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Ruby Pinch

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Posts posted by Ruby Pinch

  1. Blaze Uses her immense wing power to take off and carry the wolf with her, also gouging her hoof, she then shakes the wolf off and lets him smack into a tree a great distance into the woods.

  2. Blaze shines her horn and casts her paralysing spell on the wolf "NOT SO FAST!" she yells at Razzor, She then whispers, but loud enough for the wolf to hear "How am i gonna keep him at bay, He'll get at me soon enough and he'll kill me."

  3. Blaze sees Keel and She tries to walk to aid him but immidiatly fails after collapsing again because of her ankle she twisted when she collapsed before

  4. Blaze stumbled around the deck of the ship looking for any pony to help her to a lifeboat "uhhhh, being out on the deck for ages does not help, I think im going to collapse." Blaze continues to look for a lifeboat with little success. "Uh, I'm hungry, AND the ships sinking, what a trip." Blaze collapses within sight of Captain Keel.



    (Sorry i ain't posted since page 1 lol, had things to do.)

  5. Accepted, added to list


    This is probably something I should've asked for from the beignning, but I also would like everyone to tell me what (if anything) the characters use for communication


    Dash Doesn't really need a Communication device, because she can get around large distances in short amount of times lol, why do you think she's called Rainbow Dash xD

  6. Blaze turned and listened as the captain announced the departure and then suddenly flew to the bow of the boat and looked off the front at the harbour then spinning round and staring at a group of ponies and frantically thinking "I hope they don't notice me." she then smashed herself with her hoof and looked at the harbour again as the ship spluttered alive.

  7. The Pink Alicorn Hears the Captain over the intercom and trots to the ship "Hmm, Hope nothing bad happens, been waiting for this for Ages." Blaze whispers as she approaches the ship hauling her bags on her back, not using her magic for her own sake, She see's the Grey Pegasus and wonders what he's here for "Hello, Why are you standing infront of the stairs into the Ship?" she asks as she trots up to him.

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