some character development on Pip as loving to style hair. Loving Mane hair styles and wanting good reviews fits Pip perfectly. I like how Sunny stepped in to help and Zipp was awesome! It was hilarious to see Philis with a bold spot. I like that Pip is contributing to Maretime Bay by having a salon.
  9. Good. I'm glad it was a neutral piece. Last I saw MLP in the news it was to bad mouth Gen 5 as political.
  10. The movie was confirmed to be intended to be harmless and had no political agenda according to DR WOLF so I feel validated in my view of the film.
  11. I'm glad the movie had no political agenda according to that interview. As for cutie marks there was probably tech issues with the cutie marks that would explain the decision. Adding a 6th character would not be simple.
  12. Yes exactly I saw nothing "iffy" or preachy in the movie and felt the press release was nothing like the actual movie and did the movie a disservice. Some people just have issues with how Diversity and Inclusion are talked about rather than the concept itself. YES. MLP season 8 was definitely not as good at racism metaphor as G5. G5 feels better executed in that regard. I agree it's about how the message is delivered. Yes good point the civil rights movement/1960s etc had a lot of the same elements in them. In my case I was just talking more specifically about personal experience in disability rights activism where disability rights activists seem to get more angry over say, for example, what an accessible bathroom is called rather than if the bathroom itself is actually accessible unlike in something like the documentary "Crip Camp" on Netflix where they were dealing with structural barriers and had better priorities than just wordings. Wordings and delivering a message effectively is very important like what I said about how messages are delivered, but as Hitch pointed out to Sunny you need concrete evidence and reasons for people or ponies to latch onto. You have to follow though with respectful concrete actions to your words. I see more anger filled preaching than effective actions that improve society nowadays. Excuse my rants on disability rights, I just find a small element of disability rights to be toxic, racist and close minded but that's for me to figure out. I was pissed at both NY Times and Gutfield for that display they each put on. Both missed the mark. It was indeed mental gymnastics. I agree with you about Pinkie and Izzy, both are intelligent in their way. Izzy is just less of a screamer and appears to have a longer attention span than Pinkie.
  13. Yes the marketing was the worst because they used "activist" "Diversity" and "Inclusion" all in the same press release, which can sound too political because very good terms have been misused by badly trained activists and political commenters. The lessons are fine, what people don't like about about activism today in general is the techniques used. As someone who dabbles in disability rights activism I see from personal experience that some activists just want to blame every single thing on who they are angry at without the anger being truly fully connected to the issue, similar to how the pegasus ponies blamed earth ponies and unicorns for the royals fake flying and being "phony pony full of boloney" . Righteous anger has a purpose. Misdirected anger is dangerous. Sprout is a perfect example of anger gone wrong. I have seen more "activism" like Sprout's in modern times in disability rights personally than Sunny's type of activism. Just IMHO and it breaks my heart.
  14. Yes. I saw people screeching on both sides the movie was CRT woke inclusion whatever. As I said in a pervious thread some think "woke" as in good as in the New York Times review, and people who thought it was woke as in bad was on TV (I can't find the exact clips. So sorry.) Basically I think G5 can be interpreted any way people want. I don't see overt messages besides unity whereas others seem to see "antiracism" in a politics sense. The only line I hated was in the soundtrack release of "Fit Right In" where Izzy raps "The world is not big on inclusion" which annoyed the hell out of me because the line is too on the nose for the rest of the movie. So woke concerns were valid but the movie itself was fine and I saw some of the FIM crew were involved when I read the credits so I think they want to keep it pony magic not direct overt political commentary.
  15. I agree, Sunny is too sure of her beliefs and she had to learn her pony world was more complicated than in her mind and that she's not always right.
  16. That's a cool idea to me as someone who was homeschooled for 4 years. (I went to public for the rest of my schooling). Sunny's father is a very engaged parent so it makes sense for him to home school. I just wonder where Sunny's mother is and if she has influence over Sunny's character journey in the upcoming series.
  17. My guess was vegan baloney. Vegan meat might be popular with ponies. If they eat vegan meat maybe unicorns thought it was real meat hence rumors Izzy learned. Or it was just a gag. More likely a gag. G4 has word play like that.
  18. Yes I see it as vary possible that as magic returns the cutie mark will appear on the other side of the pony flanks.
  19. I completely agree Sunny is not a Mary Sue. I would add, Sunny's big flaw is her naive overly optimistic nature, she doesn't think of any consequences or back up plans should her big ideas go wrong like when she's thrown in prison in Zepher Heights or when the crystals don't work. She has a terrible habit of preaching her message without showing concrete reasons as to why ponies should listen to her until later in the movie which even Hitch points out. Sunny still believes unicorns shoot lasers at Earth Ponies for no reason because she was still subject to propaganda.
  20. My theory is you need magic drained completely in order for a cutie mark to disappear since we see Tirek able to drain magic completely with cutie marks gone and in season 9 of G4 also drain magic just partially and have the cutie mark still there.
  21. Some think "woke" as in good as in the New York Times review, but I can't link from there since it redirects trying to get me to subscribe and the person who thought it was woke as in bad was on TV so I can't find the exact clip. So sorry. Basically I think G5 can be interpreted any way people want. I don't see overt messages besides unity whereas others seem to see "antiracism" in a politics sense.
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