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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by QuickTime

  1. gosh ive been so busy i havent been on here in a while. all i can say is im excited for risen 3 bring back the its so bad its good rpg

  2. "Happy 2013th birthday amercia......" said a facebook post last year today. i still feel the stupid in my blood

  3. the behemoth are making a new game also , its title right now is just "game 4" but theyve already been having some promotion about it and made some merch for it. im kind of excited. i loved alien hominid and castle crashers. battle block has amazing atmosphere but the other two games are more fun for me.
  4. just unloaded a truck. and got angry about something that ill have to have a word with someone pretty soon about it.

  5. i cleaned my house today. i found money. i must have been super lazy to not clean if getting paid randomly was part of it

  6. big mac. cause really who doesnt wanna hear eeeeeyup everytime you ask a question instead of the actual answer
  7. i woke up with a headache. but i have some weird cake made of veggies so its all good i guess

  8. Just woke up to confusion and wondering if i should even bother saving money at this point because i have no clue whats going down.

    1. Malinter


      saving money is the best go to action when you don't know whats going down

    2. QuickTime


      well when i knew what was going down saving money was perfect but there's no point if what i think was going down is actually not.

  9. its elsajack. the frozen apple vendor >=3
  10. i have no clue what i did. but i was told to stop. confusion ensues.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. QuickTime


      everything happens for a reason,

      and yes i do the same. conversation is very fun, and i play way too many games. just lately ive been playing wildstar, murdered: soul suspect i beat it, wolfenstein, tales of xillia for the third time, tales of the abyss. ect. music wise for myself my tastes change randomly from anything in the mindless self indulgence region to classical to ska, to heavy metal. one of my friends is heavy into k pop i havent really listened to much myself.

    3. Panne


      I take it you're a Microsoft fan with that game line up? I prefer Nintendo(I'm very light hearted) to all the bang bang bullet gun games. I do have an Xbox 360 though. My favorite K-pop bands are B.A.P (generally more punkish, but they will do some cute romance song for the ladies every now and then), Block B (They ae just weird and will catch you of guard by with the strangeness in each music video), and Sistar (They are sooooooooooooo hot. They pretty much spawned my love of asain...

    4. QuickTime


      i love all forms of gaming. that was just lately. im actually a big nintendo buff and fan because the first game i ever owned was links awakening dx on the gbc, i dont have a wii u sadly because of money. but im happy they announced an open world zelda game for 2015 at e3, and i think she listens to sistar if i remember she told me that one time. but when it comes down to gaming i judge game to game. console exclusives are just bothersome between sony and micro, nintendo has been its own sinc...

  11. practice can make anything happen, they look great if she keeps going itll only get better
  12. sometimes i really wonder if game devs even think about promises they make. like wildstar was supposed to launch at 3 its half past and theres no notice or anything. i mean that may not seem like a long time but ihavent slept in over 24 hours and i wanted to make my character. fuckin a

  13. dont go down alleys with guys when they promise candy, and make sure to have a broad portfolio for job options
  14. i use to love the fact vega's mask would get knocked off or his claw and it made it fun to try and collect them as fast as you could
  15. to make it successful you would need pony related material in the server, such as skin packs color packs and the like. i havent played minecraft in a while but servers go dead as soon as you stop doing stuff in it as the owner
  16. i tend to like vega's stuff. seeing as some of it has that flare. havent listened to much street fighter stuff lately so i cant be totally sure
  17. most would say pewdiepie, my personal opinion is any reviewer on youtube. because apparently revieiwing these days means "i never played it past an hour because of x reason it must be bad" seriously if you want be be a reviewer buck the fuck up and actually see what the game is not what you wanted it to be. total biscuit is a huge one that does this but as i type this not as much as angry joe. he ripped eso a new one when he played about 5 levels of it and said "its so boring and all you do is quest"........its an mmo.......and youre level 5.......what you want a raid?
  18. i have beaten watch dogs and i must say, for all the delays and cool stuff they showed pre release most of it was bland and the only fun new things are the digital trips and those arent even inventive

  19. exactly, so now that thats over =3 can i just say i love you? and give you a hug? because thats how i end all my discussions/ arguments. i hug the bajeesus out of the other person.
  20. roleplaying is like acting. to do so you have to make yourself believe thats who or what you are. i used to actively roleplay and i still do for fun with friends. creating a persona, i mask is difficult, my only advice would be to create a base for your persona and build off of it as time goes on. just like you did with your real self.
  21. so if you want to express yourself in a way that cant be understood then you have no argument and above all even if you had fun it was at no expense of mine. i enjoy seeing people who have no rhyme or reason skip their way around logic and make no points. and if youre hurt it was your own doing, cause and effect, you began this trip down the rabbit hole and now you have to deal with what to do so you dont die when you hit the bottom. insinuation is a word for a reason, that being someone can say many things without saying them. anyway i did what i wanted to when i joined this post and ill leave it to burn, have a good evening and heres hoping you learn to do something better with your time.
  22. its storming x.x and im just sitting here like man i wanna jump in a huge puddle

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Reality: I'm scared. o-o


  23. so my freedom gets put to the side because of your freedom? one word: hypocritical. if you really wanted freedom of expression this converstaion would have went in a totally different direction, namely one in which we would have tried to understand each other. rather then me stating my opinion you going on to dictate the meaning of my opion, me stating what you did, again you dictating what i meant. and after all that all you can do in the end is act like i want to infringe upon your freedom, when all i was doing was expressing my own. my entire conversation with you was to determine if you actually believed in what you said you did, and apparently you do not. you did not love, you did not tolerate. and i know the comback to this statement as all the others will be you trying to state i am wrong because "reasons", believe what you want but dont tell me im wrong because i stated my opinion. and using cutesy words doesnt take away from the malice in your posts. you are correct, talking about these things or posting about them causes nothing good as you can see from my....."friendly conversation" with the op. thank you for saying what i should have said in the begining rather than trying to converse.
  24. if you cannot explain your goal then you dont have one in the eyes of your peers. without concrete direction you will go no where and achieve nothng. and judging people on rather or not they listen to you is quite......ignorant if i say so. you dont judge if someone is higher or lower than you or anyone else. we are all on a level field, if you think otherwise you have a complex. i havent misunderstood anything because youve said nothing but talked in a circle and gave no reasoning. this isnt really a discussion anymore this is just me talking and you saying nothing like it was a rebuttal. all in all. you made something because you could, because you wanted to, nothing called on you to do it. except maybe if you have a little voice in your head, in that case you have worse problems than a complex on your hands. why would you even want to make a religion out of something that was great as it was, it just demeans the value of what we have here on this site and with our fellows because you thought its better to make it something its not. if you actually want to discuss your views and not tell me what i am and what i know, you can chat me up anytime.
  25. i wont argue your belief all im saying is your logic and theory behind it being anything but an obsession of a physical thing is flawed. religion isnt, at least wasnt, something you could just grab a (this is an example) coke and go i like this lets worship it!....i mean keep doing what you want but if you want someone to take you seriously have a better theory behind your idea. because "i made a religion because of ponies" wont really get you anywhere with anyone that has any sense. again this is an opnion and by no means actuality. im just giving you a heads up if you want to make this real you have to connect it to people and not yourself. aaaaaand i feel like a jerk just do what you feel is right. which is what youve been doing i know.
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