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Muffin (2/23)


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  1. Thanks all of you but I discussed it with my friends and I have come to a conclusion. I'll leave mlp on my lock screen, and home screen we are going to Claire's to get new earrings (I lost mine ) I realized they had pony merchandise last time and was afraid to ask but I'm going to buy it with my Claire's card when she isn't looking (and then she'll be right behind me DUN DUN DUN) and display it on my dresser. great idea celestial wish great ideas from all of you I'm not gay and I'm a girl if y'all want to know
  2. profile picture is good
  3. Can you make one for me? Please... I-I mean if you want to... LOL flutter shy impression but seriously can you? Name is daisy sprinkles, like a white pony with brown hair RAINBOW sprinkles on her too. Cutie mark, a RAINBOW daisy please. 8)
  4. Daisy sprinkles is the new name- kinda defines me I love flowers and sprinkles :)

  5. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash How did you find MLP Forums?: Google How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Duh. (Refer to picture) I can count to muffin!!! :3 My favorite color is rainbow! And I never leave home without my party cannon!!!
  6. Oh trust me <h1> I've tried and tried thanks though ~SF
  7. I've been hiding from everyone that I'm a brony, I was watching mlp on my phone at night and when my mom came in my room the next morning she saw and got all mad about it. I want to tell her, why do you care what I like?, my close friends know and two are also bronys. ??help!!! ~SF?
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