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Jamaican Jam

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Everything posted by Jamaican Jam

  1. I'm fine with the Nintendo Wii U!
  2. I watched it also for Dan Vs. As well as the Animaniacs.
  3. If it's EA making the game, than more than likely the game is doomed. EA has been voted #1 worst American company twice in a row.
  4. Just got Mario Kart 8 and downloading Pikmin 3!

  5. Hello Applejack. Apple Bloom broke my new chair with her cutie Mark crusading!
  6. Hey, Rainbow Dash, did you know I'm faster than you?
  7. I liked the one when you fight M.Bison in Street Fighter Alpha 3.
  8. Cars 2- I feel that a sequel wasn't necessary at all. It's like Disney only made a sequel to get more money from the film and to sell the toys. High School Musical movies- All of it was just a fad.
  9. I'd like one of this guy! His mane is the same on the other side of his face. I'd like it if he was in a dark forest surrounded by undead ponies. His cutie Mark is a NES controller. His tail is long enough to be flat on the ground. His name is Jamie.
  10. Duck Hunt on the Nintendo Entertainment System!
  11. Yes, it's been stated that any pony can become an alicorn, even earth ponies.
  12. Pewdiepie is definitely on the list, he's deceiving. Another one is Fred. I find it ridiculous that he even got two movies and a show on Nickelodeon (they both suck so bad).
  13. Mine was the one where Spongebob was trying to get Squidward to eat a crabby patty. Spongebob says it's good for your soul and Squidward then says I have no soul, *insert evil laughter*. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=tPWHU8aPBYONyATyoYK4DQ&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DMH40LuAmHok%26feature%3Dkp&cd=1&ved=0CCcQyCkwAA&usg=AFQjCNHVjt0d9qrUoDZm0G5XnL83y6OzQQ
  14. I guess it's nice that they're confident, but I couldn't help but cringe at that video.
  15. Silent Hill 1, 2, and 3. Especially with the third one and first one. There is a part of the game where the walls in a building were made of living flesh in the third game. The first one had like a giant fan in a school in the otherworld with bits of blood and flesh on it, as well as the with the dead people on ceremonial clothing throughout the otherworld; like one was in a bathroom stall being hanged by a bunch of wires, all bloody and dismembered.
  16. I think it's funny. I do like the Shrek films, but not everything needs to have a fanbase.
  17. Who is your favorite mane 6 pony? Applejack. who is your favorite background pony? Lyra. who is your favorite pony overall? Applejack. Have you watched the show? (answer yes or no) Yes. if so have you watched all the episodes? (again answer yes or no) Yes. Have you been to a MLP convention of any kind (you guessed it! just answer yes or no) Nope.
  18. This sounds interesting! I'll contribute to your research! How old are you?. 20 (21 in a few months) what is your gender? Male what is your ethnicity? Biracial Jamaican (half white like some German). I have a natural born tan. What is your sexual orientation? Straight. What are your religious beliefs or ideals? Nonreligious What is your Myers Briggs personality type? I (11%) S(1%) T(1%) P(56%)
  19. I think they're just trying to cash in on bronies.
  20. It's basically for promoting Rainbow Rocks and they release them a bit early to help make money.
  21. I too like to go to the movies myself. I get to choose which movie I want to watch when I want to watch without having to wait if the other person is interested. Plus no interruptions when I'm watching the movie. I did that for a couple of movies like when Iron Man 3 came out on opening night.
  22. Mehh, The only thing vinyl has her looks, nothing else that's special. I hope Applejack or Rarity makes it.
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